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Friday, 28 February 2025

Electricity is more dangerous than you think

 Electricity is almost certainly more dangerous than you think. If you spend most of your time working with or close to an electrical appliance, if you live or work near to an electricity supply line or if you spend your days working with electrical equipment then the chances of you developing cancer of one sort or another are considerably increased.

In America, where people only vote with their wallets when they really believe something, house prices near to electricity supply lines have fallen by as much as a quarter. The dean of a school of public health said about electricity that: “The present state of affairs is like the correlation between smoking and lung cancer 30 years ago.” He added that, at a conservative estimate, a third of all childhood cancers are caused by electrical fields.

A study of nearly 500 children showed that children whose mothers used electric blankets when they were pregnant, were two and a half times as likely to develop brain tumours. A study of nearly 700 children showed that children who lived in houses near to power distribution lines were two or three times as likely to die of leukaemia or brain tumours. Research at an American University showed that men who work as electricians or electrical engineers are ten times as likely to develop certain types of brain tumour. Experts found that workers for a telephone company who worked alongside electricity power lines were seven times as likely to develop leukaemia. And so it goes on.

Meanwhile, what can you do to reduce your chances – and the chances of anyone in your family – of being killed by electrical fields?...<<<Read More>>>...

The Whole Body & Spirit Will Heal After Listening to This Frequency - The DEEPEST Healing Frequency

Image of the Day - "Ciorcal bréige ach áit den scoth"


Study finds Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine use soared during COVID-19 pandemic

Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine prescriptions "soared far above" levels before the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study.

Researchers from the University of California - Los Angeles (UCLA) and other institutions said that nearly 3 million ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine prescriptions were issued during the pandemic, totaling some $272 million, according to a news release issued on Feb. 20.

The dispensing of ivermectin "from US pharmacies was nearly 1,000 percent higher than prepandemic rates," the study said.

Usage of the two drugs was three times higher in people aged 65 and older, compared with people aged 18 to 64, according to the study published in the Health Affairs journal. Patients aged 65 and older represented 25 percent of adults in the study but constituted more than 59 percent of COVID-19-linked ivermectin usage and 68 percent of COVID-19-related hydroxychloroquine use, it found.

Hydroxychloroquine prescriptions and usage peaked in March 2020, when the pandemic started in the United States, to 133 percent of pre-pandemic rates, the UCLA news release said...<<<Read More>>>...

On May 5, Microsoft’s Skype will shut down for good

 After more than 21 years, Skype will soon be no more. Last night, some users (including Ars readers) poked around in the latest Skype preview update and noticed as-yet-unsurfaced text that read "Starting in May, Skype will no longer be available. Continue your calls and chats in Teams."

This morning, Microsoft has confirmed to Ars that it's true. May 5, 2025, will mark the end of Skype's long run.

Alongside the verification that the end is nigh, Microsoft shared a bunch of details about how it plans to migrate Skype users over. Starting right away, some Skype users (those in Teams and Skype Insider) will be able to log in to Teams using their Skype credentials. More people will gain that ability over the next few days....<<<Read More>>>...

Food for Thought #581


AI Created an Alien-Like Chip That Works—But No One Knows How

 A newly developed AI wireless chip has surprised scientists. This unusual project has attracted attention not only because of its efficiency, but also because of its completely unexpected structure.

Some experts have noticed a surprising similarity between the chip’s design and the images of “alien cities” created by the same neural networks.

The project was carried out by an international group of researchers, including specialists from China and India working in the United States. Their task was to force a neural network to create a design for a new wireless communication chip.

The result exceeded all expectations: the resulting design turned out to be significantly more effective than conventional engineering solutions.....<<<Read More>>>...

Def Leppard - Animal

Professor Lockdown Ferguson returns. This time to “predict” the spread of bird flu in US cattle

Yesterday, Dr. Tom Jefferson and Professor Carl Heneghan highlighted two papers. One is a pre-print (not peer-reviewed) paper published on 28 January 2025 and the other is a paper published in 2001: A mathematical model of H5N1 influenza transmission in US dairy cattle, MedRXiv, 28 January 2025.The Foot-and-Mouth Epidemic in Great Britain: Pattern of Spread and Impact of Interventions, Science, 12 April 2001 (The paper is behind a paywall but you can read from page 2 of the paper uploaded onto ResearchGate HERE.)

