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Sunday 23 June 2024

This is Your Future

 The perfect doom and gloom pantomime fear narrative article ....


This is a year of major elections in the UK, the US and much of Europe.

But it doesn’t really matter a damn who wins any of the elections, though the future will arrive more speedily if left-wing governments are in power.

We are hurtling toward Net Zero and the Great Reset.

Whatever lies we are told, this is what we can look forward to:

More twenty-minute cities will be built – with accommodation provided in tower blocks. Food for each twenty-minute city will be grown in local, indoor farms.

Social credit schemes will be introduced.

Health care will be increasingly unavailable – except for vaccination programmes which will be increased.

To enter a shop or any public building you’ll have to flash your smartphone in order to identify yourself (all those people who use their smartphones to pay for coffee have led the way to this).

Overall the weather will be colder and wetter as the sun is blocked by geoengineers. (search online for “radiation management” if you don’t believe me).

Traditional farms will fail and close and the land used for farming will be allowed to go wild.

Euthanasia will become legal everywhere – and heavily promoted. In many hospitals, the “voluntary” element of doctor-assisted suicide will quietly disappear as the elderly, the frail, the mentally ill, the disabled and the poor are quietly killed...<<<Read More>>>...

Pfizer CEO says COVID was just a test… “a rehearsal” for something bigger yet to come

When Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said that COVID-19 was just a test, it pretty much flew under the radar, but history tells us this comment could prove to be more of a warning than an off-handed comment.

“I truly think the best days of Pfizer are ahead of us because Covid was, for me, like a rehearsal, prove generali, how you can mobilize an organization and do the impossible, possible, against a main disease,” Bourla said.

It’s a pretty ominous statement when you think about it considering that when we look back, we can often find instances where someone warned us, either directly or in a more subtle way, that something bad was brewing but no one heeded the warning.

For example, Alex Jones pointed out that he cautioned something like the COVID-19 pandemic would happen way back in 2010. He said this wasn’t just some random prediction that panned out; he read the Rockefeller Foundation Operation Lock Step, which specifically described using a virus to bring in a world government and exert control over people with mandatory quarantines, masking, checkpoints and other violations of personal freedom.

Like some of his other predictions that have come to fruition, he said that there are often lots of warnings, but people aren’t paying attention.

“Once you have enough technological development, enough science, anything we can imagine, we can do,” Jones said.

Therefore, it won’t be a surprise if COVID-19 does indeed prove to be just a dress rehearsal for the real catastrophe; as Jones said, “The big stuff’s coming.” ...<<<Read More>>>...

Saturday 22 June 2024

Unmasking the Matrix: How to Break Free from Invisible Chains of Society

Many of us feel an underlying sense of unease in modern society’s labyrinth. Despite technological advancements and material abundance, there’s a pervasive feeling that something crucial is missing. We live in a world where the invisible chains of societal expectations, consumerism, and covert control mechanisms bind us, keeping us from realizing our true potential. It’s time to unmask the matrix and break free from these invisible chains, reclaiming our sovereignty and forging a path toward authentic freedom and fulfillment.

At first glance, the modern world offers an array of choices and opportunities. We can travel across the globe, access vast amounts of information instantly, and enjoy unprecedented comfort and convenience. However, beneath this veneer of freedom lies a sophisticated system of control designed to keep us distracted, dependent, and disconnected from our true selves.

The matrix thrives on our compliance, subtly shaping our beliefs and behaviors through a combination of media manipulation, societal norms, and economic pressures. We’re conditioned to follow a predefined path: go to school, get a job, buy a house, and consume endlessly. This cycle perpetuates a state of constant striving, keeping us too preoccupied to question the deeper meaning of our existence....<<<Read More>>>...

Starmerism Means the Wholesale Transfer of Power From Parliament to Civil Servants, Judges and Quangocrats

Keir Starmer is not a politician by training or inclination. He was drafted into civilian office late in life and immediately lowered into a stately place on the front benches.

In this way, Starmer is part of a long tradition. Political systems in trouble often lose faith in their native class of civilian leaders, and turn instead to a distinguished outsider who seems to stand above the factions.

These people are not ‘political’ – politics has failed. These are figures of unity, and of command. The senile Field Marshal MacMahon; the senile Field Marshal Hindenburg; the policeman Starmer; the police spy Sue Gray – harder, simpler people for a harder, simpler rule.

But there is a reason why most governing classes try to avoid the open rule of its bureaucrats, spies and major generals. Social orders need to maintain a mythology of some kind – that power does not simply flow out the barrel of a gun. Whatever else the next few years may hold, it does not ultimately bode well for Blairite society that it must now have recourse to people like Starmer.

Much has been said about Keir Starmer’s ‘Pabloism’, and of his youthful sojourn in a work camp behind the Iron Curtain. All valid things to raise. What should be remembered, though, is that this general tendency – the collected fissile elements of Marxism Today – has now been in power for over a quarter century and is showing its age. Whatever radical or subversive edge it may have had is many years gone. It is also, in its way, unduly flattering. New Labour was always proudly philistine. The sneering conformism, the monomaniacal obsession with football. This was never a ploy to distract from more chic ideas, as some have said. The two were always one and the same. ‘Pabloism’ in practice from 1997 simply meant the kind of chivvying ITV morning show sensibility that has come to define the era; that eccentricity is suspect, that everyone has to cheer for England, and that Diana Spencer was the People’s Princess.

 Forget class, certainly. Forget, even, the Authoritarian Personality, or “all that is solid melts into air”. What we’re faced with in 2024 is a stodgy public moralism that owes much more to Ant & Dec than to Michel Pablo. And more than anything else, it’s a public doctrine that was put in genuine danger from 2016-20, placing it under a psychological state of siege from which it has yet to emerge, and which Starmer’s victory will do nothing to allay.

