At age 38 I finally realized that the USSR never posed a threat, that the Cold War was not real. I felt a physical sense of relief, as if a cloud had been removed, a weight taken off my shoulders. That physical sensation was real. All the fear they instilled in me as a child vanished, and I felt a wonderful freedom I’d never before experienced.
I did this for myself, that is, I was not following some leader or
guru. I was just exploring and testing my boundaries when the dam broke.
It was an accumulation of questions and doubts arising, and no specific
instance. But I do remember a particular moment. In the book The Fish is Red,
by Warren Hinkle and William Turner, there is a a brief section (pp
129-31) where it is alleged that Havana had concocted a plan to
overthrow the Arturo Frondizi Ércol
government of Argentina. A Cuban career diplomat serving in Buenos Aires
resigned and took with him eighty-two documents that purported to
detail such a plan. The Cuban government claimed that the documents were
forged by Cuban exiles working with the CIA. The US State Department
announced that it had exhaustively studied the documents and that they
were genuine.
That’s what turned me, changed me forever. The Cubans were telling the truth, and the State Department was lying. That is how deeply I had been indoctrinated, so much so that finding out that the State Department lied was unnerving. That led to many more revelations, going on to this day. It was a hole in the dike.
Today’s youth have to deal with propaganda very similar to the Cold
War and the Bomb. It is called “Climate Change.” What must it be like to
be young and to fear that the planet is going to hell, by 2030 they are
told. It is not just the news media doing this – the schools are in on
it too. Climate “science” as put forward by Climatistas is taught as
real by the schools, maybe with the exception of Hillsdale College and a
few other outposts. Unless students have very bright and awake parents,
they will fall into the trap, as I did with Cold War and the Bomb. The
climate propaganda campaign is, just like the Cold War, abusive of
youth. It is meant to destroy hope, to depress them. It is human
cruelty, child abuse and a crime against humanity...<<<Read More>>>..