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Sunday 9 December 2007

Homeopathy: Conquering Emotional Stress

An often overlooked connection between mind and body is the way in which even mild mental ill-health can have an adverse affect on our physical selves. American researchers found that mild depression can quicken the deaths of patients with heart problems: the incidence of abnormal heartbeat was three times higher in depressed patients

(1) It is also now thought that stress may raise cholesterol levels

(2) potentially increasing the risk of heart disease. Homeopathy is a holistic therapy which aims to help mind and body.

Emotional stress caused by grief, shock, abandonment, disappointment or major life-changes such as moving home, can leave us drained and prone to illness. If left untreated or uncorrected, ‘acute’ emotional responses can become long term or chronic. In cases of severe mental exhaustion, help is required in order to reverse a potential downward spiral to nervous breakdown. Homeopathy can provide an excellent early intervention and when illness has become chronic, can help rebalance the mind and emotions. Homeopathy is effective in people of all ages – from children with behavioural problems and teenagers with loss of confidence, to adults going through marital breakdown or redundancy.