Starmer the man is the most apt symbol of this new, baroque self-seriousness. This is a person who really does think that a studio audience would laugh at him because his father was a toolmaker. He speaks to an established order that has, in its paranoia, lost whatever capacity for subtlety or irony it may have once possessed. There is instead a deathly earnestness, and a fear for the future. Shadows move on the walls – divisive ones. Look at the front cover of Starmer’s manifesto. He is flinty-eyed; wearisomely resolute. The whole picture is tinted grey. Even Theresa May in her full pomp would have probably baulked at this. Keir Starmer is a dark and brooding man for a dark and brooding age.

Starmer and the class he represents believe that time is running out for them. The Financial Times speaks of Starmerism as a last chance saloon for the Third Way. If Mr. Trump re-enters the Oval Office, and if current political trends in continental Europe persist, then the Starmer ministry will soon be the last government of its kind in the Western world...<<<Read More>>>...

Whitesnake - Here I Go Again

First Organism Found That Doesn’t Need Oxygen to Survive

Researchers say this find calls into question everything we know about life on Earth and what it needs.

The history of the Earth goes back more than 4.5 billion years. Life began to develop the ability to absorb oxygen , that is, to breathe, more than 1.45 billion years ago: a larger archaeon absorbed a smaller bacterium, and somehow this union turned out to be beneficial for both, writes Science Alert.

This symbiotic relationship subsequently led to the two organisms evolving together. Eventually, the bacteria that settled inside became organelles known as mitochondria. In fact, every cell in our body, with the exception of red blood cells, contains a large number of mitochondria, which we need for respiration. It is the mitochondria that break down oxygen to produce the molecule adenosine triphosphate, which multicellular organisms use to power cellular processes...<<<Read More>>>...

Quote for the Day


Since 2002 coronavirus has been a man-made pathogen

 The entire exercise over the last four and half years was wilfully misleading the population into taking something through coercion that would not have otherwise ever been accepted.

“Since 2002, there has not been a coronavirus; there has been an engineered pathogen. Engineered by Ralph Baric at the University of Carolina Chapel Hill where, in 2002, he patented the’ infectious, replication defective, clone of coronavirus’,” Dr. David Martin said.

“The ‘coronavirus’ that has been branded to be part of covid-19, does not exist. What does exist is a pathogen modelled off of properties of what was once upon a time isolated as coronavirus,” he explained. “Properties that increased its pathogenicity [and] increased its toxicity but … decreased its transmissibility … In 2002 it was patented to be non-transmissable.”

In other words, since 2002 coronavirus has been man-made and has not been a pathogen of nature. Why would they do this?

“We have a commercially interested group of sociopaths who want to make money while killing people,” Dr. Martin said, “that’s the bottom line.”

Who is they?

“The masterplan [to vaccinate the world] was done by none other than the Wellcome Trust, NIAID Anthony Fauci, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (specifically Dr. Chris Elias), Dr. Gao from the CDC of the People’s Republic of China and a whole host of others who sit on what is called the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board,” Dr. Martin said.

“To advance the social and commercial interests of sociopaths that wanted to kill human beings for the sake of their agenda, they decided to unleash a lethal respiratory pathogen on the population so the population would be bamboozled into taking an mRNA shot which would permanently, permanently alter their human condition,” Dr. Martin said....<<<Read More>>>....

The FDA is a front organization that has allowed vaccine manufacturers to pillage the world for decades

The majority of Americans once trusted their government to tell them the truth about vaccines. However, after the covid-19 scandal of lies, fraud and abuse, more people are questioning the entire vaccine evaluation and regulatory process.

What if the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was originally setup as a front group for the pharmaceutical industry, and its legal and scientific processes were fabricated to only benefit specific drug makers?

What if the FDA was intended to be a mafia working on behalf of certain pharmaceutical companies?

What if the agency was nothing more than a false authority that was allotted power because the agency was used to pressure Congress into giving Big Pharma dominance over the people of the United States?

What if the FDA used empty office buildings – no technicians, no equipment, no sampling, no oversight – as an affront of regulatory oversight?

What if testing and regulations for biologics (vaccines) never existed in the first place? ...<<<Read More>>>...

The Book of Enoch Banned from The Bible Tells the True Story of Humanity

In early 1946, in the region now known as the West Bank, a group of Bedouin teenagers were tending to their sheep and goats near the ancient settlement of Qumran. To pass the time, monotonous as it was, they threw around the rocks they found littered across the rugged desert terrain. 

When one such rock was thrown into the dark expanse of a cave, the teenagers were surprised to hear a loud shattering noise echoing from within. Exploring, they found a collection of large clay jars, one of which had been broken.

Though they did not know it at that moment, these teenagers had made a historic discovery. Inside the jars were a series of ancient scrolls. In the years that followed this discovery, archaeologists, historians, and treasure hunters would find additional scroll fragments in ten other caves in the area, their composition forming some 800 to 900 manuscripts collectively known as the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Among these manuscripts were large portions of a mysterious non-canonical religious text which had long been forgotten. It was called the Book of Enoch.

In its entirety, The Book of Enoch is made up of five books – The Book of Watchers, Book of Parables, The Astronomical Book, The Dream Visions, and The Epistles of Enoch – containing some 100 chapters. These chapters tell the story of the 7th patriarch in the Book of Genesis – Enoch, the father of Methuselah and grandfather of Noah, the same Noah in the biblical story of Noah’s Ark.

Yet, this was not the biblical story of Noah’s Ark. In fact, the Book of Enoch provides an entirely different recounting of the events leading up to the Great Flood of Noah’s time, that is, a completely different doctrinal history. ...<<<Read More>>>...

