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Friday, 28 February 2025

Professor Lockdown Ferguson returns. This time to “predict” the spread of bird flu in US cattle

Yesterday, Dr. Tom Jefferson and Professor Carl Heneghan highlighted two papers. One is a pre-print (not peer-reviewed) paper published on 28 January 2025 and the other is a paper published in 2001: A mathematical model of H5N1 influenza transmission in US dairy cattle, MedRXiv, 28 January 2025.The Foot-and-Mouth Epidemic in Great Britain: Pattern of Spread and Impact of Interventions, Science, 12 April 2001 (The paper is behind a paywall but you can read from page 2 of the paper uploaded onto ResearchGate HERE.)

The authors of the 2025 pre-print paper on bird flu wrote, “Our model suggests that dairy herd outbreaks [of H5N1 avian influenza] will continue to be a significant public health challenge in 2025 and that more urgent, farm-focused, biosecurity interventions and targeted surveillance schemes are sorely needed.”

What is notable about the two papers above is that Professor Lockdown, also known as Neil Ferguson, was one of the authors of both. For those who may need reminding, who is Neil Ferguson?

Professor Neil Ferguson is an epidemiologist whose mathematical modelling of pandemics predicted huge death rates.

In 2001, as foot and mouth disease (FMD) broke out in parts of Britain, Ferguson and his team at Imperial College produced predictive modelling which was later criticised as “not fit for purpose.” At the time, however, it proved highly influential and helped to persuade Tony Blair’s government to carry out a widespread pre-emptive culling which ultimately led to the deaths of more than six million cattle, sheep and pigs. The cost to the economy was later estimated at £10 billion.

Separately, Ferguson predicted that up to 150,000 people could die from bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE, “mad cow disease”) and its equivalent in sheep if it made the leap to humans. Per 2020, there have been fewer than 200 deaths from the human form of BSE and none from sheep to human transmission. The result was an EU ban on British beef exports; and the eventual killing and incineration of over 3.7 million cattle.

In 2005, Ferguson claimed that up to 200 million people would be killed by bird flu or H5N1. By early 2006, the WHO had only linked 78 deaths to the virus, out of 147 reported cases. Neil Ferguson, Wikispooks

Ferguson’s involvement in dodgy modelling doesn’t stop there. As Wikispooks notes, “In 2009, Ferguson and his team at Imperial College advised the government that Swine flu (H1N1) would probably kill 65,000 people in the UK. He was also one of 16 experts for the emergency committee of the WHO which recommended the declaration of the swine flu pandemic. At the time he declared consultancy fees from GlaxoSmithKline, Baxter and Roche. In the end, swine flu claimed the lives of 457 people in the UK.”

The swine flu event was a falsified pandemic declared by the World Health Organisation in June 2009. The swine flu fraud was uncovered and exposed by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, a German pulmonologist, physician, epidemiologist and public health expert, who at the time of the 2009 swine flu “pandemic” was a Member of the European Parliament. In 2010, Channel 4 aired an expose calling the swine flu “pandemic” one of the greatest medical scandals of the century....<<<Read More>>>...