It was many decades ago, back in the last century, that I first exposed the scandal of a drug called diethylstilboestrol which was given to women in the 1960s and 1970s. It wasn’t until much later that it was found that the drug caused breast cancer in the women who took it.
Even more worrying was the discovery that the drug caused adenocarcinoma, a type of vaginal cancer, in the daughters of women who took the drug. My worry today is that doctors are using new drugs (such as the wretched mRNA vaccines) without any idea of the short, medium or long-term consequences. Will the mRNA vaccines cause problems for the children of the people who were vaccinated with it? I don’t know and nor does anyone else.
I am sure that the covid-19 vaccine is causing
rapidly growing cancers among the generation who took the drug. But what
about the next generation? (This is a smaller problem than it might
have been because of the fertility problems associated with the
Those who are still fussing over whether mRNA vaccines can affect DNA should remember that in this world, as we race through Net Zero towards the Great Reset, the words we must live by are “when there is doubt there is no doubt.” For starters study the paper entitled `Potential health risks of mRNA-based vaccine therapy: a hypothesis’ which was published some time ago...<<<Read More>>>...