Search A Light In The Darkness

Thursday 13 December 2007

Deosil & Widdershins

Two terms to note:

Deosil - clockwise
Widdershins - counterclockwise

In ritual work every symbol and every movement has a purpose. For example, the concept of making a circle is to create a working space for the mage that is clear of the mundane. All actions that occur within the circle should be in accord with the will and objective. It's like creating a little pocket vacuum where the only thing that matters it the magick at work.

If you think of it that way then you have to remember that this pocket vacuum (your workspace) is still in a timespace location. The movements bear direct relation to the sun, so most works begin facing/working with the east (where the sun rises). Deosil movements go with the flow of the sun and are used for invoking. Widdershins movements are counterclockwise and used for banishing.