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Tuesday 1 February 2022

Negative Energy: Ways to Clear and Get Rid of It

[Wake Up World]: It’s that thick fog of ‘slime’ in the air, that dark feeling of heaviness, or that draining sensation of being sucked dry of energy …

Negative energy is all around us and it’s seemingly ever-present and unending.

Whether you feel exhausted in crowds of people, emotionally ‘vomited on’ by your coworkers, or unexplainable creeped out by a certain place in town, we’ve all experienced negativity – it’s part of nature and an uncomfortable fact of life!

Living in this world of duality, there is always a yin and yang, a light and a dark, and positive and negative side.

Yet, although we understand that negative energy is part of this world, we don’t want to live at the mercy of it – understandably, most of us want to ‘get rid of it’ ASAP!

So how do we ‘get rid of’ negative energy?

Or better still, how do we make peace with this fundamental aspect of existence?

Negative energy is a form of energy that is said to vibrate at a lower frequency than more positive forms of energy such as love, joy, and peace. It’s for this reason that negative energy is often referred to as low vibrational energy.

Why is negative energy thought to be of a ‘low vibration’? The answer is that the lower one’s energy is, the denser it becomes, and therefore the more heavy and contracted we feel inside – aka. life feels dark and depressing.

In more recent times, vibration and its effect on our consciousness have been mapped out by figures such as renowned physician, psychiatrist, and teacher David Ramon Hawkins, (M.D, Ph.D.).

Hawkins, who used the technique of Applied Kinesiology for his research, developed a map of consciousness that ranges from 1 to 1000. Everything from shame (having the energetic frequency of 20) to spiritual enlightenment (energetic frequency of 700-1000) was recorded....<<<Read More>>>...