The authors of the 2025 pre-print paper on bird flu wrote, “Our model suggests that dairy herd outbreaks [of H5N1 avian influenza] will continue to be a significant public health challenge in 2025 and that more urgent, farm-focused, biosecurity interventions and targeted surveillance schemes are sorely needed.”

What is notable about the two papers above is that Professor Lockdown, also known as Neil Ferguson, was one of the authors of both. For those who may need reminding, who is Neil Ferguson?

Professor Neil Ferguson is an epidemiologist whose mathematical modelling of pandemics predicted huge death rates.

In 2001, as foot and mouth disease (FMD) broke out in parts of Britain, Ferguson and his team at Imperial College produced predictive modelling which was later criticised as “not fit for purpose.” At the time, however, it proved highly influential and helped to persuade Tony Blair’s government to carry out a widespread pre-emptive culling which ultimately led to the deaths of more than six million cattle, sheep and pigs. The cost to the economy was later estimated at £10 billion.

Separately, Ferguson predicted that up to 150,000 people could die from bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE, “mad cow disease”) and its equivalent in sheep if it made the leap to humans. Per 2020, there have been fewer than 200 deaths from the human form of BSE and none from sheep to human transmission. The result was an EU ban on British beef exports; and the eventual killing and incineration of over 3.7 million cattle.

In 2005, Ferguson claimed that up to 200 million people would be killed by bird flu or H5N1. By early 2006, the WHO had only linked 78 deaths to the virus, out of 147 reported cases. Neil Ferguson, Wikispooks

Ferguson’s involvement in dodgy modelling doesn’t stop there. As Wikispooks notes, “In 2009, Ferguson and his team at Imperial College advised the government that Swine flu (H1N1) would probably kill 65,000 people in the UK. He was also one of 16 experts for the emergency committee of the WHO which recommended the declaration of the swine flu pandemic. At the time he declared consultancy fees from GlaxoSmithKline, Baxter and Roche. In the end, swine flu claimed the lives of 457 people in the UK.”

The swine flu event was a falsified pandemic declared by the World Health Organisation in June 2009. The swine flu fraud was uncovered and exposed by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, a German pulmonologist, physician, epidemiologist and public health expert, who at the time of the 2009 swine flu “pandemic” was a Member of the European Parliament. In 2010, Channel 4 aired an expose calling the swine flu “pandemic” one of the greatest medical scandals of the century....<<<Read More>>>...

Britain’s working class will never fight Starmer’s war for Ukraine

 Following the Munich Security Conference last week, European Union leaders appeared shell-shocked by US Vice President J.D. Vance’s scathing attack on Europe.

He criticized the continent for multiple reasons, including the lack of free speech, arrests of European citizens for inflammatory social media posts, insufficient commitment to security, and destabilization due to both legal and illegal migration. Although Vance seemed to address Western European politicians and officials, it is likely he was speaking over their heads, directly to the public. His words resonated with widespread discontent about politics and politicians across the region, aligning with the prevailing sense of unfairness felt by many ordinary citizens.

Western European leaders, including British Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer, appeared agitated and uncomfortable with Washington’s tone. Perhaps the hard truths Vance presented have forced them to reconsider their consistently underfunded armed forces. Vance’s warnings made it clear that they cannot indefinitely rely on the US for military power and financial aid, particularly regarding the Russia-Ukraine war. Ukraine’s Vladimir Zelensky also heard that signal and immediately called for a ‘European Armed Force’. Western European leaders arranged an emergency meeting in Paris hosted by French President Emmanuel Macron and, astonishingly, Starmer indicated British soldiers could be sent to the Ukraine to enforce any peace deal...<<<Read More>>>....


Thursday, 27 February 2025

432Hz - Super Recovery & Healing Frequency, Restore Whole Body, Brings Positive Transformation

A Call To Arms!

