Search A Light In The Darkness

Saturday 13 October 2007

Daily Merlin: 357 Again

Daily Merlin Insight (Using Servants of the Light tarot)
Saturday 13th October 2007
10.20pm - 11:05pm

'Another Insight into the evening of 3rd May 2007; inspiration indicates the sense to look back to the night of the disappearance. '

Interestingly there is The Star and the 8 of Weapons appearing within the working. The trail of crystals commences almost at the feet of the image of The Star.

There are 10 stones here. One more than the alleged Tapas 9.

Familiar is the 4 of Crescents and the User of Crescents. Linked obviously to the night in question but there appears more to it than that.

There seem clear issues here .... clearly all was not 'hunky dory' ... three stones form together with one some distance away ... a trio of people in a discussion ... two couples perhaps with one some distance away from the group at the time of the 'disappearance'? Possibly. However the trail which links to the Star is not connected to this part of the casting ... so this event is perhaps seperate to the actual taking.

Some awareness of the undertones is symbolised here ... there was clearly something afoot ... some suspicions by the majority of the group. An insight shared but hidden by the supposed pact of silence. the 3 of Weapons ... the 3 'hands' about to strike ... to strike at the very hearts of the McCanns? The raw edge green stone falling upon the 3 of weapons ... genuine pain and upset by the ensuing events ... someone here clearly kept out of the loop of what was about to befall that night. The 4 of Weapons hints at the elusive cover up ... the 'official story' on the table hiding what was really going on ... the 6 of Crescents indicates carefully planning and research by someone ... the button pressed on that night ... the card saying 'get on with it' ....

The 4 of Staves ... the crown in the centre .... the links and network of influences of some significance relating perhaps to who were there that night. It appears it was a significant night. The group gathered for something of 'significance' ... .....................(withheld) ............

The trail leading from the Star straight to the User of Crescents ... the Dishevelled Woman and the Robed 'knight' bearing the neptunian trident. A meeting of some significance ... the neptunian trident perhaps the boat on which Maddy was taken ... all of this appears well concealed ... the meeting perhaps aboard the boat or perhaps on a significant island ... the Wheel of Fortune indicates some advantage gained with the acquisition of The Shining Star ...

Interestingly, the two stones immediately where the trail from the Star commences are two pieces of Granite .. two links to the Health profession? Maddy thus once again to someone somewhere associated with healing, health or medical profession. Could it therefore be someone linked through Kate & Gerry's medical profession associations that were responsible for the disappearance of Maddy? This insight has surfaced once again ... it is a recurrent theme in many of the insights. It appears also to hint at those who orchestrated the event being linked to an organisation of Knights linked to healing ...

The pattern created by the Crystal casting has a familiar shape to its glyph ... a hint perhaps to the influences created by the character within the 4 of Crescents. A persona who perhaps indeed lies close to the McCanns. Someone manipulative behind the scenes ... through her a link to influencial circuits ... able to prepare and nurture background frameworks prior to Maddy being taken. Having foresight that she was going to be taken. Aware of the reaction the McCanns would take ... Kate & Gerry taking those steps anticipated. Springing the campaign into plan ... I thus speculate if the campaign was something out of their control. A snowball already rolling perhaps without their prior knowledge because someone behind the scenes knew Maddy was indeed going to be taken ..... a someone who knew what significance lay behind it all ... necessitating the activated campaign.