Search A Light In The Darkness

Tuesday 10 July 2007

Through the Clouds ....

Understand that all which is before the eyes is a mere reflection of the truth .. this will have been planned all along. The timing, the smokescreens ... the everything.

Tuesday 10th July 2007
11:00pm - 11:30pm

If the current media stories are to be believed, the clouds are apparently clearing and major developments are happening with regard to finding Madeleine. It feels ethereal in its substance, a reflection of the truth ... moonbeams shine before my face when I contemplate the current news stories. Something so significant stares me in the face. I truly intuit the big event. Time needed to permit adjustments which need to be made. The necessity of obscurity within the protective of a concealed glade. But when does this big event take place? I know the shining star is dazzling in its countenance before me. The Seeker permits me to gaze through the billowing mists ... and I see the brightness there. Many faces are smiling. There is great relief.

But on the material plane at this current time ... there is only high expectations. We await the news of the hunters. Have they truly found their prey? Will they be in truth the correct prey? Or will they be merely actors in yet another smokescreen cast like a hologram before our eyes?

Activity all around me; hopefully the names will come. The two old dears at last make their presence felt. Its seemingly been a while since their last communion ...

There is no hurry. It will go at a snail's pace. There is a business to attend to behind it all. It is political and dramatic in its entirety. Madeleine is seen to be well. Composed faces stand around her. Photographs hung on walls are shown then taken down. Boxes filled and carried by hired hands. A white van takes these possessions to another place. She is merely waiting round impatient. An energetic little imp with such an infectious laugh. Head to one side she she looks up to the sun.

Roslyn ... doubtless a name linked to it all walks in and speaks to her again. A recent visitor this one. All who link aware of the story and are all sworn to secrecy. All taken the holy oath and all signed along the dotted line. Something like the official secrets act but not in so many words. One wears a vicars chain with a camera but no cameras allowed ... all are searched on entry and on leaving.

Jonathon; Mary; Micheal and Clare ... all appear to be around them but not all of them are yet there.

She plays in a yard with a dusty field at the back. Quite safe because the rest of the apartments are now empty. She's not been there long. She's been treated like a lady by people older than her because she is more an old head on young shoulders. She learns quick and she does actually understand what is to come and what has happened to her. Those who came for her were quick ... ready and planned. Nobody realised the activity around the three fast cars and the van. Then she was out and quickly indoors. It all went as planned.

The man at the top heard on the phone; made some other calls so now quickly it can be planned. It was all as it was said it would be. Actioned for soaring numbers ...

Servants of the Light tarot

Maker of Crescents depicts he who can truly gain from this campaign. His vessel of plans cutting through the tides of public demand and emotional security. All things neptunium here ... deeply disguised and hidden. People are after all easily deceived. Understand that all which is before the eyes is a mere reflection of the truth .. the maker of crescents grabs crescents from the moon and uses it to the best of his ability. Know this will have been planned all along. The timing, the smokescreens ... the everything. Seemingly the little girl was not actually 'abducted' after all ... the term was used to best contribute to the cause.

The Lovers depict the apparent harmony and order decreed soon by a leader of the higher echelons. A represent of the creator is silent as yet; soon there will be expectations for the leader to speak. It all appears well ... it all appears calm. It appears a solution and a happy ending is finally written ... is planned ... and will take place.

The Four of Weapons ... two palms depicting secret symbols rise above a table on which four swords and a white table cloth are lain. It is not possible to see inside or behind the table ... from where the arms belonging to the hands are hidden. In the background see the rising sun ... or perhaps the shining star ... or even perhaps another conflagration. The imagery depicts recovery and rest ... but for who is this relating? For the shining star because she has perhaps already been found ... this is the subterfuge, the cover up and the hidden hands which this imagery is saying? Also ... in appears a significant agency will benefit from her safe return. The trojan horse which this perhaps was designed as all along?