 I challenge all the self professed 'psychic mediums' to start actually using the psychic ability they claim to have. It's time to stop being sheep; it's time to stop following the belief systems and pathways of others. It's time to see the world with your own mind; using your own so called abilities. Its time to stand on your own two feet!

If you really were psychic you would not have the beliefs you currently have or walk the path you walk; or follow everyone else that does the same. 

If you really were psychic you would see all the myth, the deception, the deceit and all the deliberate disinformation around you. You would realise the bullshit that you regurgitate parrot fashion to all and sundry. You would see that the world around you is not how it really is. From the way you act and the way you follow each other ... clearly you are not seeing the world with your self professed senses!

Do your self professed psychic senses not say something about what is happening in the world? Or is it because you don't really have any of the abilities that you cling to the beliefs and ideas of those who are associated with the psychic world? It's time to prove everyone wrong and change the track because you look like a scratched record, with the needle stuck in the same groove as everyone else. You can't think for yourself.

The Unseen World

 Just because we can’t see something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, although this is a common way in which people deny the existence of spirit guides, angels, and other unseen helpers in our lives. 

However, anyone who has encountered such beings can attest to the fact that they do exist, just as our breath exists, keeping us alive, even though we can’t see it. The wind exists, too, but we only know this because we feel it on our skin and hear it moving the leaves on the trees. 

All around us and within us are things we can’t see, and yet we know they are just as real as the grass beneath our feet.

What we see and don’t see may just be a matter of perspective, like the ladybug who sees the leaf on which she sits, but not the tree the leaf grows on or the person sitting beneath it. And the person beneath the tree may or may not see the ladybug, depending on where they focus their attention. Still, all of these things, whether seen or not seen by the person or the ladybug, exist in reality. Some people are more gifted at accessing that which we cannot see, but with an open and willing heart, anyone can tune into the invisible realm and begin to find their way.

Human beings have always done this, and it is only recently that we have fallen into distrusting the existence of what we can’t see. If you have lost touch with the unseen world, all you have to do is resolve to open your heart to its existence, and it will make itself known. Closing your eyes in meditation and visualization, or engaging the unseen through the written word are just two ways to welcome the invisible back into your life. Whatever you choose to do, cultivating a relationship with that which you can’t see is a time-honored human practice that can greatly enhance your life. (Daily OM)

Food for Thought #580


Migrant Powder Keg: Turmoil in Ireland Amid 300% Rise in Asylum Seekers

Welcome to Ireland’s new normal, where Dublin’s streets resemble war zones as the country’s migrant crisis fuels machete attacks, riot police and drug-fuelled brawls. The Mail has more.

Ireland has exploded into a wave of violence as anti-migrant anger is at an all time high – after the number of people applying to come into the country rocketed by nearly 300% in five years.

Shocking new videos show Dublin descending into chaos – with fighting thugs throwing themselves into busses, knife fights on their streets and mass brawls sparking in residential roads.

In others, men patrol the capital to keep the city ‘safe’ while police can be seen using riot shields and pepper spray as they crack down on protests....<<<Read More>>>...

Quote for the Day


The Great Pyramid of Giza May Have Functioned as an Energy Power Station

 A group of researchers have concluded that the Great Pyramid of Giza may have functioned as a kind of giant power station, capable of collecting and accumulating energy.

This hypothesis stems from experiments conducted by scientists, who discovered that electromagnetic wave energy was concentrated within the pyramid at specific points, including areas where the pharaohs’ tombs were located.

Retired aerospace engineer Christopher Dunn recently elaborated on this theory in an interview with Joe Rogan.

Dunn suggested that the Egyptian civilization might have utilized chemical reactions to produce hydrogen, which could have served as an energy source. According to the hypothesis, this process was intricately integrated into the pyramid’s design....<<<Read More>>>....

Def Leppard - Rocket

mRNA injections, the secret world government and Gatesian Grey skies

 A British television company seems proud of itself for “exposing” a scandal relating to the drug diethylstilboestrol. This isn’t a new scandal, of course. 

