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Monday 6 June 2022

Benefits of Sunshine on Your Bare Skin

Health care officials’ recommendations to avoid sun exposure unless you’re slathered in sunscreen have deprived humans of their fundamental need for sunlight. In the video above, Dr. Paul Saladino, author of “The Carnivore Code,” a book on nose-to-tail animal-based eating, and host of the Fundamental Health Podcast, delves into the many reasons why sunlight is so essential it could even be described as a nutrient.

“It’s been a critical part of our evolution throughout our existence,” he states. “Sunlight, real sunlight, is essential for optimal human life. You cannot be an optimal human without … adequate levels of real outdoor ultraviolet infrared visible spectrum light from the sun in the sky when you are not wearing sunscreens.”

If more people spent time in the sun — not getting sunburned, but getting gradual exposure and gradually building up your skin’s tolerance — Saladino explains that rates of many types of cancers would likely go down and there would be fewer cardiovascular disease deaths and fewer cases of seasonal affective disorder, while improvements would be seen in many other diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and schizophrenia. This is the power of the sun.

When you put on sunscreen to “protect” your skin from the sun, you’re not only exposing your body to toxic chemicals in the sunscreen but also inhibiting the complex interactions that occur between ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun and your skin....<<<Read More>>>...