Friday 21 June 2024

These people are mentally ill: British cows could be replaced with ‘double-muscled’ European breed to cut emissions

 BS warning. This article contains some total BS about cow farts and dangerous cow flatulence emissions. It is totally farcical nonsense being spewed by the BS brigade,


British scientists are investigating whether replacing traditional breeds of cow with a “double muscled” breed could be better for the environment.

Cattle farming is a major source of greenhouse gases because the animals need land to graze, and they produce vast volumes of flatulent methane, which is 80 times more potent for global warming than carbon dioxide.

Britain currently has cow herds and breeds specifically for dairy, some only for beef, and some cross-breeds which can be used to produce both meat and milk.

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has funded a study with more than £10,000 of taxpayers’ money in which scientists at Harper Adams in Shropshire, a specialist agricultural university, will investigate possible ways of reducing emissions.

Possible routes being studied include increasing the use of dual-use cows instead of dairy-only herds and also swapping traditional British breeds for more muscular breeds that produce more meat.

Scientists conducted a modelling study using farm data and previously published information to see if these switches would improve emissions.

Swapping the traditional black and white dairy cows, holsteins, for dual-use cattle was one aspect of the study. The second aspect involved seeing if swapping herefords or angus cows for super-muscular breeds would be beneficial.

The brief from Defra mentioned the possibility of pivoting to European breeds, such as the charolais or Belgian blue, but the scientists focused on the British blue.

The British blue has a gene mutation that allows it to naturally grow 20 per cent more muscle mass compared with other breeds while the animal is fine-boned and docile by nature, which leads to high volumes of meat produced per animal.

“British blue cattle tend to be more efficient with faster growth rates, higher carcass weights and a lower age at slaughter, which reduces their carbon footprint compared with the angus breed,” said Prof Jude Capper, lead author of the Government-commissioned study at Harper Adams University....<<<Read More>>>...

The Dead Daisies - Holy Ground (Shake The Memory)

Memory Lane - White Faced Heron


Strange debris in Roswell may prove 1947 UFO crash

 American geologist Frank Kimbler ,passionate about ufology, has been searching with a metal detector since 2010 the area around the town of Roswell in New Mexico, famous for the fact that a strange object fell from the sky there in 1947.

Officially, the US authorities stated that it was a secret military weather balloon that monitored nuclear weapons tests. However, most ufologists and ordinary people believe that an alien ship with a crew crashed there.

That the wreckage of the ship was taken away by the military and subsequently carefully studied, and among the crew there were one or two survivors, who were then interrogated and received a lot of valuable information from them....<<<Read More>>>...

The Powers That Be wanted to enslave humanity. Instead, they caused a Great Awakening

 Whoopsie. The Powers That Be wanted to enslave humanity. Instead, they caused a Great Awakening. It seems that they “fumbled the ball” when they pushed too hard and gave the people nothing in return.

Neil Oliver, a prominent Scottish broadcaster, explained this to Tucker Carlson brilliantly. Now, the overreach of the covid era has sparked widespread scepticism about various subjects, including: 

1. Central bank digital currencies (“CBDCs”)
2. Digital IDs
3. 15-minute cities
4. The prevailing climate change narrative
5. Anti-meat messaging
6. Conventional medicine
7. All vaccines
8. The integrity of the electoral process itself

“I think that in the final moves towards this kind of neo-feudalism, they have exposed themselves. They’ve gone galloping towards the finishing line too early, in the wrong way, and too many people have seen it,” Oliver said....<<<Read More>>>>...

CANCER has been routinely induced by VACCINES since 1960

 Oh, the insidious cancer industrial complex of America. Do not put anything past it. Vaccines have been dirty, adulterated and contaminated since the onset. You can't even say the word 'vaccines' without some pro-vax-zealot/historian spitting up the name Jonas Salk and that supposed "medical triumph." The highly-uncontrolled Polio vaccine experiment, and that's what it was, of the 1950s and 60s, exposed nearly 100 million Americans to SV40 (Simian Virus 40), a monkey virus that can cause cancer in humans.

If you thought mRNA was the first vaccine to cause cancer in humans, think again. Take a close look at what Dr. Salk really did when he developed his so-called "vaccine." Instead of using human tissues to grow the polio virus, he used rhesus macaque monkey kidneys. Then Salk used formaldehyde to deaden or "deactivate" it. After field trials where half-a-dozen kids were left with paralyzed arms from the vaccine, he declared it "safe and effective." Sound familiar?

Guess what? SV40 catapults turbo cancer. That's what's happening now to people who got the mRNA gene-mutating spike-protein injections (Covid jabs). Each dose of an mRNA Covid injection contains millions, if not billions, of copies of SV40 enhancer, as identified in the Pfizer Wuhan Virus stab. These contaminants, like with the polio vaccine, trigger cancer cell growth, including fast-growing tumors (turbo cancer), and spread it, with the ultimate goal of eliminating the host, which is the human who got the vaccine (and thought they were building immunity, not destroying it)...<<<Read More>>>....

Thursday 20 June 2024

Conscious Decisions

 Just because an idea or way of doing things is popular, doesn’t mean it’s right for everyone. However, part of the way that something becomes popular is that many of us don’t take the time to determine what’s right for us; we simply do what most of the people we know are doing. In this way, our decisions about life are made by default, which means they aren’t what we call conscious decisions. Many other options may be available, but we don’t always take the time to explore them. This may be the result of feeling overwhelmed or pressured by family, peers, and humanity at large — to do things their way, the way things have always been done. Regardless of the cause, it is important that, as often as we can, we decide for ourselves what to do with our lives rather than just drift along on the current of popular opinion.

It is not always easy to make decisions that go against the grain. Many people feel threatened when those close to them make choices divergent from the ones they are making. Parents and grandparents may be confused and defensive when we choose to raise our children differently from the way they raised us. Friends may feel abandoned if we decide to change our habits or behavior. Meanwhile, on our side of the fence, it’s easy to feel frustrated and defensive when we feel unsupported and misunderstood simply because we are thinking for ourselves. It can be exhausting to have to explain and re-explain our points of view and our reasons.

