Search A Light In The Darkness

Sunday 4 March 2007

The 12 Pyramids Of Thoth - PYRAMID 7

The pyramid in the grids over Europe creates the great mythologies for the souls to experience.

The soul who creates through this pyramid goes by the frequency, Triogenes the Story Teller.He is one who can capture the imagination of one soul, or all souls, as he weaves the patterns of his stories throughout the energies of the matrix.

These patterns would appear to repeat in cycles,each with its own cast of characters incorporated in a body of work that would have no beginningnor end but would weave forever creating new stories.Woven into the fabric of each myth are the keys of the creational process. These myths would be regarded as the Great Mysteries of the Creation of Humanity. And these myths would take on many dimensions and lessons, in which the souls could select one or more roles.

Myths are not bound by space nor time,and may be entered as the souls may desire.Let us enter the Halls of the Pyramid of Mythological Rendering.There you will be able to interact in all myths, at the same time, by merely placing your consciousness into their matrix.

For it is here that I, Thoth the scribe, write many of the storylines as dictated to me by the souls.

Perhaps you and I can create a myth of our own.

For in truth, all is myth, myth is all.