This is an experiment. The information in this transcript may well prove to be worthless & meaningless. The intention here is to try a different means of divination by way of the Tarot. I'm intrigued as to the insights I've been contemplating both in Daily Merlin posts & in meditation with relation to Maddy's current location.
I've devised a 'controlled experiment' which I'm calling 'An Experiment In Tarot Divining'; which basically comprises a list of Country Names within Europe ... my intention is to use the Servants of the Light tarot cards whilst focussing on an image of Maddy .... for each country name I am going to choose one tarot card from a face down pile of cards ....
My intention is to discern the Shining Star tarot image which I have intuited is the significator for Madeleine McCann. Intuitively the image is linked with the country where Maddy may be located (or could have been located at one time). The information may not be accurate ... the debunkers will no doubt dismiss this as mere twiddle twaddle; I care not ... the beauty of the tarot imagery is that it provides the means to disconnect the logical mind from playing an active role in the cognitive processes. The act of choosing the card is a disciplined action. My awareness is only conscious of one thing as I now write; that which my subconscious is now programmed with; the question ... 'in which of these countries is Madeleine McCann currently located?'
11:15pm - 12:00am
Wednesday 18th July 2007
New Zealand
This information is NOT absolute proof in anyway; it is only intuitive speculation ... but the Star image was chosen linking with Spain. Intuitively I'd been sensing scenery which did appear Spanish in a number of instances. I have intuited that Maddy is somewhere within driving distance of Portugal; linked to high connections who have numerous localities in the Spanish countryside.
Anonymous purchases of property appear to be linked with the parties involved in the situation. I sense that Maddy has been recently moved, perhaps from this locality ... there is a definite religious significance with the property I have been sensing. Though in recent times I do intuit a more conventional family abode with a family nucleus around Maddy.
I am also intrigued by the recurring insights that Maddy will eventually be 'found' close to the area where she first disappeared. It appears that a nondescript white vehicle ... perhaps an old Citroen or a Fiat ... will transport Maddy to the location where she is to be found. A man & a woman will be in the vehicle with her ... undercover intelligence officers or Police will be the recipients of Maddy. One of which will be a woman ... the woman will then telephone the McCanns .... who will then meet with the officers at a hidden location. But it will be days or perhaps a week later before it is known to the outside world. The man & the woman who take Maddy to the location will be permitted to drive away unchallenged ... for they are merely the messengers of someone higher ... innocents wearing the 'costumes of the faith' approached by the last custodians in the sanctuary of a church. Thus the ministers will be unable to disclose the identity of who had Maddy last.
As a matter of interest the other localities used in the transcript list were Scotland, Italy, Ireland, France, Belgium, The Netherlands, England, Portugal, Germany & Luxembourg.
Scotland - 10 of Crescents
Italy - The Emperor
Ireland - The Empress
France - Giver of Staves
Belgium - User of Spheres
The Netherlands - Giver of Crescents
Spain - THE STAR
Portugal - Maker of Spheres
Germany -Giver of Staves
France - Keeper of Staves
Luxembourg - User of Crescents
England - 4 of Weapons