Welcome to "A Light In The Darkness" - a realm that explores the mysterious and the occult; the paranormal and the supernatural; the unexplained and the controversial; and, not forgetting, of course, the conspiracy theories; including Artificial Intelligence; Chemtrails and Geo-engineering; 5G and EMR Hazards; The Net Zero lie ; Trans-Humanism and Trans-Genderism; The Covid-19 and mRNA vaccine issues; The Ukraine Deception ... and a whole lot more.
Search A Light In The Darkness
Sunday, 31 May 2009
The Book Of Changes Insight
“Biting Through has success.
It is favourable to let justice be administered."
Have you been avoiding the advice of the main message, afraid of what The Arousing/Shock might be?
The message about the future is: "There are times to avoid confrontations, to sublimate deep feelings, or to retreat and await a more opportune moment for action. This is not one of those times." R.L. Wing
Wing calls this hexagram Reform. The Yi is saying: An obstacle is blocking your path. It may be, as the main message suggested, your own refusal to see things as they really are.
Whatever it is, there will be only one way forward: Bite the bullet. Do what has to be done. You know what that is
"The Wraith"
Once, he had passed an open door and had chanced a quick glance into the bunker-like space inside, he had seen what had looked like an immense ship of some kind there. The place gave him the creeps, so did the wraith-like being who had rescued him. Since its opening statement it had remained silent. All of its communications with him, had come by way of thought images and simple gesticulations from its hands.
Vince came around a bend in a corridor and almost collided with the wraith which was standing waiting for him to catch up, “God damn... you scared me. Still not talking to me, then? Since you won't tell me what you’re called, I’m gonna nickname you Brian. That okay with you?” He looked across at the wraith, which as per usual paid no attention to him. It merely pointed in the direction of an open doorway opposite and proceeded to walk through it. Vince had no other choice but to follow “Brian” through it, the door closing without a sound behind them.
Ahead of them, was what appeared to Vince, some kind of roadway. On its asphalt looking surface were strange and indecipherable markings. Vince reached down to an object lying on its surface, it was a dull grey in colour, roughly six inches in diameter and appeared to be made of metal. It was weightless in his hand. At its centre was some kind of grating that appeared to Vince to be a speaker. He turned it over in his hands and noticed on its reverse side, two small blue buttons. He pressed the first one, and gained a bleep. From the object issued a sudden series of buzzes and then the sound of radio interference; from out of the interference he could perceive a human voice, though he could not make out what was being said.
He gazed round at the wraith, which looked back at him expressionless as if it paid no attention to his find. He pressed down the button again and received the same noise sequence. Vince then pressed the second button and gained nothing. He was about to discard the object, when the middle finger of his left hand detected a depression in the side of the object. He brought the object to his eyes for closer inspection and noticed another switch within a pocket on the side of the object. He pressed it, nothing happened. Again he pressed one of the two blue buttons, this time he could hear the voice more clearly, the other button … ‘must be a volume control’, he thought. He caught the end of a sentence from out of the speaker, “...position. Do you copy? Respond alpha seven four...respond...“. He pressed then the other blue switch, cleared his throat and spoke into the speaker, “Hello? Who's there? I am Vince Martin...can someone get me out of this godforsaken place, I’m lost?” He pressed the other blue switch once more, “Who the hell are you? Where is Agent Walters?”
It was then the wraith sprang into a flurry of activity, it suddenly grabbed the intercom from out of a surprised Vince Martin's left hand, crushing it without effort with its own hand. It then pushed Vince to the floor, and restrained him there with its right foot on his chest. It spoke calmly to a now frightened Vince Martin. “Human... I’m Horatius, I have been sent to lead you to safety, not into danger. Come, we must go and meet my master. Please, follow me...”
Draft Extract taken from "The Host" ... written by Matthew James
LA Unconditional; Music & Solfeggio frequency 852 Hz STEREO
If this video is not playing is stereo add &fmt=18 to the end of the url and press Enter. The Solfeggio Scale and note names;
1. UT...396 Hz (Center Pillar of the Tree)
2. RE...417 Hz (Left Pillar of the Tree)
3. MI...528 Hz (Right Pillar of the Tree)
4. FA...639 Hz (Center Pillar of the Tree)
5. SOL..741 Hz (Left Pillar of the Tree)
6. LA...852 Hz (Right Pillar of the Tree)
UT - 396 Hz -associated with releasing emotional patterns after: see RE-417Hz below. RE - 417 Hz -associated with breaking up crystalized emotional patterns MI - 528 Hz - relates to crown chakra; Dr. Puleo suggests an association with "DNA integrity" Transformation and Miracles FA - 639 Hz - associated with whole brain quadrant interconnectedness. Connecting Relationships SOL - 741 Hz - associated with intuitive states, non linear knowing. Awakening Intuition LA - 852 Hz - associated with a pure love frequency: unconditional love and returning to Spiritual Order". Audio by Jandy the Decibel Jezebel.
Quotes for the Day
"There is no more important step you can take than to define your life's purpose. It develops your sense of belonging to our universe." -- Arnold Patent
Another Insight from Wraith ....
Another Near Hit!
The Story Of Many Coloured Crow