This is where gentleness, openness, and tolerance come into play. It helps if we are calmly persistent, consistent, and clear as we communicate to those around us why we are making the choices we are making. At the same time, we have the right to say that we are tired of talking about it and simply need our choices to be respected. Our lives belong to us and so do our decisions. Those who truly love us will stand by us and support our choices, regardless of what’s popular....<<<Read More>>>...

Attack on the Mind: Mental Health Fall-out From Cognitive Warfare Techniques

Even the mainstream media and global health organisations cannot ignore the massive toll COVID-19, the Ukraine/Russia conflict, vaccine and mask mandates, geopolitical chaos, rising inflation, and new threats – real and imagined – have taken on our physical and mental health.

The catastrophic rise in mental health disorders over the last three years – from anxiety to depression and suicide – has made us more than physically sick. We now watch in horror the rising mental health fall-out of non-stop, fear-based living.

We learned that researchers in a large study published in the British Medical Journal found that surviving COVID could “increase the risk of developing mental health issues, including increased rates of anxiety and depression, even when compared to non-COVID patients or even those who contracted the flu.” They also reported that it could result from body and brain inflammation and physical and emotional factors related to the pandemic.

The World Health Organisation took it one step further in their March 2022 report, “COVID-19 Pandemic triggers 25% increase in prevalence of anxiety and depression worldwide.” They noted “multiple stress factors” including loneliness, financial woes, fear of the virus, suffering and death, and anxiety and grief after losing a loved one. No mention of how their own policies like mass lockdowns contributed to all of the above....<<<Read More>>>...

UFO - Only You Can Rock Me

We Need Covid Fine Amnesty, Says Ex-Justice Secretary During Pandemic

 Sir Robert Buckland said the 29,383 people fined by the courts should have their “slates wiped clean” rather than risk their career prospects being hampered by convictions handed out at an “exceptional time”.

Sir Robert’s call has been backed by two former Cabinet ministers and charities while a source close to Alex Chalk, the current Justice Secretary, said he was also sympathetic to the idea of wiping the slate clean.

Magistrates fined people for breaking Covid restrictions, resulting in criminal convictions that could bar them from working as teachers, social workers or police officers.

Police can pass on these details to potential employers if they are deemed ‘relevant’ for criminal background checks for sensitive jobs where applicants deal with vulnerable people or children.

People are also required to declare any criminal convictions when applying for visas to visit countries like the U.S. and Canada, both of which reserve the right to permanently ban anyone who fails to reveal one.

Offences including attending gatherings, leaving home during lockdowns and failing to wear face coverings resulted in fines, with three quarters of those handed out between 2020 and 2023 going to people under the age of 40.

Sir Robert, who was Justice Secretary from July 2019 to September 2021, said any background criminal checks should focus on those who might be a threat to public safety, rather than people fined in the “exceptional circumstances” of a pandemic.

He said: “It is not proportionate or necessary at a time when we want to encourage and support as many people back to work as possible. If it is not being recorded in the usual way as a previous conviction, I would wipe the slate clean.”

Sir Robert is among three former Cabinet ministers and charities demanding an amnesty following the Government’s previous assurances that Covid fines were not intended to criminalise large numbers of people.

Sir David Davis, a former Cabinet Minister, said all but the most egregious breaches should be “obliterated” from the record. He said: “Much of the Covid regulation was heavy handed, unnecessary and penalised people wrongly. For this to turn into a lifetime penalty is a shameful disgrace and we should correct it as soon as possible.”

Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg, the former Business Secretary, said: “It is time for an amnesty on Covid fines which were an unnecessarily draconian measure at the time but with hindsight look entirely disproportionate.”...<<<Read More>>>...

Quote for the Day


Researchers say Vatican archives hold historical UFO secrets

The Vatican is believed to possess a vast collection of rare documents related to unexplained phenomena.

The Vatican Apostolic Archive, formerly known as the Vatican Secret Archive, is the central repository in the Vatican City of all acts promulgated by the Holy See. This repository holds thousands of items, including books, manuscripts, state papers, letters, and even presidential missives.

As one of the largest and most secret collections globally, these documents are stored on miles of shelving deep beneath the Vatican.

Recently, UFO disclosure advocates have attempted to access the archives to uncover historical accounts of unidentified flying objects and similar phenomena. Paranormal researchers are similarly keen to explore records of supernatural occurrences, reports<<<Read More>>>...

The UK government’s covid interventions were followed by spikes in mortality

The UK government implemented various lockdowns and restrictions in response to the covid “pandemic.” To visualise these responses, the Institute for Government – which “helps those working in government to improve it, and those outside government to understand and engage with it” – published an infographic in December 2022.

“I was hoping to see their follow-up, showing what a splendid job they had done in terms of actual mortality reduction,” Joel Smalley writes.

However, it appears this is not the case. So, Smalley did his own.

Here is how the Government’s covid policy affected native men and women of England and Wales....<<<Read More>>>..

These 13 countries just signed an agreement to engineer a global FAMINE by destroying food supply

 More scripts from the pantomime. What would have happened, what they planned to have happen.

60% of methane emissions is made to sound dramatic, but when you realise methane plays NO part in affecting the weather, the claim is meaningless and pure fear narrative. 

And the Paris Agreement was based on a worst case scenario for world weather which had NO true research figures inputted. It was a profound deception and a profound lie. 


The United States and the following 12 countries have all signed on to an agreement that in practice will destroy agriculture worldwide while ushering in global famine and starvation:

Burkina Faso
Czech Republic

A loss of meat production from Australia, Brazil and the U.S. alone would be enough to starve countless people, not to mention all the other foods that are raised and grown in these three countries.

