Search A Light In The Darkness

Thursday 20 December 2007

Magic and the Seven Rays part 2

In the symbolic language of astrology and magic, it is reasonable to assume that everybody and everything has only 360 angles, which relate to the degrees of a circle or zodiac. Each of these degrees has its own peculiar character, a concept that has been used both in ceremonial magic and astrology, and these Elemental spirits of the degrees are the First Primary influences. They are Elementals of the First Primary, and each one will have its own character and attributes, according to magical lore. However, they can only be controlled by first appealing to the Angels, who are Devas 'in charge of' the spirits, because Humans cannot relate in any way to these Elemental energies. This is where the Third Primary comes in: the Devic world, as always, acts as an intermediary between our Second Primary existence and the First Primary existence of the Elemental degrees.

In conventional astrology this works through groupings, so that every thirty degrees will have an overall Devic appearance, which is one significance of the signs of the zodiac. In magic, the characters of the degrees differ slightly according to which planetary sphere or zodiac they are associated with. Essentially though, every degree will have one overall characteristic, which is its elemental function or intention.

"The Degree is not merely a subdivision of the zodiacal sign, or the whole of the zodiac. It stands, as an astrological element, alone and in a position of supreme (though little understood) significance. The Degree is the most mysterious element in astrology, and indeed the key to all deeper astrological interpretation .... In the Degree we witness the operation of the creative with an individual personality or a particular situation. Here meaning stands revealed-for whosoever knows how to read symbols." Dane Rudhyar.

This is the meeting point of astrology, geomancy, feng shui, terrestrial zodiacs, chakras, centres, and magic. Every degree has a spirit overlooking it, and whether the circle containing the degrees is in the sky, on the earth, around each individual or holy site, whether it is governed by time or space, by calendar or compass, the influences of each degree will be of the same character in all circles, and can affect the same degree in every other circle. This is the mechanics of magic: the purification and potential utilisation of the angles of each degree.

The more we use angles subjectively the more they accumulate conscious energy. This energy is different to Second Primary consciousness, and is one of the types of prana or chi, which depends on the position of the angle on the sub-planes or Planes. Therefore, the type of conscious energy inherent in an angle depends on its position on the Planes.

The Human angular structure is based primarily on the dynamic energy of the planets. The strength of these is determined by the natural cycle of planetary movement, so that every planetary angle will accumulate energy as it makes aspects to other planets and personal points on its journey around the sky and horoscope.

As our personal angles exist through their association with the planets on our horoscope, each angle can be classified by the elemental attribute of its home position. This is because all angles are derived from the aspects between planets, and as planets are themselves considered as dynamic angles even when not forming major aspects to other planets, they are still the essence of angles. So every planet's energy will naturally manifest according to the element of the sign it occupies, which by its position will naturally affect its anchor points.

Our objective is to externalise our dynamic planetary energy through the element it is associated with through its natural horoscope position, instead of allowing it to work subjectively through the Ascendant, which it will attempt to do without our involvement. If we are able to do this, we can use it to purify its own angles, those it is responsible for invoking, by rendering its energies into an objective condition in order to clear the accumulated karmic energies. Once this has been achieved, the angles can be redirected through our Ascendant, but only after we have clarified their motivation.

Although angles can never be changed, the energy they are charged with can be redirected towards more positive angular outlets. This is one role of magical evocation, although there are several other methods for achieving this. The point here is that we need to sanctify our planetary aspects by objectifying them to enable them to work positively through either our Ascendant or M.C., allowing our Higher Self the freedom to concentrate on fulfilling its life work without unnecessary difficulties caused by a large karmic debt.

Every angle is associated with one of the planets, and can be classified according to its planetary substance, with the Elemental giving its intention. This is their connection with magic, because every ritual will be involved with a particular planetary angle and the associated Devic hierarchy that use this planet to create the angles out of the Elemental beings which come under its control. Every degree in every circle will have an Elemental intention, but to be activated they will have to be subject to the form of one of the planets.

The more an angle is used, the more energy it accumulates. Once we objectify the angle, this angular energy becomes available to use, because we objectify it through using our Second Primary conscious awareness working through the Head Centre. At this point, the angular energy can be directed by the Second Primary objective consciousness, rendering it into a form that can be used magically.

Usually angles operate on either the Mental or Astral Planes, and magically they can be objectified on those planes rather than bringing them down to the physical, but once they have been objectified and activated they become unstable and will eventually seek a way of externalising themselves.

One way to deal with unstable personal angles, which can cause illness if left untreated, is to externalise them into objectivity so that their energy is earthed and manifests as emotions that we actually experience on the Physical Plane. This causes the angular energy to dissipate, and the angle loses its own strength that was contained within this energy. However in magic this can be done without bringing an angle down to the Physical, or rather delaying this process so that the angular energy can be used to operate on the Astral and be earthed in the future when certain circumstances are prevailing. This is the idea behind magical spells.

In magic, planets are associated with their particular spirits and demons for this same reason: Devas and Elementals use dynamic planetary energy to accomplish their natural tasks on the Earth Plane. It is through the senses that Humans interact with their external environment, so in magic we use a way of tuning our senses to the particular frequency of the planet in question, and so certain smells, colours, gestures and designs are used in rituals which correspond to their associated planetary energies. This aligns our sensory angles with the particular planetary environment through which we intend to use the angular energy.

Before we consider how to use angles in magic, we must realise that every angle that is responsible for a particular function in a person's psyche can be considered as having a life of its own. This is not a true evolving life, but a temporary life that continues for so long as it is required.

he ancients knew these things instinctively, and they recognised these natural forces not as angles but as spirits or demons. So when a magician stands in his magic circle, waving his wand and performing conjurations in order to evoke demons in the triangle of art, this is what is really taking place: the magus is externalising part of his own psyche, an angle, which he can use to affect change either in his own world or in the world about him. Alternatively, he invokes spirits to create the opposite effect, giving himself the power to use one angle at maximum strength.

The essence of magical ritual is paralleled in the astrological idea of balancing natal planets by opposite and square aspects to arrive at a trine triplicity angle which is composed of a single element in each of its Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable primary signs.

According to magical tradition, the energies of the four elements are situated at the cardinal compass points, and the preliminary part of magical ritual is to balance these energies by connecting with the respective Archangels, Gabriel in the west, Raphael in the east, Michael in the south, and Auriel in the north.

Whilst these energies maintain a balanced condition, a Deva or Angel can be asked to command an Elemental to appear in the 'triangle of art' corresponding to the three Primaries of the activated angle associated with the Elemental, or degree, in question. Such Elemental entities are actually manifestations of the magician's own angles, which have been given a temporary objective existence, and because they form part of larger angles, these aspects of the magician's psyche are able to exert an influence on these larger angles and so make changes in the etheric and angular manifestations of the planet.