Let me extend a thousand and one apologies to all those kindly souls who e-mail us each and every day. I appreciate the time and the trouble you have taken to e-mail us, however due to serious time constraints I am unable to answer each and every one of you like I could do at one time.
During the day I have no internet access whatsoever. I am totally reliant on internet access between 6pm when I get home from work and around 11.30pm when I finally get to bed after a long and weary day which begins at 6am for me...
Kristine is doing her utmost best to reply in my absence. I feel awful for not being able to answer e-mails personally at this time. I have a uncooperative boss who still refuses to provide me with internet access to my Laptop at work!! Even though he requires me linked to the work server and the outside world he still refuses to instruct IT personnel to link me to the world wide web. I've been at this latest 'construction company' now for nearly 4 weeks and all my Blogging and e-mailing is reliant on those precious 5 and a half hours each night and also Saturdays and Sundays.
In between a family life with Kristine and the kids I am managing somehow to keep up A Light In The Darkness. This is still a temporary situation.
Please accept my apologies once more ... Kristine is doing a sterling job in my absence. I will answer e-mails when I can ....
Matthew James ...