Citing "climate change" and "global warming" as the reasons why such drastic measures must be taken, the globalists behind the climate scam are pushing the notion that agriculture, including animal rearing, must end in order to prevent animal flatulence from heating the environment.

"I am glad to see the shared commitment by the international community to mitigate methane emissions from agriculture as a means to achieve the goals we signed for in the Paris Agreement on climate," said Luis Planas, Spain's Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, in a statement.

Marcelo Mena, CEO of the Global Methane Hub, of course agrees.

"Food systems are responsible for 60 percent of methane emissions," Mena explained in an announcement....<<<Read More>>>....

Wednesday 19 June 2024

How (and why) Bird Flu is about to enter the 'Mass Testing' phase

Apparently a new study has found something scary - Americans "have little to no pre-existing immunity to the H5N1 avian flu". Frightening stuff.

Just a few hours ago the Daily Mail reported on yet another doctor doling out yet another dire warning. This time Dr Rick Bright, who told PBS that:

We're being blindfolded in this battle right now, and I'm really concerned that the virus is winning the game and getting ahead of us.' 

We're flying blind and the disease is getting ahead of us! It's running rampant and the stakes are enormous!

Even some channels that supposedly know better are spreading the fear.

CNN is frantic with worry - "We aren't doing enough about the risk of bird flu - but we can". Popular Science is relatively calm, asking "Can we prevent a bird flu pandemic in humans?", before reassuring us that we long as we all do as we're told.

All of these stories talk about "gathering data", "flying blind", and the need for "prevention". And all of that is really code for "testing". Almost every article talks up the need to increase testing - both of humans and animals.

But anyone who's been paying attention since 2020 knows PCR tests don't gather data, they create data. They are machines for generating "cases". Far from preventing a pandemic, they can be used to manufacture one.

There are even early signs of mandating tests going forward, such as this Politico article bemoaning the lack of farmers voluntarily signing up for government surveillance programs: The federal response is largely focusing on voluntary efforts by farmers to help track and contain the outbreak. But many farms still have not signed up for USDA efforts to boost surveillance and testing for the virus. And the solution to this is more money: 

Although federal funds have been allocated, no farms have enrolled in voluntary on-site milk testing, according to the USDA. Fewer than a dozen farms have applied for separate financial aid in exchange for boosting biosecurity measures to help contain the virus. 

Paying farmers to test their animals is another recycled Covid strategy. It will generate cases, which will generate culling, which links us up with the other aspect of "bird flu" - not "the next pandemic" but "the war on food".

As the alleged disease allegedly spreads from poultry farm to dairy farm more and more chickens are being culled and cows slaughtered. This is going to escalate even further soon, when governments start paying farmers to destroy their cattle....<<<Read More>>>...

Queensrÿche - Operation: Mindcrime

Image of the Day - "An lá sular thosaigh an gealtacht reatha ar fad"


Chemtrails are part of the depopulation agenda

What are they spraying into the sky? Who’s doing it? Why are they doing it, what are their motives? And what can we do to put an end to this?

These are questions Richard Vobes put to two pilots last week who have been conducting in-depth research into chemtrails. To protect their anonymity, the two pilots were named Eves and Russ for the interview.

Eves, currently based in Belgium, has been a commercial pilot for over 25 years. He has travelled extensively around Europe, America, Canada, the Middle East and Singapore and began noticing the chemtrails about 10 years ago.

Russ started off his career in aviation in the military before moving on to becoming a commercial pilot. He currently flies in the UK and Europe.

Chemtrails lead back to the depopulation agenda, Eves said. It leads to the World Health Organisation and the World Economic Forum, and among its main sponsors is Bill Gates.

The chemtrail programme goes deep, Russ said. International airspace restrictions and control authorities are involved, as well as the military and civil aviation authorities.

Geoengineering is a controversial science of manipulating the climate for the stated purpose of fighting man-made climate change. There are several types of geoengineering, including Solar Radiation Management (“SRM”) or solar geoengineering.

Stratospheric aerosol injection (“SAI”), or Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering (“SAG”), is a specific solar geoengineering practice which involves spraying aerosols into the sky in an attempt to deflect the Sun’s rays. These are examples of what is often referred to as chemical trails or chemtrails....<<<Read More>>>...

White House calls on tech giants to censor all video clips of Joe Biden behaving like a dementia patient, claiming such videos are “fakes”

 Joe Biden’s displays of mental incompetence have become so egregious that his team is now calling on Big Tech firms to censor video clips in which his confusion is on full display.

During a parachute display and skydiving demonstration at the G7 summit in Southern Italy last week, he can be seen wandering off from a group of world leaders during a planned photo opportunity, appearing to completely miss the presentation taking place in front of him and turning in the other direction to talk to an officer who was packing up a parachute. He had to be guided back to his place by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who had to walk toward him backward so she could continue to face her fellow leaders.

Video footage of this “senior moment” quickly circulated online as people wonder how someone who is so mentally unfit could run our country for another four years. This prompted a number of “fact check” labels and accusations from the media that the clip is being shared without providing context and that somehow the aging president isn’t nearly as senile as the clip would imply.

As usual, the censor-happy Biden administration has taken this one step further, with Biden campaign spokeswoman Adrienne Elrod calling the footage “disinformation” despite being legitimate and calling on social media platforms to remove it or limit its distribution.

That’s right; Biden acts like a dementia patient on the world stage, and desperate and delusional liberals think they can just use their Big Tech connections to scrub it entirely, like it never happened...<<<Read More>>>....

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Kestrel Medicine


Moloch & Our Systems Of Bad Incentives

 The debate over whether our world is driven by inherently bad individuals or flawed systems is ongoing. Many people hastily label those in power as "evil," hoping to simplify complex issues and find easy solutions.