The people heard the words of Many Coloured Crow and began to care for the Dead. But so many ghosts walked the land that Many Coloured Crow had to do something more. He had been passing through the forest when he found a high hill. Around the base of the hill he gathered piles of dried brush. Then he climbed the base of the hill and built a fire in a clay pot. He prayed for four days. Singing to the four sacred directions and the ghosts heard. They came from all over the world to see what Many Coloured Crow was doing. On the day of the Winter Solstice, all the ghosts had finally arrived.
At last~ one of the ghosts~ a warrior who had died in battle and whose body had been cut up~ asked Many Coloured Crow "What are you doing up here on top of this mountain, Singing and Dancing? We have all come to see you!"
Many Coloured Crow raised his hands to the Morning Sun, saying "I have brought you here to Sing you to the land of the Dead. But you cannot go as you are now. You are full of anger and evil. You must be cleansed of this before I Sing you to the Land of The Dead."
And saying that, Many Coloured Crow picked up the pot with the fire burning inside it and whirled it around his head, scattering the burning embers into the dry brush. The brush instantly caught fire and the whole mountain was engulfed in flames. The ghosts cried out and tried to escape but the fire completely surrounded them. In the end, all that remained were ashes. These Many Coloured Crow collected and carried with him to the Land of the Dead, where the souls were finally freed. All the wickedness had been burned away.
In the process however, Many Coloured Crow's brilliant feather colours had vanished, all of them burned a deep black which is why, to this day, Crow has Black feathers.
Saturday, 30 May 2009

The Vedic scholar David Frawley explains how the ancient indu holy books, the Vedas, reveal that the earliest royal bloodlines of India, the priest-kings, descend from
the Bhrigus who arrived from a place across the sea. The Bhrigus were an order of adepts initiated into the ancient knowledge. Frawley says in his book, Gods, Sages, And Kings: Vedic Secrets Of Ancient Civilization, that the monarchs of these bloodlines included the "Serpent King" Nahusha. They expanded into the five tribes that populated a large part of the Indian population James Churchward wrote a number of books on the civilisation of Mu and he says the Nagas also populated China, Tibet and parts of Asia.
The Naga Maya people, with their mother goddess religion, were also the origin of the Maya people of Mexico. Researcher Michael Mott writes in Caverns, Cauldrons, And Concealed Creatures:
"The Nagas are described as a very advanced race or species, with a highly-developed technology. They also harbour a disdain for human beings, whom they are said to abduct, torture, interbreed with, and even to eat. The interbreeding has supposedly led to a wide variety of forms, ranging from completely reptilian to nearly-human in appearance. Among their many devices are 'death rays' and 'vimana', or flying, diskshaped aerial craft. These craft are described at length in many ancient Vedic texts, including the Bhagavad-Gita and the Ramayana. The Naga race is related to another underworld race, the Hindu demons, or Rakshasas. They also possess, as individuals, 'magical stones', or a 'third eye' in the middle of their brows, known to many students of eastern mysticism today as a focal point for one of the higher chakras, or energy channel-points, of the human(oid) nervous system - the chakra associated with 'inner visions', intuition, and other esoteric concepts."
For Nagas and Chitauri, read Anunnaki. Different names, same origins.
Keeping Our Minds Supple
A lot of people feel threatened if they feel they are being asked to question their cherished beliefs or their perception of reality. Yet questioning is what keeps our minds supple and strong. Simply settling on one way of seeing things and refusing to be open to other possibilities makes the mind rigid and generally creates a restrictive and uncomfortable atmosphere.
We all know someone who refuses to budge on one or more issues, and we may have our own sacred cows that could use a little prodding. Being open-minded means that we are willing to question everything, including those things we take for granted. A willingness to question everything, even things we are sure we are right about, can shake us out of complacency and reinvigorate our minds, opening us up to understanding people and perspectives that were alien to us before. This alone is good reason to remain inquisitive, no matter how much experience we have or how old we get.
In the Zen tradition, this willingness to question is known as beginner’s mind, and it has a way of generating possibilities we couldn’t have seen from the point of view of knowing something with certainty. The willingness to question everything doesn’t necessarily mean we don’t believe in anything at all, and it doesn’t mean we have to question every single thing in the world every minute of the day. It just means that we are humble enough to acknowledge how little we actually know about the mysterious universe we call home.
Nearly every revolutionary change in the history of human progress came about because someone questioned some time-honoured belief or tradition and in doing so revealed a new truth, a new way of doing things, or a new standard for ethical and moral behaviour. Just so, a commitment to staying open and inquisitive in our own individual lives can lead us to new personal revolutions and truths, truths that we will hopefully, for the sake of our growth, remain open to questioning.
A Word on "Perception"

