Broadcasting and circulating the potential ins and outs of The Hidden Hand's agenda only helps to serve that agenda. By spreading fear and putting those perceptions into the consciousness of an already beleaguered mankind.
So much of what is out in the web, on conspiracy sites, may well be deliberate propaganda of The Hidden Hand itself; as a way of harvesting its desires and its potential wishes. This is one of the ways that they enable their crazy ideas to become snowballs rolling through the human consciousness.
We, ourselves, have been guilty of helping propel their potentials into the conscious minds of our readers; and thus spread fear and unease. It is therefore our intention to commence radio silence (Like we were doing last year). It doesn't mean we won't stop monitoring the approaching 2019/2020 threshold. We'll just keep the fear factor to the minimum, by approaching the dilemma from a different angle. Because it is inevitable The Hidden Hand will hatch SOMETHING. That is unavoidable. But, we all need to bear in mind how long and how hard they've fought to keep us under control. All the measures to bring us to heel ... the increased surveillance of us all. And some of us are STILL relatively unaffected. Voices are shouting loud against the wind ... and millions of humans are now listening and are aware.
It is this reason, we believe, that The Hidden Hand has stepped up its agenda. It is fearful of discovery. We have its mind ... so we KNOW how it thinks and how it operates. It is all instinct in survival. And the other angle of this ... is to provoke The Hidden Hand. To prod the beast to make it try to bite. The crocodile controlled by the experienced handler ... eventually the beast will tire. It will hit us with EVERYTHING it has got. And we believe it has a mighty arsenal we don't yet know about. All the thousands of hidden laboratories, cities and hangars below ground on the Earth, and off world ... it has been developing its arsenal for a very long time.
But, we are powerful creators ... it is a technologically advanced destroyer. It works from the intellect and has no remorse or conscience. We work from the heart and universal consciousness and we are infinite. It is machine consciousness and limited to the virtual reality worlds. In the Gnosis, it is The Devil and it enticed us into this fake reality. This is its domain, and it knows nothing else ... us on the other hand are pure spirit and are not from these realms.
We will win in the end.
Welcome to "A Light In The Darkness" - a realm that explores the mysterious and the occult; the paranormal and the supernatural; the unexplained and the controversial; and, not forgetting, of course, the conspiracy theories; including Artificial Intelligence; Chemtrails and Geo-engineering; 5G and EMR Hazards; The Net Zero lie ; Trans-Humanism and Trans-Genderism; The Covid-19 and mRNA vaccine issues; The Ukraine Deception ... and a whole lot more.