However, this perspective is neither helpful nor accurate. Our world is intricate, and to create a better one, we must first understand its complexities.

Breaking The Illusion is coming to terms with the fact that our existing systems are not what we think they are. That what we believe about them is typically gleaned from years of propaganda and stories that act as wool pulled over our eyes so we cannot see or question the truth of what they are.

We learn The Illusion from family, friends, society, traditions, school, media and government. It is the world we are told to accept. "This is how it works and how it is." It's true that The Illusion is just a story, but it's a powerful one that permeates our consciousness and our body. It's built right into our nervous systems.

The good news is humans made up our society based on the culture and worldview we hold and uphold. To change it, we have to crack open that illusion to start wondering what else there can be.

Examples: The story that mainstream media will tell you the truth is part of The Illusion. Believing that the government is operating in your best interest is part of The Illusion. Believing that pharmaceutical companies put safe products over their own profits is part of The Illusion. You get the picture. People believe in a society that doesn't do what it says it does....<<<Read More>>>...

Experimental biosynthetic food to replace natural food is happening, now!

 Last week Australian Kate Mason gave a presentation to the 100-year Biodynamic Conference in Sydney. She flashed document after document on the screen detailing the involvement of national and international government and corporate interests determined to alter the nature and content of our food supply.

During her presentation, Mason covered the synthetic biology and synthetic food landscape; the technologies, the tracking and tracing components, the patents and the health aspects.

Biosynthetic food products are being falsely promoted as more nutritious than organic food. None of this is backed by sound science. No biosynthetic foods have been proven to be healthy or safe.

Although most, if not all, of these projects are doomed to fail and will ultimately disappear off the menu, along the way our taxes are being diverted to pay the handsome salaries of biotechnology schemers hungry for profit and fame and boost corporate profits.

More importantly, the experimentation will leave a toxic legacy of persistent genetic pollution which will continue to undermine plant health and human longevity through the generations.

Here are some of the main take-home lessons of Mason’s detailed research into the murky world of biotechnology experimentation and promotion.

Food is being designed in labs and manufactured in biosynthetic fermentation vats and vertical farms. This involves unregulated gene editing of crops and animals using CRISPR gene editing proven to have unpredictable effects but without any requirement to label end-point foods.

Genetic modification of plant root systems to enhance carbon storage.

Synthetic meat such as lab-grown quail whose genes are forced to multiply using unspecified genetic promoters in a medium of barley containing pig genes. The synthetic quail also contains biosynthetic vitamins and added minerals to “enhance” or rather “correct” its deficient nutritional profile. This is about to be released in Australia and described as free of genetically modified organisms, or GMO-free.

Food made from insect protein whose production is robotically controlled by AI technology in giant mega factories. Yes, these factories are being built right now and they are winning plaudits and awards from UNESCO....<<<Read More>>>...

The Underground War: Fema Camps, Underground Military Bases, Bunkers and Tunnels Under the US For The ‘Elite’ and The New World Order

Today we explore the many Camps, Bunkers, Bases and Tunnels in the United States and why they exist. Regardless of what we think of them, they will save lives. Not all. But they will save some. We discuss the cost, location, number and many more things about these places.

In May 1995, Phil Schneider did a lecture on what he had discovered. Seven months later he was tortured and killed by those for whom he had previously worked. This man’s final acts should not go unnoticed.

“It is because of the horrendous structure of the federal government that I feel directly imperiled *not* to tell anybody about this material. How long I will be able to do this is anybody’s guess.

“However, I would like to mention that this talk is going to be broken up into four main topics. Each of these topics will have some bearing on what you people are involved in, whether you are patriots or not.

“I want you to know that these United States are a beautiful place. I have gone to more than 70 countries, and I cannot remember any country that has the beauty, as well as the magnificence of its people, like these United States.

“To give you an overview of basically what I am, I started off and went through engineering school. Half of my school was in that field, and I built up a reputation for being a geological engineer, as well as a structural engineer with both military and aerospace applications....<<<Read More>>>...

If you got “vaccinated” for COVID, you’re more likely to die: STUDY

While it is true that those who chose to get injected were more likely to also have underlying health conditions – the powers that be fooled people with preexisting conditions by spreading a false narrative – it is also true that tens of millions of otherwise healthy people got jabbed because their jobs, schools, etc. required it.

This study was published around the time that AstraZeneca withdrew its viral-vector COVID injection from the global market following the revelation that the shot causes deadly Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS).

"While it is established that vaccination reduces risk of hospitalization, there is conflicting data on whether it improves outcome among hospitalized COVID-19 patients," the study further reads.

"Although our cohort size is small, our results suggest that vaccination status of hospital-admitted COVID-19 patients may not be instructive in determining mortality risk."

The only perhaps possible benefit of getting injected – emphasis on the word perhaps – is to prevent hospitalization, the study suggests, this being what we were all told from the very beginning was the only potential benefit of getting shot.

The study authors made it clear that they in no way investigated this possibility because their data does not address it. They suggest that further research to "identify factors predictive of aberrant immunogenic responses to vaccination is warranted."

"This was all just a beta test for the bloodthirsty killers," suggested one of our readers about the true purpose behind Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines."

"Seventeen million? Not nearly enough depopulation for the globalists," wrote another. "Expect another deadlier pandemic with a miraculous 'vaccine' that shortly follows."

"Gate and others have already told us to be ready for the next 'pandemic,' which is just a bonus for the insane globalists. World War III will be the main depopulation event." ...<<<Read More>>>...

Monday 17 June 2024

Why Do Modern Humans Feel So Empty?

 Speak for yourself. We don't.


Modern society seems to be filled with more and more feelings of hopelessness, emptiness, and meaninglessness. I feel this is both sad and a good feedback mechanism.