What one perceives is a result of interplays between past experiences, including one’s culture, and the interpretation of the perceived. If the percept does not have support in any of these perceptual bases it is unlikely to rise above perceptual threshold.
Two types of consciousness are considerable regarding perception: phenomenal (any occurrence that is observable) and psychological. The difference everybody can demonstrate to him- or herself is by the simple opening and closing of his or her eyes: phenomenal consciousness is thought, on average, to be predominately absent without sight. Through the full or rich sensations present in sight, nothing by comparison is present while the eyes are closed. Using this precept, it is understood that, in the vast majority of cases, logical solutions are reached through simple human sensation. The analogy of Plato's Cave was coined to express these ideas.
Passive perception (conceived by René Descartes) can be surmised as the following sequence of events: surrounding → input (senses) → processing (brain) → output (re-action). Although still supported by mainstream philosophers, psychologists and neurologists, this theory is nowadays losing momentum. The theory of active perception has emerged from extensive research of sensory illusions, most notably the works of Richard L. Gregory. This theory, which is increasingly gaining experimental support, can be surmised as dynamic relationship between "description" (in the brain) ↔ senses ↔ surrounding, all of which holds true to the linear concept of experience.
Basic physical truths such as cause and effect and vagrant patterns imposed upon the perceived laws of creation similarly support this dualistic appreciation of reality-perception.
Unearthing the Mayan Creation Myth

They formed the sides of a channel that carried rainwater into a complex system of stepped pools, where it was stored for drinking and agriculture.'
Inspiration for the Day
"The greatest gift we give each otheris the quality of our attention."- Richard Moss
"The real glory of meditation lies notin any method but in its continualliving experience of presence."- Sogyal Rinpoche
Friday, 29 May 2009
A Misty Hollow?

There is mist forming in the hollow again ... more billowing clouds being manufactured by the Pied Piper's cloud making machine. More distractions to deflect attention away from a waiting time. A lull then perhaps another round of feather ruffling ... as the wheel continues to turn round and round.
It dumbfounds the rational part of the psyche that the saga still continues ... because clearly within the eye of the storm there is healthy calm. But between the public's watching eyes and that location there is the ruffled, muffled and confused vision created by the still spiralling maelstrom created by the machinery of the Pied Piper and his chums ... !!!
Inspiration for today
Classic Songs: "No One Like You"
Thursday, 28 May 2009
A Good Response ... !!!

With just over a week to go ... there has still not been a winner! Many have tried ...
But, don't lose heart ... it is not an easy exercise. It requires patience and a clear mind ... but it can be done!
Hope In Hardship

