It needs to be established if the shop keeper saw any sign of the distinctive eye pattern. This would serve as the only tangible proof that the Amsterdam sighting was 'kosher'. Surely if the shop keeper had a conversation with the young girl, there must have been some eye contact?
And, though the Belgian 'sighting' are being linked with pedophiles (again) ... they should not be completely dismissed. Belgium did figure once before in the mystery. However, linked to pedophiles - NO, NO, NO! Belgian faces - yes. There was an early link explored by ALITD with regard to faces in Belgium. At the time there was a distinct sense that there was indeed a Belgian link (within the press agencies). Around the time of the 'towel on the waste ground' ... these paths could perhaps be retraced.
And, though the style and the frequency of the Daily Merlin Insights might have changed (due to time restraints) ... the review of 'channelled information' is still the same. A fleeting sense of a watching couple observing all the passing 'boats at sea' ... witnessing the rising and the falling of the tides of emotion. A feeling of achievement or fulfillment at the end of a long and bitter journey.
Where there is a will, there is a way.
This can still prove to have a favourable outcome. No reason to give up all hope as hope is not lost ... the road has been misguided by clever hands. By clever minds. The path may be hidden but the outcome can still prove to be favourable.
The Two of Weapons talks of a battle of wills and a struggle between two sides to possess the flaming sword. The conflict continues. That elusive contest of wills which is somehow kept hidden from the public eyes. However, it has been sensed time and time again.
The Maker of Spheres juggles four spheres. Holds them in a perfect pattern as he watches the observer's every move. The worker bees flit around this enigmatic figure undertaking the errands they are instructed to follow. Their workings weave the tapestry which the public sea. Behind the scenes all sides to the mystery are controlled perfectly.
Behind the Maker a young child with what appears to be dark hair can just be seen on the edge of a dark wood. It seems this young child is once more coming back into view. The tapestry currently created by the Maker has the young child in its design. On the earth plane, the tapestry appears to resemble a vale of old and ancient trees. However, this image is perhaps best taken as being symbolic. The Maker appears to be a youngster of an influential family or group. He seems to be trying to make his mark. The spheres of influence at his finger tips have created the imagery which is around this strange situation ...
The young man is cloaked/disguised/bedecked with purpose ... in two worlds. To him all of his work is a ritual to suit a higher purpose. He is free from conscience and cares not how any suffers in this. His way is clear and what is being done must be done to clear out the old trees to make way for the new ones being planted ...