In my view, this is a symptom of the ongoing shift in consciousness (also now called the metacrisis) which I’ve outlined prior in this article (which is making a resurgence lately.)

Currently, we have amazing technological advancements, a better quality of life for many, and more access to good things, yet emptiness felt by most.


In my mind, this feeling of emptiness can be traced to a multifaceted array of societal, psychological, and existential factors that collectively shape the modern human experience....<<<Read More>>>...

Researchers spend nights in Alcatraz, encounter paranormal activity

 A team of researchers mapping Alcatraz Island to study erosion and climate change impacts spent three weeks living in the prison’s notorious D Block, experiencing the haunting history firsthand.

The team, led by Pete Kelsey, used their stay to gain access to restricted areas, including the hospital wing and cells for mentally ill inmates. They faced spartan conditions, bringing their own food and using communal toilets.

Their stay wasn’t just about scientific exploration; it also included unnerving experiences that added to Alcatraz’s eerie reputation.

Kelsey recounted an incident involving a retired law enforcement officer on the team. Due to his loud snoring, the team asked him to sleep in the mugshot room, separate from the others in D Block. However, the next morning, Kelsey found him outside the room, refusing to sleep there again....<<<Read More>>>...

Heaven & Hell - The Mob Rules

Pentagon wants to feed troops 'experimental' lab-grown meat to 'reduce CO2 footprint'

A Pentagon-funded company is seeking proposals to feed America's soldiers lab-grown meat in a bid to "reduce the CO2 footprint" at Defense Department outposts.

BioMADE, a public-private company that has received more than $500 million in funding from the Defense Department, announced earlier this month that it is seeking proposals to develop "innovations in food production that reduce the CO2 footprint of food production at ... DoD operational environments," according to an online announcement.

These include "novel cell culture methods suitable for the production of cultivated meat/protein," or lab-grown meat, a product that is still in its experimental phases. This type of meat is grown in a lab from animal cells with the aid of other chemicals, and has emerged as a flashpoint in debates about the efficacy and morality of manufacturing meat products without slaughtering animals...<<<Read More>>>...

Quote for the Day


The UN Cybercrime Draft Convention is a Blank Check for Unchecked Surveillance Abuses

 The United Nations Ad Hoc Committee is just weeks away from finalizing a too-broad Cybercrime Draft Convention. This draft would normalize unchecked domestic surveillance and rampant government overreach, allowing serious human rights abuses around the world.

The latest draft of the convention—originally spearheaded by Russia but since then the subject of two and a half years of negotiations—still authorizes broad surveillance powers without robust safeguards and fails to spell out data protection principles essential to prevent government abuse of power.

As the August 9 finalization date approaches, Member States have a last chance to address the convention’s lack of safeguards: prior judicial authorization, transparency, user notification, independent oversight, and data protection principles such as transparency, minimization, notification to users, and purpose limitation. If left as is, it can and will be wielded as a tool for systemic rights violations.

Countries committed to human rights and the rule of law must unite to demand stronger data protection and human rights safeguards or reject the treaty altogether. These domestic surveillance powers are critical as they underpin international surveillance cooperation....<<<Read More>>>...

Doctors have become employees who must adhere to corporate and government directives at the expense of patient health

 Doctors for Patients UK submitted testimonies to the People’s Vaccine Inquiry from several doctors. One of them was psychiatrist Dr. Ali Ajaz who was employed by the NHS but left due to pending vaccine mandates.

“The NHS’s handling of the covid-19 vaccine rollout exemplified a top-down approach where frontline doctors, including myself, were discouraged from applying medical scrutiny or expressing concerns,” he said.

Adding. “The role of doctors has increasingly shifted towards that of employees who must adhere to corporate and governmental directives, often at the expense of medical autonomy and the broader, holistic consideration of patient health.”...<<<Read More>>>...

BIOTERRORISM: Gates Foundation awarded $9.5 million to UW-Madison to make H5N1 bird flu transmissible to humans

We are taking this claim with a pinch of salt. A script line regarding a pantomime major name. Its a fear narrative that has been leaked into the conspiracy world to be spread like wild fire to SCARE.


It looks as though H5N1, also known as "bird flu," might just be the next "pandemic" the globalists are planning to unleash – thanks, in part, to a $9.5 million grant the Gates Foundation awarded to the University of Wisconsin - Madison to make H5N1 transmissible to humans and other mammals.

The McCullough Foundation, a project of Dr. Peter McCullough, tweeted that the Gates Foundation gave the $9.5 million to UW-Madison and principal investigator Yoshihiro Kawaoka to modify, possibly through gain-of-function tampering, H5N1 so it will "preferentially recognize human-type receptors and transmit efficiently in mammals."

Much like bat coronaviruses, which we now know were modified in a lab to jump from bats to humans, H5N1 infects birds in its natural state. Building upon the research of Ron Fouchier, who previously modified H5N1 to become airborne transmissible in ferrets, UW-Madison and Kawaoka's research provides two additional mutations that are needed to make Egyptian H5N1 produce "variants" that have mammalian "transmissibility features."

"This indicates that the @gatesfoundation funded bioterrorist-like activities involving H5N1, providing blueprints for other bad actors who may want to create a bioweapon," tweeted the McCullough Foundation about these disturbing new revelations."...<<<Read More>>>...

Sunday 16 June 2024

Iron Maiden – The Writing On The Wall

The Truth About Covid is Finally Seeping Out

It’s been a long time coming, but finally, inexorably, like a Wuhan lab leak, the truth about COVID-19 appears to be seeping out. Short of running the world’s largest Excel spreadsheet on ‘conspiracy theories which came true’, it appears safe to say that the anti-vaxxers and covidiots among us (other slurs are available from those who learned nothing from Brexit) were right about practically everything.