Were Moon Missions a Hoax?
Mankind still has a number of reasons to cast doubt on the miracle of inter-planetary flights.
Many people still say that US astronauts have never landed on the Moon. Japan’s Kaguya lunar orbiter took several pictures of the site, where Apollo 15 and Apollo 17 supposedly landed in 1971 and 1972.
If the astronauts had ever landed there, they should have left a lot of equipment on the site, including the rovers, on which they travelled on the surface of the Earth’s satellite. The pictures, which the Japanese rover took, showed not even the slightest hint of the US presence on the Moon.'
I don't know if I'll still be a United player next season, says Ronaldo
The Portuguese winger also delivered a withering attack on Sir Alex Ferguson's tactics after his side were outclassed by Barcelona in last night's Champions League Final.
Asked after United’s -‑ defeat if he would still be at the club next season, Ronaldo said: 'I don’t know.'
And his reaction sparked fresh doubts that he may again fancy a switch to Real Madrid. The Spanish giants came close to signing Ronaldo in a world-record £75million deal last year before the star opted to stay at Old Trafford. But Real may return with a similar offer this summer as they attempt to lure him to the Bernabeu.
And the winger, who is now set to head for international duty with Portugal, sidestepped the issue when pressed on his plans at the Olympic Stadium.
'My future now is the national squad, so that we can win, so that we can be in a good position in our qualifying group,' he said. 'About clubs, I do not want to talk about that, I want to rest, go on holiday, I am very tired, I have played a lot of games, a lot of pressure. The future, we will see.' (Daily Mail)
Life On MARS? - New Scientific Evidence
One More Anomaly ...
Quotes for the Day
"Past the seeker as he prayed came the crippled and the beggar and the beaten. And seeing them... he cried, ‘Great God, how is it that a loving creator can see such things and yet do nothing about them?’... God said, ‘I did do something. I made you.’" -- Sufi Teaching
"To learn to get along without, to realize that what the world is going to demand of us may be a good deal more important than what we are entitled to demand of it -- this is a hard lesson." -- Bruce Catton
Beaten By The Better Team ...

