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Wednesday 11 July 2007

The Myth of Etana

They planned a city [ ]
The gods laid tis foundations
They planned the city [Kish?]
The Igigi-gos founded its brickwork [ ]
" Let [ ] be their (the people´s) shepherd,
" Let Etana be their architect... "
The Great Anunnaki gods ordainers of destinies,
Sat taking their counsel concerning the land,
The cretors of the four world regions, establishers of all physical form,
By command of all of them the Igigi gods
Ordained a festival for the people
No king did they establish, over the teeming peoples,
At that time no headdress had been assembled, nor crown,
Nor yet scepter had been set with lapis.
No throne daises whatsoever had been constructed,
Against the inhabited world they barred the gates...
The Igigi gods surrounded the city with ramparts
Ishtar came down from heaven to seek a shepherd,
And sought for a king everywhere.
Innina came down from heaven to seek a shepherd,
And sought for a king everywhere.
Enlil examined the dais of Etana,
The man whom Ishtar steadfastly....
"She has constantly sought....
"Let kingship be established in the land,
Let the heart of Kish be joyful"
Kingship, the radiant crown, throne [ ]
He (?) brought and [ ]
The gods of the lands....

Tablet 2
Tablet 3
Tablet 4