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Sunday, 10 April 2022

High Tide: Astrology Forecast April 10th – 17th, 2022

 [Wake Up World]: “We are so small against the stars, so large against the sky” Leonard Cohen.

This is a pivotal week when both the stakes and emotions run extremely high, when things could be blown way out of proportion.

The rare coincidence of the great wave of dissolution that is the once in 166 years Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces and a Libra Full Moon tangling with Disruptor Eris, the Great Transformer Pluto and the Lord of Time and Karma Saturn marks a high tide, both globally and personally.

And everything is being overshadowed by the April 30th Taurus solar eclipse bringing karmic Scorpionic chickens home to roost.

We all need healing- we all need a space to rest and feel safe again. Be kind and gentle with yourself. Just to be alive as a human being on the planet right now means a raised level of stress -as you alternate between hypervigilance and shutting down. Simplify and streamline. Listen to your High Heart … your higher Self is speaking to you through extra sensory perception, psychic intuition, synchronicities, signs, symbols, dreams and insights. Trust your intuition as never before.

Flow with whatever happens -don’t cling to the crumbling river bank-it’s about to be washed away. Get more rest and hydration, immersing yourself in water as much as possible-following the ancient alchemists’ dictum of amplifying planetary energies by doing more of it.