"We didn't play as well as we can but you have to give Barcelona credit," said the United manager. "Lionel Messi wasn't the problem, Xavi and Andres Iniesta kept the ball all night and made it difficult for us."
Ferguson, who has led United to two previous Champions League triumphs, added: "We started brightly and confidently and could have been in front in the first 10 minutes but the goal was a killer. We didn't plan to lose a goal as early as that. We didn't deal with it well enough, it gave them the opportunity to keep possession. We knew what a good football team they were. We had difficulty in defending against them. Messi dropped into midfield and they kept possession and made it difficult for us. The disappointment was the use of the ball when we got possession. You have to wait minutes to get it back off them. Could be it was an off night. Could be it was a mountain too big to climb. But we've done well, it's been a long season, we've had 66 games and you've got to give the players credit for their courage and resilience. Next season we'll be better. “
"The better team won and there's nothing we can do about that now." (BBC Sport)
Australia Confirms Rise in Swine Flu Cases to 103
The nation has 103 cases and four people have been hospitalized, Health Minister Nicola Roxon told reporters in Canberra. The outbreak of swine flu, officially known as H1N1, has forced the closure of six schools across the country and prompted businesses and governments to embark on efforts to contain its spread.
“We do expect that that number might increase in the course of the day,” Roxon said in Canberra, adding that the government’s order for vaccines from CSL Ltd. should be ready within months. “We will purchase doses to cover 10 million people.”
Qantas Airways Ltd., Australia’s largest carrier, has quarantined about 20 staff who had direct contact with passengers confirmed to have the virus on flights primarily from North America. The airline, which hasn’t confirmed any infections among its staff, made the decision after advice from its own medical services and Australian health authorities, it said in a statement.
Meanwhile, the state of New South Wales upgraded its protocols for arriving cruise ships, saying it will treat symptoms of flu on such vessels as swine flu, pending tests to clear any infected individuals, state Health Minister John Della Bosca said in a statement yesterday.
How Fear of Success Works
Success is scary because it involves change. Success can be intimidating and hard to handle. With success comes more challenges and responsibilities – and that can be threatening.
Sometimes people fear success because they don’t know if they can live up to their achievements. They don’t think they’re good enough or smart enough. They're afraid they don't have what it takes to rise to the challenge, and they don't know if they can sustain their success.
And that’s where self-sabotaging behaviour comes in.
Putting projects, assignments, or duties off while you take care of non-essential fluff or "make-work" chores can be a sign of fear of success. If you putter around instead of taking care of business, you may be subconsciously sabotaging yourself.
All talk, no action.
Sometimes certain behaviours look like laziness, but they reveal a fear of success. For instance, you may talk about your life dreams and goals all the time, but you watch TV every night and surf the Internet for hours every day. You never actually take practical steps or exert self-discipline to move in the direction of your goals.
Negative, pessimistic thoughts and behaviours.
Fear of success can involve an extremely negative perspective of life. “What’s the point of dressing up for the job interview? I probably won’t get it anyway.” Not trying – and focusing on all the things that can go wrong – is self-sabotaging behaviour.
What’s the benefit of these self-sabotaging behaviours? They provide an escape hatch. That is, if you party the night before or put your project off to the last minute, you can then shrug off your performance. You have an excuse for not doing well. Instead of facing the fear that you're not good or smart enough, you chalk it up to too many beers. (Psychology Suite 101)
