Search A Light In The Darkness

Friday 16 March 2007

The Writer Within Wakes

The urge to write; to create new workings of semantics; new light filled semantic epics; has returned. It had deserted me over the last few months. The ability to write apparently had deserted me. It is once again coursing through me. Despite all the traumas and the horrors that surround me; us; I have that 'gift' back. Inspiration to create more abercedarian passageways for consciousness to wander along. More twists and turns. More plots. More words with meanings hidden.

Surely I must continue? Permit that urge to overwhelm me. There are sufficient 'events' unfolding in the world to use as the background tapestry. There is major change at foot; psuedo-solutions for the calamaties of the world. Contrived problems which will have deviousness put before the disillusioned and dumbed down peoples of the world. Perhaps disclosure on the ET and UFO occurrences? Hostile aliens? The saviour or messiah of the Muslim world to appear? The anti-christ to head the New World Order. It is all there in the minds of fellow men. It is all available for all of consciousness to tune into. It cannot be hidden to consciousness when it reaches a certain frequency.

My inspiration is in flames now. It has detonated and awoken 'the writer within'; which I'm sure is currently reviewing all the facsimile communications my mind has received over the last months which I have not even gotten around to accessing.

There are awarenesses linked to my own eager to dictate to me. There is a new sense of impetus now. The portal is open and the channel is before me. I must create, create, create and then report, report. The light to soar like the eagle high into the mystic sky; the camel to cross the mystic sea to the other side past the Supernal Mother & father. Into that which lies beyond. To converse with Metatron, Raduriel ... and then journey back to the state of awareness where more word with meanings hidden can be created ...