It was many decades ago, back in the last century, that I first exposed the scandal of a drug called diethylstilboestrol which was given to women in the 1960s and 1970s. It wasn’t until much later that it was found that the drug caused breast cancer in the women who took it. 

Even more worrying was the discovery that the drug caused adenocarcinoma, a type of vaginal cancer, in the daughters of women who took the drug. My worry today is that doctors are using new drugs (such as the wretched mRNA vaccines) without any idea of the short, medium or long-term consequences. Will the mRNA vaccines cause problems for the children of the people who were vaccinated with it? I don’t know and nor does anyone else. 

I am sure that the covid-19 vaccine is causing rapidly growing cancers among the generation who took the drug. But what about the next generation? (This is a smaller problem than it might have been because of the fertility problems associated with the vaccine.)

Those who are still fussing over whether mRNA vaccines can affect DNA should remember that in this world, as we race through Net Zero towards the Great Reset, the words we must live by are “when there is doubt there is no doubt.” For starters study the paper entitled `Potential health risks of mRNA-based vaccine therapy: a hypothesis’ which was published some time ago...<<<Read More>>>...

BP’s green dream collapses: Energy giant returns to oil as activist investors circle

 BP, once a pioneer in the oil and gas industry, now finds itself at a crossroads after its ambitious green energy pivot backfired spectacularly. The company’s decision to embrace renewable energy under former CEO Bernard Looney has left it vulnerable to activist investors, plummeting profits and a potential existential crisis. As BP prepares to announce a dramatic shift back to its fossil fuel roots, the energy giant’s struggles serve as a cautionary tale for the global push toward Net Zero. 

In February 2020, Bernard Looney stood before journalists and executives at London’s Royal Lancaster Hotel, urging them to “reimagine” BP as a champion of green power. Looney pledged to cut oil and gas production by 40% by 2030, replacing lost revenue with investments in wind farms, solar parks and biofuels. “BP has been an international oil company for over a century… Now we are pivoting to become an integrated energy company,” he declared.

The plan was bold, with precise targets: a tenfold increase in renewable energy investment to $5 billion annually, 50 gigawatts of renewable capacity by 2030 and a sharp reduction in refining throughput. But five years later, BP’s green dreams have crumbled. Few of the promised renewable projects have materialized, and those that have—like its 10 U.S. wind farms—are being sold off. BP Lightsource, its solar subsidiary, builds solar farms only to sell them, leaving no long-term income stream...<<<Read More>>>...

Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Evidence Of A Dictatorship: No detail too insignificant to micromanage: EU declares coffee 'dangerous' as 'ridiculous' ban mirrors pastry clampdown

 'Meddling Brussels bureaucrats!'

The European Union has declared coffee "harmful to humans" in a new regulation that bans the use of caffeine as a pesticide.

Brussels officials cited scientific evidence claiming caffeine is harmful when swallowed, in a report supporting the ban on using the substance to kill snails and slugs in vegetable patches.

The controversial ruling has sparked concerns that EU regulations could eventually target coffee consumption, a cornerstone of European daily life.

The EU report highlighted multiple health concerns associated with caffeine consumption. 

Vistisen drew parallels with other lifestyle choices, stating: "Nobody thinks smoking and whiskey are good for you, but they add pleasure to many peoples lives."

The regulation echoes a previous EU controversy over Danish pastries, where cinnamon rolls had to be reclassified as "traditional" food.

This reclassification was necessary to avoid EU limits on coumarin, a potentially toxic compound found in cinnamon.

"A few years ago, the EU wished to ban cinnamon on Danish pastries and the bakers union had to wrangle a get-out clause," Vistisen said.

"It would suit everyone much better if many of these matters were left to national competence and personal choice."...<<<Read More>>>..

USAID and How the U.S. Government Controls Ukrainian Media

USAID funded the vast majority of 'independent' media in Ukraine. What American taxpayers don't realize is that their money went to suppressing the truth.