For Beth Travers it was a nightmare. She was soaked to the skin, but determined still to reach her destination. Despite strong protestations from Silent Wing, who had suddenly burst into a frantic intercourse with her, and so thus undergoing an instant character change, Beth had insisted they continue. Her logic had been to continue, and maybe they could lose the pursuer. Surely, not even the most determined tracker would persist in its mission in such atrocious weather conditions.
For a day and half they had travelled the trail, fully aware of an unknown person, or persons, in pursuit; it had been Silent Wing who had detected the fact they were being followed; his instinct had told him the hunter was of dark intent. As yet, they had not caught any sight of proof they were being pursued. However Silent Wing had been contacted by his ancestor, Gentle Bear, who had informed him that a white male was in pursuit of them.
Now, with the teeming rain, and being soaked to the skin, Beth Travers was in two minds. She wanted to stop and rest as they had been slowly moving along the path; too slowly for her liking. On the other hand she was scared. Memories of The Gorf and its kind flared suddenly in her mind, she did not want to go through with that again.
She was standing beneath a Ponderosa Pine, which stood close by to the trail and gave her some protection from the deluge; she nervously scanned the trail for sight of Silent Wing, who had back tracked to check to see how close their pursuer had got. He had not been convinced that their continuation in the rain, would gain for them any distance.
Through the falling rain she could make out Silent Wing as he moved close to her. At first he could not see her, but after she had shouted his name he walked over to her, and join her in her makeshift shelter from the rain.
“Well...How close?” Beth Travers asked the Uncampaghre Indian guide.
"He comes alright... perhaps ten minutes behind us. He too chances the rain.” Silent Wing, had unsheathed his knife, and was gazing in the direction he had just come from. “We wait, Beth.”
”What?” She was taken aback, the threat of confrontation causing her a sudden uneasy feeling. He’s gonna be killed, she suddenly thought. “Can't we hide? I feel something awful is gonna happen here.” She glanced at the young Indian who merely smiled at her.
They had only to wait another five minutes. Silently along the trail came a white male kitted out in green combat jacket and walking breeches. He came along the trail like a predatory wild beast, his eyes gazing in all directions, an aura of arrogant confidence emanating from him. He looked every part the hired assassin that Silent Wing had described him as being.
Silent Wing remained motionless, watching their hunter. Beth felt very much the hunted one, trying to melt herself into the large rock she was hiding behind.
”Travers!.....Come out, I know where you are. You cannot escape me!” A voice which was unmistakably Cockney in its accent boomed suddenly from the trail close by to where they now hid.
Beth remained where she was, shaking with blind panic. Silent Wing crept on light feet around the concealment of the boulder strewn path, and made his way to stand directly behind their pursuer.
”Travers, it's pointless this silence...you've got nowhere you can....” Alan Saunders's words were cut off in mid sentence by the heavy form of Silent Wing suddenly sending him sprawling onto the trail, the gun he was holding in his right hand sent skating across the path, until it came to rest in the undergrowth and out of sight.
Beth stood up from behind the rock and watched as the two were locked in a deadly battle of no holds barred wrestling. One moment, it seemed Silent Wing had the advantage, as he held the assassin in a full nelson; the next moment Silent Wing was sent to the ground winded by a blow to the solar plexus.
Suddenly, from behind her came movement, and a strong hand was placed tightly across her face. She was aware of being pulled backwards into the rock face. She had no chance to defend herself; she had the immediate awareness of a sudden stabbing pain in her right shoulder, as a hyperdermic needle punctured her skin. Within moments she felt herself going dizzy before blackness overtook her and she was no longer aware of anything....
Proof Read Extract taken from 'The Host' written by Matthew James
Images Of The Day

Reported 24th May 2009.
Image Olivier Morel (WCCSG) Copyright 2009
Buddhist Inspiration ...
Conquer the ill-natured man by goodness.
Conquer the miser with generosity.
Conquer the liar with truth.
--- The Dhammapada
Small Gestures Make a Big Difference

