Search A Light In The Darkness

Sunday 7 October 2007

Daily Merlin: 'The Re-Emerging Shining Star'

Daily Merlin Insight (Using Servants of the Light tarot)
Sunday 7th October 2007
10;00pm - 10:55pm

Applying the principles of remote viewing, and accepting totally the reality of moving timelessly to the day in the future when the 'Shining Star' re-emerges thus ending the time of her sad disappearance from her family....

Her continued separation from her family will one day come to an end. It is written therefore it will be so. The intention of this working is therefore to intuit those moments in time and perceive any other insights that may come within the framework of this working. I therefore treat the photograph I use as the link ... as a photograph taken at the time of her return. In principle the photograph becomes a doorway to that moment in time.

'A working to reveal the possible insights around the re-emergence of the Shining Star and the circumstances surrounding this event'

The piece of Citrine Crystal & The Star image was place on the table prior to the commencement of the working.

There are no insights or indications that Maddy will be harmed in any way. There is no signs in this working that Maddy is deceased. It is clearly a living child which this working is dealing with. Surrounding the Shining Star are numerous fragments of green & pink crystals ... indications of family. Close family ties ... there are the place of her arrival. The two green crystals perceived as Gerry & Kate.The Maker of Crescents symbolic of the transportation of Maddy to this undisclosed location. The name 'Daniel' or 'Danny' resonates in the right of my mind. The Maker of Crescents seen to 'snatch' the crescent from the moon in the sky ... a Neptunian agency ... collected intelligence the means of locating her .... an agent of this vessel steering her to safety. The Tigereye below the Maker ... a sign of the source of the lead which led to her recovery. The Keeper of Spheres it seems a suspect ... or someone helping the intelligence agencies behind the scenes ...

At this point I am hesitant. Wary of what is written and therefore what will be seen and who it is seen by ... it seems the threat of the High Priestess and her watching eyes ... indicates the need to err on caution. The triad of The Magician, the High Priestess & The Sun depicts it will not be easy to resolve this situation. There is true attrition behind the scenes of this event. Given time Maddy's return would most likely occur anyway. But some tip off or piece of useful information seems to catch the forces behind her disappearance unawares. I'm wary this transcript might act as 'forewarned is forearmed' ... but 'higher connections' reassure me the information provided is able to be communicated in this way. For some reason the 7 of Staves & the User of Staves indicates some intended action not going as planned ... and Maddy's continued disappearance becoming a liability anyway. None of the situation as in truth gone as planned it seemed. Someone somewhere swayed by unexpected reactions ... brings forth the 'information' that leads to the discovery or apprehension of the Keeper of Spheres ... someone higher than the High Priestess enables this discovery anyway unbeknown to her. Thus it is safe to leave this insight as it is.

The 7 of Spheres reveals the recovery of what was lost in a locality somewhere along the trail. It seems Gerry & Kate will be anticipating travelling to Europe to rendezvous with the agent who will bring Maddy to them. Links perhaps with an order of a church ... for I see the front facade of a church to be where there is this emotional meeting. I see 'the meeting taking place beneath blue skies. The rear door opening of a vehicle with dark tinted glass ... and Kate seemingly reaching in to bring out the living Maddy. Selected press photographers are present ... the locality under a shroud of secrecy. The locality somewhere already enroute within their campaign.

This happy reunion not reported to the world media on the day it occurs. Maddy's safe return kept concealed until it is deemed safe to permit her to re-emerge into a world not the same as the one before her disappearance. Maddy seemingly to be prepared for camera glare wherever she goes. To questions ... to countless thousands of well wishers wishing to say hello to her ... to meet with her ..... it cannot happen overnight ... she must understandably recover from her ordeal. It may in truth be weeks or months between her return and the time it is announced to the world. I sense this delay between the two events ... this period may also serve as a time for intelligence to focus in on the perpetrators. Thus the news of her safety cannot be leaked out to the world; to anyone apart from those closest to her. They will have to learn to remain tight lipped and adopt the ability to not give to the temptation to slip it out in conversation or interview ... during that period of delay. It will be imperative they remain unchanged ...

From the working there is some significant numerology ...