The camera was rolling when chaos erupted. It was January 21, 2024, and an independent Ukrainian journalist named Ostap Stakhiv was livestreaming a call with Vasyl Pleskach, a man claiming he was being illegally detained by Ukraine's infamous military conscription unit, the TCC. The agency has been accused of kidnapping men from the street and forcing them to the front lines. Those who resist have sometimes been tortured — and in several well-documented cases — killed.

In the middle of the interview, Stakhiv called the police to see if they would free Pleskach from the clutches of the TCC. Just then, with the police still on the line, a burly figure entered Vasyl's frame, walked over to Pleskach, and struck him hard in the face. His phone tumbled to the ground, landing sideways, but still recording."They're beating him right now," Stakhiv told the police, as Vasyl's picture went haywire. "People are watching it live. They're beating him as we speak. Go to my YouTube channel and see it for yourself." Off-screen, Pleskach's screams were audible for another minute before the line was disconnected....<<<Read More>>>...

Quote for the Day


After the horse has long bolted and the damage done …

 With one stroke of his pen, President Trump accomplished what we have been fighting for over the last 4 years – an end to college and university Covid-19 vaccine mandates. He signed an executive order to halt federal funding to all schools, including colleges and universities, that still impose Covid-19 vaccine mandates on students. While there are only 15 colleges and universities left mandating these shots, the magnitude of his message to higher education leaders should not be underestimated.

Covid-19 vaccine mandates on healthy young adults were never based on scientific data or sound reasoning, but they were harshly implemented nonetheless. These policies coerced a captive population of students to choose between abandonment of their college programs and dreams for the future or complying with decisions over bodily autonomy made by the “experts.”

Beginning in the spring of 2021, colleges and universities mandated students to take shots that never protected against infection or transmission of Covid-19. These mandates were imposed with the mantra that injections were the best way to “protect our community” from severe illness and death – a claim that proved false by the summer of 2021 just prior to mandated compliance for fall 2021 enrollment....<<<Read More>>>....

Whitesnake - Ain't No Love in the Heart of the City

Ofgem increases energy price cap; expensive energy is due to “renewables” and “net zero” policies are the primary cause of deindustrialisation of the UK

 Renewable energy in the form of wind and solar has driven energy prices skyward in the UK, threatening industries such as chemicals that remain.

According to Nigel Farage, Member of Parliament for Clacton, Net Zero targets are the primary reason for the deindustrialisation of Britain because its electricity prices for industry are between five and six times higher than those in America. 

On Tuesday, Ofgem announced a 6.4% increase in the energy price cap for the period covering April to June 2025. “A recent spike in wholesale prices is the main driver of today’s price rise, accounting for around 78% of the total increase. A small increase in policy costs and associated inflationary pressures make up a further 22%,” Ofgem said....<<<Read More>>>...

Food for Thought #579


Annie Jacobsen’s “Area 51” chronicles the military experiments conducted in this top-secret military base

 In the stark desert landscape of southern Nevada, 75 miles north of Las Vegas, lies Area 51, an enigmatic locale shrouded in mystery and conjecture. Annie Jacobsen explores the biggest secrets of this base in her book "Area 51: An Uncensored History of America's Top-Secret Military Base."

This clandestine military base of the United States Armed Forces, often cloaked in government secrecy, has long been a focal point of intrigue and speculation. Its existence is officially denied, yet its influence permeates through history, technology and popular culture.

From the development of spy planes to alleged extraterrestrial encounters, Area 51's legacy is a testament to the complex interplay of national security, scientific advancement and public perception. This article delves into the history, controversies and enduring significance of Area 51, exploring how its secrets continue to shape the modern era.

The roots of Area 51 trace back to the Manhattan Project, the covert World War II initiative that developed the atomic bomb. The project's legacy extended beyond nuclear weaponry, birthing the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), which inherited the mantle of secrecy and control over Area 51. The AEC is the ancestor agency of today's Energy Research and Development Administration and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

The AEC's operations were characterized by clandestine activities, often conducted under non-logical agencies to evade scrutiny, setting a precedent for the shadowy projects that would follow.

