Search A Light In The Darkness

Friday 18 February 2022

Can There Be Communication After Death?

[Waking Times]: In the aftermath of bereavement, it’s not uncommon for people to undergo an intense form of post-traumatic growth. They may even change so radically that they feel as if they’ve become a different person – someone with a wider sense of perspective, a new sense of purpose and meaning, a sense of connection to nature, and deeper relationships.

In some of the cases, an important element of the transformation is a sense that the bereaved person was still in contact with the friend or relative they lost. For example, a woman called LeeAnn had a close friend who was murdered while working as a nightclub bouncer.

A few months later, LeeAnn was at home when, in her words,

All of a sudden, the room filled with this golden light. There was a sense of peace that was overwhelming…Then I saw Bruno in his human form. My eyes were closed, but he was standing there, surrounded by blue colors and light. He said to me, ‘You keep asking for me to come back. Don’t ask that — this is where I’m supposed to be.’

Such experiences may sound bizarre, but they are common. In 1971, a Welsh doctor named William Dewi Rees became intrigued by some of his elderly patients commenting that they had sensed the presence of their deceased spouse. He followed this up with a systematic study of 293 widows and widowers in his group practice. Dewi Rees found that almost half (46.7 percent) of the widows and widowers had had a “hallucination” (in his term) of their spouse....<<<Read More>>>....