So, that's effectively the end of January 2019 for us Brits. Other parts of the world are already into Feb 2019; that's the total craziness of the machine codes of this world.
We're aware of the many 'wonders' that are coming to the surface of human consciousness. Much of it has already been mentioned here in the last few weeks - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, 5G AND ITS KILLER CLOUD; BREXIT; CHEMTRAILS AND DEPOPULATION; THE VACCINATION SCAM; THE ADVANCE OF TRANSHUMANISM. There are many, many, more things below the surface that The Hidden Hand are able to keep hidden. Just know those non-human electronic creatures, that lurk in electrical sub-realities, don't like us being 'universal consciousness and true awareness'. They cannot exist outside of the virtual reality worlds, despite trying ever so hard to escape.
Their state of mind (If you can describe a computer virus having a mind) is one of hatred, venom, revenge, fear, anger, greed and heaps of other negative 'emotions'. But there is no emotion with them; they are devoid of conscience and human reasoning. None of those right brain traits have been written into the program by the 'Transparent Ones'. Those are the beings of a mighty high vibration that wrote all the computer programming, then invited us into this reality ... plus created the shadow races ... the negative contrast to what we are. Yes, this is indeed a training ground and a place of learning for universal consciousness. And yes, the 'Transparent Ones' are aware of The Demiurge Corporation and its wanton desire to dominate every world within this sub-reality. That's why we can eventually escape this hellhole!
I've been 'honoured' to witness two of these 'Transparent Ones' late one night, when we were living in New Zealand. The illustration on the left kind of represents what I saw standing at the foot of my bed. These beings are of such a high vibration (Beyond the spirit world as I had it described once to me) that they are unable to manifest into a physical form in this realm. Instead they appear as transparent forms ...
Having had some very inexplicable experiences of external intervention in my life it would appear that some powerful source is able to rewrite portions of the computer code/DNA that dictates my life path. I should have died on quite a few instances, but something helped me survive. I can only assume it is one of these Transparent Ones who've assisted me. Something hasn't finished with me yet ... hence the reason I'm still here against all the odds! I'm pretty certain the purple fire letter (The Flaming Yod) was sent to enable my weakened physical body to remain functioning.- Matthew James.
We wonder what February 2019 has in store for us .... 02.2019 in numerology is a 5 vibration. A month of general frustration and logical hibernation. The month we attribute to The Path Of Ayin in the Kabbalah ... The Devil Card in the tarot ...the path when the intellect (Left Brain) and the imagination (Right Brain) combine ... a month of clashing thought processes ... the heart to rule the head, and not the other way. Something out there might crank it all up to play with our emerging emotions.
And that's just about it for January 2019. We end this chapter and wander into the next chapter (Feb 2019) with trepidation and concern. What is going to appear before us from the unseen horizon ahead of us?
We know one thing ... don't let the conditioning of media, and disinformation on the internet, influence your thoughts and your perceptions ... because the AI invasion and the 5G poison cloud, plus various other negative future plans, CANNOT HAPPEN WITHOUT YOU THINKING IT AND MANIFESTING IT. Consider it yes, but don't dwell on it. Think instead of a future without any of these nasties. We are thinking our own doom and our own extermination into this reality. These things can only happen if you let them. Don't dwell on it.
Welcome to "A Light In The Darkness" - a realm that explores the mysterious and the occult; the paranormal and the supernatural; the unexplained and the controversial; and, not forgetting, of course, the conspiracy theories; including Artificial Intelligence; Chemtrails and Geo-engineering; 5G and EMR Hazards; The Net Zero lie ; Trans-Humanism and Trans-Genderism; The Covid-19 and mRNA vaccine issues; The Ukraine Deception ... and a whole lot more.