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Friday 11 February 2022

Amid The Madness ....

Having recently gone from a fairly sheltered environment, where PCR test madness is only something I've read on the internet or heard about it briefly in conversations with other vaccine free friends, to a full blown situation where everyone (And I mean everyone) is PCR test crazy ... is a real 'bring me down to earth' culture shock.

Mass formation psychosis is alive and kicking here in the UK. Especially when I've let these individuals know I've not had any of the death jabs. I've been subjected to the 'I have a cousin in ICU and its all the un-vaccinated who are dying from Covid-19' and its a crazy world ... and I mean a crazy world.

All conversations around me are about the red line on the stupid and corrupt testers. Or, how Joe Somebody is back in work after a positive test for Covid. There was someone who just got Covid because their test told them they had it ....

It is insanity personified ... a crazy 3rd dimensional train I'm thankfully not on. It's so good to get home at night and wander back into my 5th dimensional sacred space ... where the true nature of it all is seen from the bigger picture.

A PCR test DOES NOT test for an infection. It is merely an indicator that any one of sixty or more pathogens have been detected by the body in the last few years. The cells the fake test supposedly detect are merely part of the body's own DEFENCE MECHANISM. Which is all a virus is. It's the body's home guard in action ... not some deadly and imaginary thing that is in the air around everyone.....

And when someone has a debatable positive test ... it does not mean they have anything. A positive test is NOT a positive case of Covid 19..... so when someone receives the red line it does not been they have a current infection.It means they had been in close contact with a pathogen anywhere in the last few years....

The PCR tests are fraudulent anyway .... its like a lottery ticket ... or a scratch card ... there are a certain number of positives and negatives and its a damn lottery what you get when you test!

For a positive test to become a positive case involves samples of the alleged suspected viral material being compared with laboratory samples of 'Covid-19' to confirm it is indeed Covid-19 the person has ... it's unlikely ANY sampling of this nature has ever taken place.

The whole process of positive cases of Covid-19 is one big fraud. A madness that has so much of the world's population in its vice grip. Mass formation psychosis is the pandemic here. Rational people who are now insane. They believe they have been vaccinated against an alleged pathogen that will cause Covid-19 YET they have been made to fear un-vaccinated people who could pass this pathogen on to them. So WHAT'S THE POINT OF BEING VACCINATED in the first place if they can still get something they have been vaccinated to save them from?

There are endless crazy notions these crazy 3rd dimensional people have fallen for ... and no amount of evidence will convince them otherwise. They are fully hypnotised to believe the media and also believe the governments are looking after them. They believe the hypnotist when they bite into the onio0n and it tastes like an orange. I'd rather be in the 5th dimension and know that the onion tastes of onion so I won't bother biting into it ....

I actually find it amusing to what the PCR testing idiots around me ... hearing their madness ... and knowing I will probably out live them because I've not had a single death jab in me. Nor have I ever worn a mask or been tested. That is what amazes them ... I'm of fantastic health yet I'm putting myself at risk from the fabled Covid-19 .... maybe its because the whole thing is utter bullshit and the jabs they have had put in them are what is causing the Covid-19. Their immune system only able to work against the computer generated shit that is in them and unable to protect them again the common cold or anything else that they will catch. 

I say good luck to them ... they are going to need it more than me!!!