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Sunday 7 October 2007

The Practice of Magick

Magick is simply the use of energy within us and available in nature. Everyone can produce magick. There are different kinds of magick and some people are better at one type of magick then another. Whatever type of magick you practice, the more you are aware of your psychic energy and the use of energy flows and the more you practice, the better you become and the more effective the magick will be.

People can produce magick and never realize it, for example the sayings, "always think positive" or "be careful what you wish for". What we truly want will always manifest itself into reality. Magick works on the subconconscious level and our environment is always changing to match our perceived reality. These changes are subtle, but one who is attuned to their psychic energy will be aware of it and realize why spells they performed worked or did not work or had a completely different reaction. Its because our true will always be expressed, that is why the saying, "always think positive" is actually helpful and the concept of what you give out comes back to you.

To influence the subconscious to creating even more powerful magick is through suggestions and visualisations. Visualisation is extremely important for effective magick. You have to visualise the reality you want or the desired outcome. This visualisation is successful when it is performed at least a week before you perform your magick.

Our subconscious mind will censor out what it believes should not be in there because it doesn't conform to our beliefs (this is why when a person is hypnotised with the suggestion to physically hurt someone else, the person still will not harm another because it is not perceived as 'right', it does not conform to the persons beliefs. Even under hypnotism, a person cannot do what they do not believe in).

In order to penetrate the subconscious mind you must use repetitions of suggestions until it becomes a part of who you are and your model or belief system. Simple chants like, "I will stop smoking" or "I will lose weight", etc. are simple, but effective once they penetrate your subconscious, these chants will 'change' your 'model' or the way you believe about something and bring about positive yet subtle changes.

Sigils work the very same way. When sigils are designed by yourself, you are manifesting your energy into the creative symbol and working the concept over and over in your mind until it works by itself on your subconscious level. Since our subconscious is always at work be mindful of your thoughts because your true will and desire will manifest itself and what goes out will come back because any type of magick has a cause and effect.

There are three basic types of magick:

Imitative Magick
Drawings, paintings on paper, earth, sand, mud etc of symbolic images representing your goal or an actual picture or drawing of what you want to happen. The object is that if you can draw it and see it then you can make it happen. It`s like drawing what you visualize in your mind. This type of magick is mainly used to inhance your magick, to bring better luck and/ or power to achieve your intended goal.

Contagious Magick
The use of a person`s personal belongings, ex. clothing, hair, nails, a shoe, etc.. This type of magick is used mainly for a variety of love spells to darker forms of magick such as the hexes and curses.

Sympathetic Magick (Image Magick)
The use of poppets, dolls, sand dolls, earth, mud dolls, corn husk dolls, apple heads, turnip heads, etc.. This type of magick is used mainly for healing believe it or not with the use of herbs stuffed into the doll. Sometimes dolls can be used for love spells where two poppets will be made of the assigned couple. This type of magick is popular amongst African magick, voodoo and hoodoo folk magick practitioners.

Magick is an ability that exists within all of us. Psychic abilities are also an ability we all possess. Just as some of us are better at performing one type of magick than another, some of us are better with a certain type of psychic ability. We can all develop and increase our magick and psychic performance.

Magick should not be abused. Magick is not to inflate your ego, for recognition or to gain money. It is performed for change and hopefully for the best. Magick is not supernatural, it is natural. Magick is happening all around us. It is working with the energies in nature and the universe. It is drawing down the spiritual to the physical. It is working with your astral body and subconscious to manifest. It is working with nature which we are all a part of whether you believe this or not.

Magick has been performed throughout history and it always will be. As long as someone tells you to blow out your birthday candles and make a wish, magick will be there. When you wish upon a star, that is magick. When you recite a small suggestion or prayer that is magick. When someone lights a candle for another, that is magick. When you wish upon something so strongly with strong emotion and it comes true, that is magick.

To make Magick successful you must have belief before anything else. Visualisation second, casting the circle( if that is part of your belief) and banishing for protection 3rd and the ritual 4th. What goes on in your mind is more important then the ritual itself. You can perform the most complex ritual in every detail, but if you have no deep down desire and belief and have not worked on your creative visualization or even have doubts and fears you wont admit to then do not be surprised if the spell is not successful.

There must be a balance with all things magick. The energies you send out will eventually balance themselves out somehow and someway. Magick does not work instantly as portrayed in movies. There is a waiting period for the energies to work, for cause and effect. Expect side-effects from your spells. Something always happens. Because there is a cause and effect, the effect may produce something a little different from what you expected. This can occur because you have not thought out the desired goal properly and in detail or your true will was other than what you were trying to achieve.