Search A Light In The Darkness

Monday 4 April 2022

The Identity Of Covid 19

In tonight's insight we ask what is Covid 19 really? What is its identity and what is its purpose? The answer is before you in those five images. Its as plain as day if you can interpret what is going on. Take away the smokescreens and the blind sides. Take away the MSM deceptions and the lies that the politician puppets are spouting. The answer is there before your eyes.

Covid 19 is MIND WARFARE. It is a psychological operation (Psyops). Nothing more. Nothing less. The mind warfare has been designed to influence your decision making and force you to have a false understanding of the world. It is there to unbalance you and to give your power as the magician away.

Yes, there is some kind of virus out there. Initially injected into people as a seasonal flu vaccine. Then the fake news began and this virus became the WORST FEAR. The DWELLER ON THE THRESHOLD. It became a spiritual awakening. Dare you face your worst fears and IGNORE the MSM lies and therefore walk past the dweller on the threshold? OR do you believe the lies and become unawakened? Unawakened means being rewired to become a disciple of chaos and uncreation. Becoming a tool of the chaos that is trying to destroy all we know.

Those the two simple choices here. Let the mind warfare rewire your perception so you give your power away and effectively destroy everything you love. OR do you ignore the mind warfare and awaken to the truth about this world ....

That is what Covid 19 is all about. Covid 19 is THE DWELLER ON THE THRESHOLD. You are currently in the long dark night of the soul.