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Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Daily Merlin: Key Unfoldings

Daily Merlin Insight
Using Merlin Tarot
NZ - Tuesday 13th November 2007
10:15pm - 11:15pm

On what I've had impressed on me as being a 'key day' for reasons not disclosed to me, I feel the need to resort back to my most trusted divination key ... The Merlin Tarot. I have a number of questions impressed on me to 'ask' ... for cautionary reasons I am going to withhold the questions asked in the transcript here. The insights received may well be encrypted and abridged too. There is a crucial point like a bridge between two perceptions at this moment in time. Many minds seem to be joining and linking ... there seems something crucial about to be unearthed ...

[Question #1 withheld]

Guardian (The Devil)
Queen of Beasts
4 of Fishes - Promise


8 of Serpents - Expediency (reversed)

3 of Fishes - affection

Not the impressions I ant
icipated. The images answer neither yes or no. There is something feared and anticipated as a thing of fear relating to the Queen of Beasts. A young bear is seen at her feet. Traditionally I have never trusted this card. It is the persona or energy of a female who cannot be trusted. Someone who enters into arrangements for her own agenda. Where the Queen of Beasts is ... and whatever she promises ... she is not trustworthy. She will go back on her word. She is unreliable. Any weight put on her words or her reputation or on her 'code of honour' is wasted trust. This woman will let someone down. I do not believe that what this woman 'has in her box of tricks' will lead to anything of significance.

The Emperor expects nothing from her in truth. The 10 of Serpents is reversed ... it is a case of 'told you so' when she lets someone down. He turns away and as his eyes on the observer ... another interview or another direction in the campaign. Whoever the Queen of Swords is ... it has nothing to do with him.

The Concealment by the Guardian shall continue ... into another 'lesson' it seems . But with the 'Tower of Strength' seen behind him almost in view and the Mother Deer there in the foreground ... something is most surely afoot. The Wolf and the Raven in attendance ... clearly the trail now leaves behind the confusion of the trees and
hits the open trail. In pursuit ... along the winding trail towards the tower of strength ... there is nothing to fear but fear itself. 4 of Fishes and 3 of Fishes ... fishes relates to water and is equal to the suit of crescents ... crescents is 'the path of the moon' ... hence the reason why the Queen of Beasts misleads with her false hope and useless information!

Seven fishes in total ... the 7th month that MM is missing is approaching ...

[Question #2 withheld]

4 of Serpents - Generosity
3 of Fishes - Affection
4 of Fishes - Promise

10 of Serpents - Responsibility
2 of Birds - Doubt
2 of Serpents - Choice

King Of Serpents
The Three Worlds
The Creation Vision

Patience. Delay. Planning. Watching. Checking trails and observing signs and places. Wanting to trust but doubting a source. The offer by one represented by the King of Serpents ... creates mixed reactions. A knowledge and a wealth of experience. Evidence of sort to illustrate. Confusion. Sitting back and careful planning. A group around a table aware and pensive. A jumble of leads and trails. A sense of something dawning and comprehension leading to one choice to make.

[Question 3 withheld]

Three characters ... represented by The Magician, The Priestess and Justice (The Judge) are those who have knowledge of where MM resides besides those who are her custodians. Her custodians are sworn to secrecy ... and are aware of the consequences of revealing where she resides.

The three characters go about their every day lives without anyone knowing what their 'characters' are behind closed doors. The Justice card represents a learned man who defends blue dragon lines and in their entanglement with red dragon lines. He appears to be representative of someone who controls the rise and the fall of the justice in this case.

The Priestess often dons costumes and 'faces' in roles and in demands within her daily life. She bears a certain face when having to deal with the complexities of a double cross.

The Magician appears to be the one in control. The one with the magic to make all of this happen? Good planning and good connections and an understanding of all the stages more than anything else. He is merely the receptacle for all the instructions and the decisions from elsewhere. The organiser for others it seems.

None of these three frequent the residence it seems. The green lines created by the lines of the crystals have an undisclosed significance perhaps. In keeping with the question asked this clear shape has been formed.

Conflict (EIGHT of Weapons)
Danger -in the past- (EIGHT of Birds) .... dangerous communications
Excitement (EIGHT of Fishes) .... more media deceptions at the present time as a smokescreen it seems
Humour (SEVEN of Fishes) ... let us entertain the public ... with something and with anything even though there is nothing new to say ....

There is push and pull. There is tension. There is a tight rope walk ... all the way to the top and all the way to the steps which lead to the bearer of the sword ... hidden behind the large oval stone ... that locality hidden by one big concealment. When the safe return occurs it will not be disclosed. Much of the situation relies on that event being kept from the media circuit.....{section withheld] ..................