Keeping our minds clear of false notions is not an easy task, as it requires us to first know our beliefs. Very often, these beliefs have settled deep in our unconscious minds where they simply sit unquestioned. Nevertheless, they have an effect on our hearts, our minds, and our reality. These beliefs act on us, creating situations and relationships that we regard as fate, when they are, in fact, simply our unconscious minds manifesting in the external world. As a result, we may not even be aware that we are carrying the burden of a poverty mentality, and we may wonder why we are not manifesting abundance, especially if we know we deserve it. If this is the case, it may be time to look deeper within to see if we can discover the obstacle inside ourselves.
In order to evolve, it is important that we examine the contents of
our minds and hearts and get to the root of what we believe about
reality. Generally, our concerns of the moment can be trusted to guide
our inquiries. If we are not manifesting and maintaining the abundance
we know we deserve, then this issue is calling us to look into the
hidden corners of our psyches and root out any remaining beliefs that
tell us we must suffer and sacrifice in order to do well. Our efforts
will take us one more step away from this energy-sapping belief that we
no longer need. (Daily OM)