Search A Light In The Darkness

Saturday 13 October 2007

. The Intuitive Learning Process

There are three stages our mind goes through in learning to comprehend a situation or idea:

1. Sensory Perception is the process in which we decipher information that is received in the cerebral cortex from the lower sensory or motor area. It is the perceiving or intuitive act that we receive when we see something, touch or feel something, hear or smell something. In turn, we deduct a situation in our minds based on these small, intense discoveries.

2. Surrender is the action of yielding one's person or giving up the possession of something or into the power of another. By letting go, it leaves us exposed, opened, vulnerable, defenseless. Only by surrendering, are we completely and fully able to allow the universe to take over and truly lead us to the most natural and simple path. By allowing this path of least resistance into your life, you receive what is intended!

3. Illumination is receiving power! There is nothing more enlightening than looking at something you do not understand or quit comprehend until that moment when suddenly, it becomes so very clear to you, that you just cannot believe you did not see it in the first place! This self-discovery, or illumination we experience is one of the greatest gifts we can receive. This is due, in many ways, to our sensory perceptions which takes place in this discovery process and the ability to allow ourselves to surrender.

This Intuitive Learning Process is something we can apply to ANY situation in our lives! Whether learning a craft, understanding the computer, or accepting any given situation, this process will help you to "open your mind" and allow new ideas, new creativity, and new insight to flow freely. Try it!