By a cacophony of methods, society has shunted the consciousness of a broad swathe of humanity deeply into the realm of Lower Mind. Constant distraction, illusionary desires and addiction to synthetic lifestyles have created a fear-based control drama that over-stimulates Lower Mind so that it swallows up a great deal of soul consciousness. We have natural access to a divine symphony orchestra, but it’s being drowned out by an overactive base drum!
Higher Mind is much more gentle, subtle, expanded, and open. It thrives on soft, abstract, and flowing; it needs no immediate solutions. It expands and opens, feeling the harmony of the moment like the sensitive tentacles of an ancient sea anemone. It doesn’t need to calculate, logic or intention. Such activities are all Lower Mind based. All too frequently they come from a place of non-acceptance of the moment.
Higher Mind works from the place of absolute trust – knowing the inevitability of the Divine Design. When it is fully open and acting as it was designed to, it can weave synchronistic magic through the densest of places, unravel the most complex Gordian knot of tightness; it can move mountains, and build a solid path across wafer-thin ice. It simply knows which way the Universe is heading and what it’s shaping because it is an integral part of that flow. From my perspective, its purpose is…
“To shape the immediate circumstances of
one’s life to bring the natural flow of the Universe through our being
and therefore shape our reality according to the Divine Design so that
we may evolve, learn and express our divine gifts of beingness.”...<<<Read More>>>....