When we approach children with the awareness that they are our teachers, we automatically become more present ourselves. We have to be more present when we follow — looking, listening, and responding to their lead. We don’t lapse so easily into the role of the director of activities, surrendering instead to having no agenda at all. As we allow our children to determine the flow of play, they pull us deeper into the mystery of the present moment. In this magical place, we become innocent again, not knowing what will happen next and remembering how to let go and flow.
Since we also must embody the role of a loving guide, our children
teach us how to transition gracefully from following to leading and back
again. In doing so, we learn to dance with our children in the present
moment, shifting and adjusting as we direct the flow from pretending to
be kittens wearing shoes on our heads to making sure everyone is fed and
bathed....<<<Read More>>>...