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Monday 9 July 2007

Lapis Lazuli: The Energiser

Lapis lazuli is a rock composed of a mixture of several different minerals including lazurite, huaynite, sodalite, noselite, calcite and pyrite. Diopside, augite, mica and hornblende may also be present in small amounts.

My own personal crystal collection has an unpolished piece of Lapis Lazuli approx 60mm x 40mm in size. I found it the most powerful crystal I have to hand. The first time I used the piece in connection with energy workings it released a mighty bolt of energy from the base of my spine right into the pineal gland. This was its way of 'saying hello'. Since then workings with this Lapis Lazuli have been on a much more subtle energy level.

I purchased it around 20 years ago in Glastonbury from 'Wildwood Gems'. I'd only been seeking a small chunk of unpolished Lapis Lazuli to make myself a magical pendant. After asking at the counter for samples of this wondrous stone I was directed to two pieces ... one which was around 500.00 Sterling or one at 15.00 Sterling. Understandably I purchased the latter and it has stayed with me ever since. However, it is much too heavy to be made into a pendant.

In any magical working -- whether it be a medium demonstration or a professional reading or a meditation -- the Lapis Lazuli is always somewhere on my person. I rarely have to handle it to feel its uplifting effect; it only needs to be within my aura field to get that 'other world' feeling from it.

It is said that Lapis Lazuli was prized by the ancient Egyptians and holds the energy of a star-studded sky; limitless in its wisdom. It is a wonderful stone for teachers, creative writers, artists and performers as it enhances both intuition and communication skills.

Lapis Lazuli has timeless associations with kings and queens. In ancient
Sumer the stone was closely associated with the deities in general. Carrying it, its possessor bore the potent magical power of a deity, for the stone contained the force behind all divinity.

Lapis Lazuli, a rather expensive stone, is healing and soothing. Simply touching the body with this stone improves your mental, physical, spiritual, psychic and emotional condition. An uplifting, spiritual stone, its deep blue color reflects its peaceful vibrations. It is useful for relieving depression and promoting spirituality and is a fine mediative stone. Perhaps its most common use today is to strengthen psychic awareness. Lapis breaks the hold of the conscious mind on the subconscious (psychic) mind and allows intuitive impulses to become known.