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Monday 18 April 2022

Will The UN's Plans Happen?

Tonight, we explore the intention of the United Nations (UN) to pass a ruling that from August 2022, the unelected council of the UN will have full control over countries of the world; who will have their sovereignty over-ridden by the UN control. The plan is to have this ruling in place by 2024 in readiness for the 2025 dystopian hell planned for the remaining 20% of mankind. 

Surely, this crazy elite driven madness cannot come to pass? Or is it already written this is our fate? The crazy globalists have it talked about in convincing style all over the internet. Or is it merely bravado from a scared bunch of mentally ill psychopaths?

The reaction of the Light Of Truth Oracle images indicates it will not go to plan for the UN. It appears to get so far ... and countries/agencies will be seen to go full steam ahead with it. But at some point it will stall. There is too much high vibration energy indicated here, for it to take place. 

We're wary of poo pooing the notion and dismissing it as crazy conspiracy nonsense. Because its not. You have the extremely rich and influential 1% putting money and effort into making it happen. But it is written in the fate of the planet, for it to fail. Its not wishful thinking on our part. There is too much about to be exposed and revealed that is going to blow the whole thing out of the water.

The globalist control agencies will continue to push the agenda, and report how the great reset is happening, when its not. The real picture will be brushed over ...