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Sunday 4 July 2021

DEBUNKED - Moment student captures 'large UFO' hovering over Devon seafront at night 'for ten seconds'

This looks very much like a low flying commercial aircraft with its flight lights ... not the triangular UFO this click bait Daily Mail story has us believe. Or its actually a boat far out at sea ... it's NOT a UFO.

[Daily Mail]: A student was left shocked after photographing a large UFO hovering 'for ten seconds' over the Devon seafront.

Matthew Evans, 36, spotted the bright unidentified object while peeping out of his top-floor flat window last week.

Photographs show four bright lights in a triangular-shaped formation lingering in the night's sky.

The mature student managed to whip out his phone to take a picture but within seconds the suspect object whizzed off into the distance

'It wasn't moving like a plane would. It was moving a lot slower and went up and down for a bit before hovering a good ten seconds. It stayed in one spot long enough for me to pull out my phone and get those snaps. Then it quickly zoomed off at some speed and I couldn't see it anymore....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...