So, how did we know – we ‘little people’, who clearly aren’t world-renowned virologists and therefore had no right to an opinion on the matter? I suspect, like most of you, I know bullshit when I smell it, a talent for which we receive neither thanks nor apology from those bereft of the ability. In my case I had a slight advantage (having literally written the book on bullshit), and I’ll repeat what I wrote back in 2019:

The very least that scammers, politicians and governments could do it seems to me is not insult the public’s intelligence with lies which wouldn’t pass muster in a primary school detention.

Unfortunately in the case of Covid, the lies told by our governments were so breathtakingly amateur, even the most conformist among us had no credible option but to question them.

For me the penny dropped with the justification for the first lockdown – we had to do it to save nan and granddad, the Tories told us. This raised serious alarm bells immediately. Short of their propensity to vote, no government gives a hoot about anyone past retirement age. In fact, the ideal scenario would be for us all to drop dead the moment we qualify for a state pension. Otherwise, there’s always the danger that the elderly will continue to drain the Exchequer, monopolise hospital beds, housing stock and space on public transport, and otherwise clog up infrastructure which could be better invested in Mohammad and Abdul, fresh off the latest Uber dinghy at Dover. In fact, Boris Johnson’s initial reaction to Covid was precisely that it was “nature’s way of dealing with old people”.

But of course, the most obvious indication that something was amiss was the behaviour of those in charge: the politicians and world leaders who had access to all the information, and nonetheless spent their time breaking lockdown, failing to keep their genitals a socially distanced six feet (or even six inches) apart, bringing their own booze to ‘work events’, and whipping their masks off the minute the cameras stopped rolling. In other words, those with the most to live for knew (or at the very least acted as if they knew) that they were in no danger from Covid whatsoever....<<<Read More>>>....

Let It Roll off Our Back

 One of the most difficult challenges in life is learning not to take things to heart and hold on to it. Especially when we’re younger, or if we’re very sensitive, we take so much of what comes our way to heart. This can be overwhelming and unproductive if it throws us off balance on a regular basis. When we are feeling criticized or attacked from all directions, it becomes very difficult for us to recover ourselves so that we can continue to speak and act our truth. This is when we would do well to remember the old saying about letting certain things roll off us, like water off a duck’s back.

Most of the time, the attacks and criticisms of others have much more to do with them and how they are feeling than with us. If we get caught up in trying to adjust ourselves to other people’s negative energy, we lose touch with our core. In fact, in a positive light, these slings and arrows offer us the opportunity to strengthen our core sense of self, and to learn to dodge and deflect other people’s misdirected negativity. The more we do this, the more we are able to discern what belongs to us and what belongs to other people. With practice, we become masters of our energetic integrity, refusing to serve as targets for the disowned anger and frustration of the people around us.

Eventually, we will be able to hear the feedback that others have to offer, taking in anything that might actually be constructive, and releasing that which has nothing to do with us. First, though, we tend ourselves compassionately by recognizing when we can’t take something in from the outside without hurting ourselves. This is when we make like a duck, shaking it off and letting it roll off our back as we continue our way in the world. (Daily OM)

Image of the Day - "imithe ach gan dearmad a dhéanamh air"



Eugenics is quietly returning; what does this mean for future humans?

 We don’t get to choose which of our genes we pass on. Every conception is a roll of the dice. But that could be about to change with emerging technology called “preimplantation genetic testing for polygenic disorders.”

A technology that allows parents who can afford the cost of the procedure to select which embryos should be allowed to survive based on their desired traits. In humans, selective breeding is called eugenics.

Could this new eugenics movement eventually result in a new breed of elitist humans that are sufficiently genetically distinct from the rest that the two populations are no longer genetically similar enough to interbreed?

Testing of a foetus or embryo is already common. Prenatal Down’s Syndrome tests, for instance, are so widespread that in some Scandinavian countries, almost 100 per cent of women choose to abort a foetus diagnosed with the condition, or – if using IVF – not implant the affected embryo. The result is a visible change to these populations: there are simply no more people with Down’s to be seen on the streets of Iceland and Denmark.

Until now, these prenatal tests have been available only for some conditions.

Preimplantation genetic testing for polygenic disorders (“PGT-P”), hereafter “polygenic screening,” is a genetic test designed to screen for multiple genes associated with a polygenic disorder, which is a condition caused by the interaction of multiple genetic and environmental factors. This test is typically performed on embryos created through in vitro fertilisation (“IVF”) and aims to identify embryos with a lower risk of developing a polygenic disorder....<<<Read More>>....

Satanic billionaires are funding thousands of “journalists” to promote the global Net Zero depopulation agenda

Satanic billionaires are publishing their plans for humanity, right out in the open. A new report from the Earth Journalism Network (EJN) sheds light on a vast global grooming program that targets mainstream media journalists, activist organizations and “independent” journalist to parrot climate doom propaganda.

This initiative, funded by green billionaires, heavily emphasizes the promotion of Net Zero carbon agendas put forth by the United Nations (UN) and other globalists. The report unveils a concerning trend where journalists are financially incentivized to 'balance' their climate change reporting, and acquiesce to climate change narratives.

The EJN report serves as a global benchmark for climate and environmental journalism, highlighting journalism’s reliance on elite, billionaire funding and strict adherence to climate doom propaganda. It suggests an unethical shift from journalistic objectivity, a trend observed online through "independent journalism" -- a trend that is prompting a complete re-evaluation of journalistic practices.

Over the past two decades, mainstream journalism has faltered in its objectivity and honesty. Consequently, billionaire foundations have filled the void, taking advantage of declining circulation and advertising revenues by providing grants of their own. Their funding comes with strings attached, of course. These billionaires are trying to train journalists and mold their reporting to fulfill communist goals for humanity, and to shape society in a way that profits and empowers global agendas....<<<Read More>>>....