Russian scientist: Alien sacrifice saved earth

Mysterious 'ice circles' in remote Siberian lake baffle scientists

'Throughout April the circles are persistent,' a Nasa spokesman said. 'They appear when ice cover forms, and then disappear as ice melts. The pattern and appearance suggest that the ice is quite thin.'
Ice cover changes rapidly at this time of year on the Russian lake and can melt and freeze overnight. Scientists believe a spurt of warm water rose to the surface creating the distinctive pattern but are puzzled by the source of heat. Hydrothermal activity and high heat flow has been observed in other parts of the lake but one of the circles appeared near the southern tip, over relatively deep - normally cold - water.
Lake Baikal is in a rift valley and is the largest (by volume) and deepest (5,400ft) fresh water lake on Earth. The World Heritage site is also one of the world’s oldest lakes aged between 25 to 30million years old. Sediment deposited on the bottom is up to 4.3miles deep.
The lake contains rare fresh water seals and several species of fish found nowhere else on the planet. (Daily Mail)
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
"Opening The Portal"
The time neared. It had to be right, just as the sun fell onto the horizon relinquishing its energy to the restrictions of the moon, they could send out their signal beacon.
Gangrad had carefully explained to Conrad Jackson, who had been curious about the purpose of the ritual, that their arch-enemy Loki had centuries before commissioned the activation of a computer consule, housed within The Moon, to emit an energy field that would effectively isolate earth from the rest of space. The consule part of the technology created by The Chaldeans to form the game board on which they now stood. Thus for centuries the earth remained isolated by the energy cloak, which The Nordic people's knew as Iormungander...the world serpent.
Its signal was at it's weakest just as the sun fell to below the horizon, so that would be the only time they could send out the signal.
Marcus Telson had then interrupted Gangrad, suggesting they visited the Moon and deactivate the consule. Conrad had agreed. It had taken Amanas to persuade them that it was not yet that time, but it would be done in due course. First, all the gateways had to be primed, for the earth needed the influence of the moon for order. A similar computer programme existed in The Atlantean laboratory, but as yet the key had not been found to activate it. Until the discovery of the Holy Grail , that mission could not take place. The Grail was the key to the computer programme as well as many other things.
From Amanas's lips emitted a high pitched sound, soon mimicked perfectly by Amanas. To Marcus Telson and the others, who watched from outside the boundaries of the temple energy field, they sounded like the sounds of Dolphins.
”Gangrad, Dolphins make similar sounds, don't they? Marcus asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
“They are the dolphin's brethren Conrad.” Gangrad replied, his voice also a whisper, “now watch this bit, it gets interesting!”
Amanas's and Eraxas's voices soon merged into one, the volume and intensity of the sound increasing incredibly to the watching group. Soon, they sound became a discernible wall of energy, it’s frequency soon reaching a range not perceived by human ears. Instead its presence could be sensed visually. It began to encircle the standing stones, growing in velocity, until a trace of blue light could be perceived in the fading light of dusk, by the watching eyes.
Conrad turned to face Gangrad; who whispered in his ear, “Watch this bit!”
The blue light grew in intensity and slowly changed to an intense purple, all the while the velocity increasing. The purple too grew in intensity until its light illuminated all the stones it encircled. To the watching eyes, the light appeared a solid band, the speed of its rotation was so great.
From the sky overhead came a dazzling flash of lightning which discharged onto the altar stone which stood in front of the two Atlanteans. They were oblivious to its sudden appearance. A loud retort of thunder filled the air.
The purple band of light seemed then to dissipate before branching off and became a mirror image of the lightning bolt that had just fallen from the sky. All the purple light then faded as it made its way like a piece of string upwards into the heavens.
Then there was silence and then darkness. For a moment nothing moved or stirred. The watching eyes nervously anticipated another bolt of lightning. Nothing came.
Eraxas and Amanas simultaneously opened their eyes.”It is done. The gateway is now opened.”
It was Amanas who spoke. His voice strangely echoed, as if they now all stood in some kind of chamber. “Behold, the Alkeems!” He shouted to the others who had by then made their way into the ancient temple of Naradek.
Draft Extract taken from "The Host" written by Matthew James
UFO snapped over Thames
And experts claim it is the real thing. UFO experts have been left scratching their heads over the sighting. Editor, cameraman and UFO researcher Chris Martin said: "I was looking for evidence that these have been fabricated. I couldn't find any evidence. It's unprecedented because she produced three pictures, which seems to show it's flying. My own evaluation is that these photographs are genuine and have not been digitally manipulated or hoaxed."
He added: "These photos are, in my opinion as a UFO researcher, absolutely astounding and show a real object seemingly under intelligent control. This is a classic flying saucer-shaped UFO."
A Ministry of Defence spokesperson did not comment on the sighting, saying: "The MoD examines reports solely to establish whether UK airspace may have been compromisedby hostile or unauthorised military activity. "Unless there is evidence of a potential threat, there is no attempt to identify the nature of each sighting reported." (The Sun)
Giant blob found deep beneath Nevada
The Great Basin consists of small mountain ranges separated by valleys and includes most of Nevada, the western half of Utah and portions of other nearby states.
While studying the area, John West of Arizona State University and his colleagues found evidence of a large cylindrical blob of cold material far below the surface of central Nevada. Comparison of the results with CAT scans of the inside of Earth taken by ASU's Jeff Roth suggested they had found a so-called lithospheric drip. (Earth's lithosphere comprises the crust or outer layer of Earth and the uppermost mantle.)
Here's how it works: "The Earth's mantle, which lies below the thin outer crust we live on, consists of rock which deforms plastically on very long time scales due to the heat and pressure at depth," West said. "In any material which can flow (including the mantle), a heavy object will tend to sink through lighter material."
And this is what the scientists think is happening with the lithospheric drip. A region of heavier material trapped in the lithosphere gets warmed up and begins to sink into the lighter, less dense mantle beneath, pulling a long tail of material after it.
"Honey dripping off of a spoon is a visual aid to what we think the drip looks like," West told LiveScience. "Dripping honey tends to lead with a large blob of honey, with a long tail of material following the initial blob."
He said the blob is between about 30 miles and 60 miles in diameter (between 50 km and 100 km) and extends from a depth of about 47 miles to at least 310 miles (75 km to 500 km) beneath Earth's surface.
The team thinks this drip started some 15 million to 20 million years ago and probably detached from the overlying plate only recently.
At first, it was hard for the team to reconcile their discovery with what scientists knew about the region. Over the past tens of millions of years, the Earth's crust in the Great Basin has undergone extension, or stretching. (MSN)
Classic Songs: "Love Will Keep Us Alive"
The awe-inspiring British cave that could swallow an entire cathedral whole