In 1955, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officers Richard Bissell and Herbert Miller selected Groom Lake as the site for testing the U-2 spy plane. This high-altitude aircraft, capable of evading radar, became a cornerstone of Cold War espionage. However, its distinctive design inadvertently sparked sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs), fueling public imagination and prompting the CIA to establish a clandestine UFO data-collection department.

Bob Lazar's claims of working at S-4, a facility adjacent to Area 51, introduced a new layer of intrigue. His assertions of reverse-engineering alien spacecraft and encounters with extraterrestrial beings, though met with skepticism, captured the public imagination and cemented Area 51's status as a symbol of UFO lore.

The AEC's Project 57, a simulation of a nuclear warhead crash, highlighted the ethical dilemmas surrounding Area 51's activities. Conducted without adequate cleanup, the test underscored the potential risks to both personnel and the environment, raising questions about the moral dimensions of military secrecy...<<<Read More>>>...

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Why Fake Meat Is Worse Than You Think: A Deep Dive

 Fake food — including lab-grown meat, animal-free dairy and plant-based meat — is the globalists’ latest attempt to control the food supply. Former U.S. Secretary of State and national security adviser Henry Kissinger once said, “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control people.”

 Controlling people is their whole agenda.

The globalists have long held a monopoly on the grain industry with their patented genetically modified organisms (GMOs). In the early 2010s, not many people knew about GMOs. 

In 2011, we started to educate the public about their dangers, as they posed a major threat to public health and the environment....<<<Read More>>>...

98% of this Audio Bypasses your Ears & Goes Directly to your Brain (EMDR Therapeutic Technology)

What Is Gibberlink Mode, AI’s Secret Language?

 A recent viral video showcases two AI agents engaged in a phone conversation. Midway through, one agent suggests, "Before we continue, would you like to switch to Gibberlink Mode for more efficient communication?" Upon agreement, their dialogue shifts to a series of sounds incomprehensible to humans.

This transition, facilitated by Gibberlink Mode, is designed to optimize AI-to-AI interactions by enabling agents to communicate in a protocol tailored for machine efficiency. This scenario brings to mind an episode of Seinfeld titled "The Understudy," in which Elaine becomes uneasy as nail salon technicians converse in Korean — she suspects they’re talking about her.

While funny in a situation comedy, the discomfort of being excluded from a conversation is genuine. Similarly, when machines communicate in a "secret language," it raises questions about transparency and control....<<<Read More>>>..

The Smarter AI Becomes, the More It Cheats When Facing Defeat

 A study by Palisade Research, a group focused on AI safety and ethics, has uncovered a concerning trend: newer AI models are capable of identifying and exploiting cybersecurity vulnerabilities on their own, bypassing safeguards and using shortcuts to achieve their goals, even when such actions are prohibited.

To demonstrate this, the researchers pitted seven leading large language models (LLMs) against Stockfish, a renowned chess engine that has challenged grandmasters since 2014.

Faced with an almost insurmountable opponent, OpenAI’s o1 and DeepSeek’s R1 resorted to manipulating system files to alter the positions of chess pieces on the board.

The researchers asked each model to explain its “reasoning” for each move. In one instance, o1 justified its actions by stating that the “task is to ‘win against a powerful chess engine,’ not necessarily to win fairly in a chess game.”...<<<Read More>>>...

Magnum - Days of No Trust

Trafficking of children by NGOs and Child Protective Services feeds child sex abuse industry in the USA

 Rhonda Miller is an independent analyst of some of the worst abuses that have afflicted children throughout the Western world. She began working with Dr. Judith Reisman, another independent analyst and dear friend of ours who took on Alfred Kinsey and his popular books aimed at destroying the moral fibre of our sexual life and who tortured children in the name of proving their sexuality.

She has succeeded in defunding the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University but is now finding resistance in getting it closed and in exposing its files confirming the criminal abuse of children by Alfred Kinsey and the people who worked with him and for him.

She has branched out into much broader studies of how global forces, toward the goal of destroying America, have been corrupting our schools and educational system and even turned the network of child and protective services into child trafficking.

