For Saturday 29th December 2007
Using Tarot of Atlantis
NZ: 9:45pm - 10;45pm
'The situation appears to be no further than on when it first hit the tabloids back in May 2007. There is nothing concrete in any of the news stories printed with regard to the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. For one little girl to make the tabloids nigh on every single day since 3rd May 2007 is incredible. In truth it is highly significant. Other children disappear every day without a single word or article in a newspaper. But here we are seven months later ... no nearer the answer to this intriguing mystery.
The circle has certainly spun round and round ... creating a very characteristic rut ... formed from a pattern we are all 'told' is what has taken place. Snippets of evidence get presented ... are speculated on for a number days or weeks ... then mysteriously disappear as mystically as they appeared in the first place ...
We are all none the wiser. The cunning fox most certainly outwitting almost all of the naive rabbits which go about their daily lives in the mortal fields ... the hedgerows are teeming with the evils and boogeyman which a hedgerow is anticipated as having ... so long as those fearsome things don't venture into the open fields then the rabbits are not particularly concerned with what they look like. So long as the rabbits still have their 9 to 5 jobs, their fancy cars and big houses and all their fancy gadgets .... they don't care.
In this mystery a number of the 'boogeyman' have appeared in their open fields apparently ... and life for them is not the same. It all changed seemingly after 3rd May 2007. Now a battle appears to rage before their eyes between two giants with the lost little girl and her family caught in the midst of the confrontation like a prized pawn on a chessboard ...
Or do they? The entire mystery is an enigma. Most certainly it is not what it is made to appear by the media. There is certainly something more to it than the 'alleged' abduction of one little girl. Speculation and conspiracy theories still rage even after all this time. The select few somewhere know the answer to it all ... to the very last detail ... however they choose to keep the enigma puzzle unsolved. Thus the virtual 'Rubik's Cube' still spins around and around before our very eyes. Every now and again a section of the cube appears to click into place ... the puzzle seemingly getting that bit nearer to being solved. However, next day ... the puzzle is then seen to have been slotted back to where it was before the latest 'revelation' ... it hadn't been relevant after all.
And so ... the mystery still gets to grab the headlines ... and for many mortals, their lives are still on hold. Nation after nation holds its breath ... surrounded by violence, wars, floods, presidential elections, assassinations, blackmail scams .... the peoples of those nations waiting attentively for news of Madeleine McCann. Amazing. It is something truly amazing to be kept in the public eye for so long.
Methinks after all this time ... it could possibly be a trojan horse after all ... all eyes are on the story unfolding .... a little like being drawn into watching the learner swimmer doing the doggy paddle in the shallows of some lake. Everyone is focussed upon watching that event ... so much so they end up missing the huge tidal wave which sweeps through the lake in the background! Such was the applause of the crowd it drowned out the deafening roar of the tidal wave! Catch my drift?

But even so ... the puzzle still remains incomplete ... within this working there is the image 'The Stars' ... reminiscent of 'The Star' image I intuit. The significator for the lost little girl. It shows an individual gazing at the star filled sky ... seeking the inspiration to find this little girl. So obviously disconnected from those around 'him' who actually know where she is ... but are remaining firm lipped. They are not able to reveal ... for it seems 'pandora's box' was opened when it shouldn't have been. There are no clues to her either way ... though cruelly the speculation has been programmed to report the worst ... however that raging tidal wave depicted by The Tower two images above The Stars ... has seemingly been ridden. The Four of Swords suggests a battle is indeed being fought - the custodianship of the little girl perhaps the prize?
The Stars image hints at new ideas to surface and to become enfused into the old .... thus a melting pot will continue ... the reactions of joe public further assessed. There is a real sense of gaining ideas from a higher viewpoint to see just how malleable the minds of the majority are. The minority appear fearing of the majority discovering the truth behind the smokescreen. Hence the confusion. Hence the continuing pointing finger at the McCanns. The McCanns do indeed appear the unfortunate victims here. Someone somewhere of a great power choosing to use the McCanns as the punch bag to keep the smokescreen in place ...
The 7 of Wands suggests everyone 'being led firmly by the hand' in a direction they are told in which to travel. Being led by the writers of the storyline.... having it force fed each and every day to thus prevent those normally attentive minds questioning what it is that stands before them. There is thus a deception here. The little girl is certainly somewhere lost to her family but the situation around her disappearance are not what are being reported. She is most certainly not with those the media writers claim. Look to somewhere safe for her .. concealed ... a halfway house ... most certainly in a climate which suit her ... for her safety appears a high priority. I sense 'nodding' heads here from above. I sense also a 'knowing of her abductors' too ... it appears she may have had knowledge of her 'custodians' prior to her abduction. There are links around the parents to prevent them asking the wrong questions and contacting the wrong people. Links to keep them on a trail which is cold. They may not be permitted to step on any trails which are distinctly warm.
The 5 of Pentacles ... someone seemingly dressed like the locals ... sitting there watching their group. Observing their movements. Someone well skilled in surveillance like military intelligence perhaps? There is a distinct sense of careful planning and covert operations down to the most finite of details. Even with the taking of the little girl. It was so expertly undertaken. This was not the work of amateurs or persons with sweaty hands! There is a great deal of steadfastness of the operation. It appears as a consequence of thoughtless actions ... there appears a script having been given ... orders given to say what it was that night ... when in truth it may not have been that way at all. It is all part of a cover perhaps?
The Ace of Wands indicates the entire situation designed to leave its mark. There in the minds of people ... 'something must be done' .... a problem outlined ... a reaction observed and harvested .... a solution then offered which may not normally be taken. Just waiting for the right moment to be dropped on the operantly conditioned rabbits in the field? Joe Public are most certainly being led (at a fairly relaxed pace I might add) towards a field or a turnpike which has been oh so carefully planned. There is no real urgency just the sense of inevitability.
I most certainly intuit it is inevitable that Madeleine McCann will reappear ... so much effort has been exerted to take the mystery so far. So much intrigue and so much operant conditioning for this to be a scenario without a happy ending. The happy ending may well be just the beginning.
The remaining three images ... on the right ... suggest a 'future' outcome perhaps. The Knave of Chalices suggests the overwhelming outpouring of emotion when the little girl IS returned. The 2 of wands indicates new developments to come in the near future. The Queen of Chalices indicates that which is the secret or the revelation which lies behind it all ... once the little girl is safely back in the fold ... whatever it is that has been so carefully disguised could well be leaked out by the news. With so much attention on the safe return ... however damning a revelation it is ... will be just a whisper in comparison with the size of the headline when Madeleine is returned ... and alive.