Using Servants of the Light Tarot
For Wednesday 26th December 2007
10:35pm - 11:44pm
'Insights using the Keeper of Crescents as the focus of the working ... '
The Keeper of Crescents is placed at the centre of the working.
Music by Herb Ernst - 'Dreamflight II'
Visualisation: The visualisation is of an unknown individual who is likely to be the custodian of Madeleine McCann at this time. There is an image of a person standing with their back to me ... there in front of me ... much like a cartoon character ... a white impression only. The artist has yet to fill in the details. Remote viewing and intuition is the artist who will draw this character for me ... in whatever way it comes. A caricature perhaps. A cartoon face and body. An abstract image. However it comes ... super-consciousness is instructed to be behind this individual. There is absolutely no doubt Madeleine McCann is alive at this time. She is there nearby ... I sense her energy. It is vibrant and alive. The individual moves slightly ... in the visualisation there is a slight shift as the detailing begins. I see black or dark shoes on this individual's feet. Something about the heels or the ankles being swollen ... sore ... there is an ache in the feet. The elbows too. A sense of arthritic pain. What age am I dealing with here? This is not someone in their teens or twenties ... late thirties ... no. I sense someone older. A mother to others at one time in her life. Someone entrusted. I now can see the outline shifting. The woman ... it is a woman after all appears overweight ... her hips or mid-drift I gain a sense of her shape. She is perspiring ... because of the temperature of the climate she is in? No ... I sense the heating is on a little too high for her liking. She perspires and her heart beats too fast for her own liking. I sense she shares ice cream with the little girl. I see Madeleine ... I sense her close wearing violet or purple. Her hair is slightly bedraggled. She appears not to be long out of bed. But ice cream at this time? It doesn't seem to link with the time of day ... a white tub of what I take be ice cream. I stray from the visualisation. The woman appears to have curly hair. Dark in colour ...................... the character appears to turn slightly and walk with a limp down a small flight of stairs towards a telephone on a table ... there is a hallway. She walks past slowly into a front room on the left. The door is closed then as she walks in ... I gain the sense I have seen all I am going to see as that visualisation fades.

The Ten of Staves - on which the shell has fallen - hints at the husk or 'shell' like structure of what has been revealed with regard to the mystery. It shows someone held captive in a cage of wood ... not seeing the wood for the trees ... there are false accusations here. Under the directorship of someone somewhere wanting this 'end' to continue. Someone is persecuting the McCanns. Manufacturing the reaction of the public; adding weight to the pressure on their shoulders. Annoyance perhaps at the campaign and the coverage of the situation. Someone not aware this was all part and parcel of the design when they became involved. There is a split opinion with those who organised the situati0n. Someone much higher in 'rank' not telling someone what was going to occur. Something more complex ... than was initially revealed. Indeed I sense the 'mushroom syndrome' once again. There seems indeed someone keeping their loyalty to someone else ... whilst remaining silent ... blackmailed in someway themselves to remain silent. Someone who looks after Madeleine experiences the despair displayed by the Five of Spheres. The semi circles of crystals require further analysis ... though when they were being cast I programmed them to show me where the Keeper of Crescent resides ... I intuit the one pink stone in the casting suggests 'close by to family' .. literally in a part of the world perhaps relatively close by to one side of the family. A link to the medical profession shown with Granite ... and also a green heart stone (one showing heart injury) linked also ... there is also one fragment of Fool's Gold .. 'all is not what it seems' ... and my 'tooth' crystal ... a link to dentistry!
I've been 'blessed' with 'second sight' for most of my life ... and have taught myself very much to accept even the most stupid of links. There is a 'strangeness' to the links at this time ... I will not disregard them in anyway because they do still feel right.
However there is a sense of someone playing games. I link to the emergency phone line ... I intuit I must give an indication that some link or information being provided is by someone 'playing games' or being deliberately misleading ... even the perpetrators themselves to mislead ... or disguise other information more favourable. There is a false trail being provided now or in the very near future. Something to avert the attention from something more accurate. That theme is in someway the 'ridiculous' or the 'silly'. The strangest of information could well be that which is right.
The shell provides visions of fishing boats within a small harbour. A village with a semi circular harbour ... man made of blocks and rocks with a small jetty within the centre. The sense of a dreamy fishing village ... half empty during the winter months. An industrial or commercial warehouse to the left of the jetty ... little or no activity by day ... but used at night by an outsider family.
The Keeper of Staves will keep silent about all the information received ... epitomised by the 10 of Spheres ... something out of this batch will lead to the celebrations of the 9 of Crescents. The triumphant man by the shore ... he who appears to have successfully to have found all those other missing crescents symbolised by the image.
The one who disapproves of the notions of those much higher may well be the whipping boy or girl ... the one who will be 'suspected' of the taking A complex plot is being created .... a farmer's black dog lies curled up in a ball at my feet sleeping ... it appears best to let sleeping dog's lie for some reason or another ... don't permit those who pry deep to get any deeper ... let those in control of the situation make the next move. The general public may not get to here of when they break cover ... but seemingly they will .... but possibly to only confuse the situation still more. Those dressed as those who have her ... can be actors ... or dressed to appear the part. They cover up the truth ... and will not be the ones to make the exchange ... the 7 of Weapons denotes the negotiations by those with their back seemingly against the wall. Just know those behind this are very much in control as the puppet masters of both sides of the situation.
The Giver of Weapons suggests again the woodland and the deer park ... disapproving of what was given to the knight ... to the commitments made ... and the relationship with the 'flaming sword' ... I do not personally trust those entrusted with confidential information ... even the most trustworthy will have a price to slip those bits of paper to those asking ... such is the way it seems to have been here. Loyalties to something devout and secretive appears to do the strangest things to some people.
The Tower image does indicate sudden and favourable change .. eventually. Timing is such a difficult thing to see when viewed from the lofty heights of the soaring Hawk. Higher awareness senses some distance still to be made until this situation reaches its conclusion. I do anticipate crossing the threshold into 2008 ... thus I now must revisit '7' and 'right' once more to fully comprehend its implications.