We've been sitting back, watching the world go by; observing the effects of something very strange that is going round. This week has been a very challenging one personally; its not really been a surprise; but its now a situation that is going to really shape a personal future. The 3 vibration is in effect ....
... as a new unexpected direction is there somewhere.
An old mind set was left behind in the southern hemisphere, with quite a few regrets. Because its taken away so much that was familiar ground; without leaving anything to fill that space.
Watching 'ghost hunting' TV shows recently, has left a realisation that nobody really knows what they are dealing with when it comes to the paranormal. Anything outside of this frequency range, that comes in from the black/dark areas that our senses cannot comprehend, these shows immediately classify it as dark or evil or malevolent.
That is an annoying trend, as it is sending out the message to all who view these shows, that any activity is the actions of invisible demons or evil ex-humans. It is probably not the case.
But, nobody can say for sure what is in communication with this vibration. After over 20 years of 'service to spirit' as a 'lightworker'; and I dislike those terms and always have; I can honestly say ... I know how accurate my information has been about those who have gone before us, and those still here; but I cannot say for 100% certainty that I've not been dealing with clever tricksters from another realm.
There are entities who are advanced in mind control. Who can make you think you see, or hear, what you want to see or hear. It's not beyond the realms of possibility that I've been a victim of that on occasions.
What cannot be explained are the strange, and inexplicable things that have occurred, and that still occur. The feel of a tapping finger on my back; the feeling of nails scratching my shoulder; the sensation of something grabbing my face as I was drifting off to sleep; the white energy that brushed itself against my aura when I was astral projecting. Things that cannot be explained with logic or with scientific explanation. And, there are so many other things that have happened over the years.
Currently life events are following a repetitive pattern that has been around for over 15 years. Life takes me to point A, then an event leads to point B, which leads to point C, then to Point D ... and I think, this time It'll be different ... then out of the blue I'm back at Point A again. Currently Point D is leading to Point A again ...this is known as a Causal Loop ... and it happens to so many people.
I can say with certainty that once I find what is the missing piece; the thing that I am meant to do or say; then Point D will lead to Point E and the causal loop will be over ... personally this year is a 6 vibration for me in Feb/March. I'm at the end of the 5 which is hibernation/frustration. This causal loop has to have been strong back in 2012 which was when the causal loops come to the fore (A karmic 8). Something has been missed that is needed to move forward ...
Much like the human race in this virtual reality. A causal loop keeps the human race on its knees going round and round. I digress.
I've been reading up on many things that are taking place, and I don't like what I see. I read with extreme sadness about the tragic loss of Cardiff City's new signing, whose plane was lost on his flight over to Cardiff from Italy. There is more to this story than meets the eye, when you dig deep and you comprehend the reality regarding to the plane, and the pilot; the change of flight time; the phone messages he made relating to the plane. It points to a controversial truth ... it is not what it appears to be. Out of respect for his family I will not say what I think here. But I imply something not right with it all.
Brexit is now boring. It is so obviously a stage problem-reaction-solution. And its not the only thing outgrown. I'm sick of reading about Transhumanism. It's an attempt to get infinite consciousness to bring it into reality. Enough of us thinking about it will create that, which those who are compelling us to think, want to happen. Its a creepy situation that we have fellow human 'incarnates' who want to carry out the wishes of electronic entities ...who have fooled them into seeing what they want to see ... and have nothing good for any of us.
Electronic entities that were recognised many centuries ago; that were written about in no uncertain terms; from which a religion was born (Gnosticism) ... and as a result of the truth, that was a huge threat to newly formed 'demi-urge worshipping' cults and religions, millions of human beings were massacred in an attempt to purge the truth from this reality. Thankfully, all has not been lost ... and the Archons and the Demi-urge are known about ... and have other names in other beliefs.
The truth is out. But what are we going to do about it?
Welcome to "A Light In The Darkness" - a realm that explores the mysterious and the occult; the paranormal and the supernatural; the unexplained and the controversial; and, not forgetting, of course, the conspiracy theories; including Artificial Intelligence; Chemtrails and Geo-engineering; 5G and EMR Hazards; The Net Zero lie ; Trans-Humanism and Trans-Genderism; The Covid-19 and mRNA vaccine issues; The Ukraine Deception ... and a whole lot more.