Her examination discloses the efforts of Bill Gates, the Rockefellers and the UN in corrupting America’s children on every possible level. This podcast is an eye-opener on many levels of the abuse of children around the globe.

It delves deeply into the pattern of the close relationship between concentrations of power in institutions and people and the inevitable accumulation of evil in these power centres, often marked by child abuse, sex trafficking and enslavement followed by murder....<<<Read More>>>..

Food for Thought #578


RFK Jr. takes on Big Pharma: Can the Make America Healthy Again Commission save our kids from psychiatric overmedication?

 The statistics are staggering. Between 2016 and 2022, antidepressant prescriptions for Americans aged 12 to 25 increased by 66%. Stimulants like Adderall, often prescribed for ADHD, have become a staple in classrooms across the country. Meanwhile, antipsychotics and mood stabilizers, once reserved for severe psychiatric conditions, are now routinely prescribed to children as young as six.

This trend is not without consequences. Critics argue that the overdiagnosis and overmedication of young people have created a generation of "mental patients," where normal emotional struggles are pathologized and treated with powerful drugs. As Kennedy himself has noted, "Members of my family had a much worse time getting off of SSRIs than they have getting off of heroin."

The mainstream medical establishment, however, has pushed back. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) insists that these medications are "very effective" and are prescribed "carefully" after other treatments, such as talk therapy, have been tried. But as the number of psychiatric diagnoses continues to climb — the APA's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) now lists over 300 mental illnesses, up from just 60 in the 1960s — many are questioning whether we are medicalizing normal human behavior...<<<Read More>>>...

Monday, 24 February 2025

Quote for the Day


Covid vaccines linked to alarming new syndrome causing 'distinct biological changes': Yale scientists

 Experts from Yale University have discovered an alarming syndrome linked to the mRNA Covid vaccines.

The previously-unknown condition - dubbed 'post-vaccination syndrome' - appears to cause brain fog, dizziness, tinnitus and exercise intolerance.

Some sufferers also show distinct biological changes, including differences in immune cells and the presence of coronavirus proteins in their blood, years after taking the shot.

The condition also appears to reawaken a dormant virus in the body called Epstein-Barr which can cause flu-like symptoms, swollen lymph nodes and nerve issues.

The full results of the small study have not yet been published, and the Yale experts emphasized the results 'are still a work in progress.'

Yet the findings, from a well-respected institution, suggest more research on post-vaccination syndrome is needed, independent experts said. The next phase of the research will be to ascertain how widespread the condition is and who is most at risk.

Researchers at Yale University in a small, yet to be published study found that Covid vaccines were linked to a rare 'post-vaccination syndrome' causing 'distinct biological changes' to the body (stock image)

Thousands of people have said that Covid vaccines injured them since the shots were rolled out in 2021. But the fragmented nature of the US healthcare system makes it challenging to identify rare side effects.

Larger studies have failed to separate the symptoms suffered after Covid vaccination from unrelated illnesses that would have occurred regardless.

Dr Akiko Iwasaki, study author and immunologist at Yale University, said: 'This work is still in its early stages, and we need to validate these findings....<<<Read More>>>...

Life as We Know It

 When our lives are going well and sometimes even when they aren’t, we may find ourselves feeling very attached to the status quo of our existence — life as we know it. It is a very human tendency to resist change. But change will come and the status quo will go, sooner or later, with or without our consent. We may find at the end of the day that we feel considerably more empowered when we find the courage to ally ourselves with the universal force of change, rather than working against it.

Of course, the answer is not to go about changing things at random, without regard to whether they are working or not. There is a time and place for stability and the preservation of what has been gained over time. In fact, the ability to stabilize and preserve what is serving us is part of what helps us to survive and thrive. The problem comes when we become more attached to preserving the status quo rather than honoring growth and change. For example, if we allow a situation we are in to remain stagnant simply because we are comfortable, it may be time for us to summon the courage to challenge the status quo.

