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Wednesday 2 January 2019

A Rock In The Middle Of Nowhere

We're just two days into the new year, and already 2019 is showing some of its perils. We talk about the fake news stories, and potential false flags, that are happening here in the UK.

As always, these items are always sensitive matters. It's up to you to do the digging, and look through some of the current news stories that are in the UK web sites, and papers. Decide for yourself which ones we are referring to. You shouldn't have to dig too far to sniff at least one of them out.

We report this, as we sense this is going to be a 2019 trend. More and more false trails and fake headlines to distract us ... and confuse us.

There is also an interesting story breaking out of NASA. You know the one we mean, about a lonely probe that travelled 13 years (Or is it 23 years) to rendezvous with a distant hunk of rock and ice? Apparently this rock is very important to us ... it is formed from the same stuff, at the same time as, our earth and the sun. Really? How can they KNOW that? This thing is a distant speck, supposedly so many billion light years away. And the images have been beamed back at the speed of light to us! A rock in the middle of nowhere. It's the most distant thing in our solar system apparently ... yeah right. 

A major distraction. A general bullshit and a private affair that we are not to know about. Something else is going on ... as we all know with NASA.

So there you go ... oh and yes, Qatar has announced a 100% SIN TAX on booze ... that's novel. There's going to be some taxation on sugar in the UK ... as they are trying to get our kids off sugar. Onto asparatame and other sweeteners instead I presume.

Not a lot has changed really in three days. But watch out for the roller coaster ride that lies ahead. Now that will be an alarming thing.