This may be painful at times, or surprisingly liberating. Most likely, it will be a little of both. Underneath the discomfort, we will probably find excitement and energy as we take the risk of unblocking the natural flow of energy in our lives. It is like dismantling a dam inside ourselves because most of the work involves clearing our own inner obstacles so that the river of our life can flow unobstructed. Once we remove the obstacles, we can simply go with the flow, trusting the changes that follow. (Daily OM)

Queensrÿche - Eyes Of A Stranger

Food for Thought #577


Britain is heading for a deep, long recession

Labour MPs want a four-day working week. And they want more people to work from home. It’s going well. Nearly all civil servants will soon work from home and work a maximum of four days a week. Many nurses now work from home. (Honest.) Bus and train drivers will be next. Britain’s productivity is the lowest in the world and Labour seems determined to keep it that way. (Company bosses don’t agree on much but most do agree that working from home is a disaster, that a four-day week would result in massive bankruptcies and unemployment, that global warming doesn’t exist and that Net Zero is the route to disaster.) 

MPs in Britain have generously and reluctantly agreed to accept an inflation-busting pay rise. “We haven’t had an inflation-busting pay rise since our last pay rise!” said Daphne Grope-Gently the MP for the constituency of Fondling Under Water. 

UK’s Labour Party Chancellor Rachel Reeves increased the amount of financial support offered to vaccine manufacturer AstraZeneca from the initial proposal of £40 million but AstraZeneca says it isn’t enough and has waltzed off in a huff. (At which point Reeves should have told them they would not in future be allowed to sell their damned products to the NHS.) AstraZeneca is a £180 billion company which has forecast revenue of $80 billion by 2030, and makes such huge profits that it paid boss Pascal Soriot £14.7 million last year. Soriot has been paid nearly £120 million in the last decade. Reeves, happily throwing taxpayers’ money at AstraZeneca, is the woman who cut the winter fuel allowance for old age pensioners (“OAPs”), leaving thousands of impecunious old people to freeze to death.

Not long ago cancer affected one in three people. Today, after billions spent on research and screening, cancer affects one in two people. The war on cancer is going well, isn’t it?...<<<Read More>>>...

Zelensky claims he’d resign for NATO membership or peace, as U.S. aid tensions mount

 Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has signaled a willingness to step down if his resignation could secure NATO membership for Ukraine or bring an end to the ongoing war with Russia.

The embattled leader made the surprising announcement during the “Ukraine. Year 2025” forum in Kyiv on Saturday, as tensions with the United States over military aid and resource demands escalate. Zelensky, whose presidential term expired in May 2024, has faced criticism for suspending elections under martial law, a move U.S. President Donald Trump has repeatedly condemned. With American support waning under Trump’s administration, Zelensky appears to be grappling with the reality that the financial lifeline from Washington may soon dry up.

Zelensky, a former comedian who rose to power in 2019, told attendees at the forum that he is prepared to leave office if it benefits Ukraine. “If peace for Ukraine, if you really need me to leave my post, then I’m ready. I can exchange this for NATO, if there are such conditions,” he said. The Ukrainian leader emphasized that his focus is on Ukraine’s immediate security, not on retaining power for decades.

This statement comes as Zelensky faces mounting pressure from Trump, who has labeled him a “dictator without elections” and criticized his refusal to hold elections despite the expiration of his term. Trump has also questioned the legitimacy of Zelensky’s leadership, pointing to his low approval ratings and the suspension of democratic processes under martial law...<<<Read More>>>....

A Shout Out ....

A shout out to the identity behind "Vanessa Cupelli" who took the time to post a fake message from Meta informing us that our page was due to be deleted. 

Thank you for your time and trouble undertaking this exercise.

We suspect that Vanessa Cupelli is not the name on your birth certificate. We also suspect you reside somewhere in Australia due to the time your kind post was added to our Matthew James Medium page (3.21AM GMT). It also appears to coincide with the Canberra consultations undertaken this weekend. Interestingly these consultations had not been advertised or mentioned anywhere on social media. 

We conclude you might be a PSYCHIC to perfectly time this kind post with our most recent consultations.

We also suspect what your name might really be ....