Cave enthusiasts were winched one by one down the gigantic pothole in Ingleborough, North Yorkshire - a hair-raising descent that takes a full minute to reach the floor.
Gaping Gill was opened to the public over the weekend and people will have the chance to explore the spectacular cave system throughout the week.
The cavern was formed by the action of a stream, Fell Beck, which flows from the flank of 2,373ft Ingleborough, the second highest mountain in the Yorkshire Dales, on to limestone rocks and roars down a dizzying 360ft drop in a natural fault line. The plunging torrent forms Britain's highest unbroken waterfall - twice the height of Niagara.
The main chamber is 476ft long, 82ft wide and 115ft from floor to vaulted ceiling.
Bradford Potholing Club organised the winch visit and will be taking more members of the public into the cave this week. (Daily Mail)
A Word on 'the Fate Line'
The fate line is influenced by Saturn, the mount which tells us we should plan ahead for our future and be responsible with our lives, in order to create some stability and purpose. The fate line, reaching up towards the Saturn finger represents our purpose and direction, enabling us to have a goal we can work towards, ensuring that instead of just existing in the world, we try to achieve some direction, purpose and reason for living. The beginning of the line at the base of the palm is the starting point of life, the point of birth, and from this moment on, in order to become independent, we have to make choices about life. What are we going to do with our life? Where is life heading? Do we want a career? What are our expectations? Which path are we going to tread? Are there any qualities we can draw on? Each one of us is born with certain qualities we can draw on to help find a direction, and these qualities will be revealed in the individual features of the hands. What is important to us? Is it ambition, material success and security, creativity or personal expression? Do we know what we want out of life when very young, or do we determine possible options as we develop and become more aware of our talents. Perhaps we have no idea which direction our lives are heading! Or perhaps we find it impossible to assert our independence due to family or personal restrictions.
It does seem true to say that some people appear to find their direction with little effort or difficulty, a way of life just seems to fall into place without too much effort. Were these people born lucky or did they make huge determined efforts to make something of their lives? These people are often born with a well developed fate line, implying perhaps that their map of life already existed at or before birth. All then that is left to do is to follow it! This certainly implies that destiny is already decided, that at conception certain qualities are provided in the character in order to follow a particular direction which is already mapped out. And yet these same people might disagree with you if you dare to suggest that they have not had to work hard for what they have. They will put it down to a determination to succeed. “Life is what you make it” they will say. (Palmistry International)
Raising The Kundalini
Scarcely as yet have men succeeded in directing the fire up more than one channel of the threefold column; hence two-thirds of its effect in the majority is yet confined to the stimulation of the organs of race propagation. Only when the fire has circled unimpeded up another channel is the complete merging with the fire of manas effected, and only when it progresses geometrically up all the three - with simultaneous action and at uniform vibration - is the true kundalini fire fully aroused, and therefore able to perform its work of cleansing through the burning of the confining web and of the separating particles. When this is accomplished the threefold channel becomes one channel. Hence the danger.
No more can be imparted concerning this subject. He who directs his efforts to the control of the fires of matter, is (with a dangerous certainty) playing with a fire that may literally destroy him. He should not cast his eyes backwards, but should lift them to the plane where dwells his immortal Spirit, and then by self-discipline, mind-control and a definite refining of his material bodies, whether subtle or physical, fit himself to be a vehicle for the divine birth, and participate in the first Initiation. When the Christ-child has been born in the cave of the heart, then that divine guest can consciously control the lower material bodies by means of consecrated mind. Only when buddhi has assumed an ever-increasing control of the personality, via the mental plane (hence the need of building the antahkarana), will the personality respond to that which is above, and the lower fires mount and blend with the two higher.
Only when Spirit, by the power of thought, controls the material vehicles, does the subjective life assume its rightful place, does the God within shine and blaze forth till the form is lost from sight, and "The path of the just shine ever more and more until the day be with us." (Alice A Bailey)
Inspiration for the Day
Is there a message for me in this experience?-
What’s the gift in this situation?-
What can I learn from this?-
What’s the most loving thing I could do now?-
What’s the most important thing for me to focus on now?-
What would I do if I knew I could not fail?-
What would I do if there were nothing to fear?
“A prudent question is one-half of wisdom.” -- Francis Bacon
'Jade sent me a message from heaven. Then the clouds parted and I saw her face,' says tragic star's mum Jackiey
'I was laying on a sunbed outside my apartment and talking out loud, saying 'Jade, you told me to call you and I am but you don't answer', she said.
'And just then the clouds started moving and from the side of one of them I saw two faces looking down on me. It was Jade - totally clearly. She was beaming down and her hand was up as if she was waving. Her head was still bald but she looked so happy.
'At first I didn't recognise the man next to her but slowly I realised it was [her brother] Budgie who died when Jade was five. I broke down crying properly for the first time in ages.'
Jackiey, who has spent many nights alone clutching the hospital gown Jade wore when she died, which she now keeps in her pillow, says she also received another message from the Big Brother star shortly before leaving the UK.
'I was coming home one evening and noticed my bathroom window was steamed up even though I'd been out,' she told the Daily Mirror.
'Then I saw in the steam was written 'Light a candle for me Mum'. Now I have a candle by my front door lit every night so Jade knows I'm always thinking of her.' (Daily Mail)
Yin-Yang Philosophy

Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Solution: Practice Yourself - What is It?

This was a 'just for fun' practice yourself ... an example of photographic Psychometry ... which is used by yours truly extensively in insights and professional absent sittings for my clients. This one was the pre-empt for the current 3 symbols out of 6 exercise which was posted earlier in the week ...
Exercises like this are vital for anyone who wishes to perfect these 'clairvoyant arts' ... they flex the psychic muscles and makes one familiar with trusting instincts outside of the logical world which we exist in ...
This is all about trying to eliminate any bindings such as denial, doubt, disbelief ... and programming the mind to actually be able to tune into the image prior to the tampering which hid the yin and yang symbol before I published it last week,
These exercises can be done ... it takes time and dedication to believe that you can do it! Then it is second nature to look at a photograph and know the events surrounding the person or the house in which the person is standing ... or even the people they were talking to the day before!
These exercises form part of the 'Finding Your Potential' workshops which I am in the process of commencing July 2009. One-to-one tuition classes also feature similar exercises too!
Sacred Sound Alchemy for DNA Repair and Healing
There is no taste, no sound, no light and no colour. Our taste and sound receptors are impulse converters; there is no light and no colour outside of our brain. Colours and light are formed in our brains by conversion. Light energy vibrations of different frequency(i.e., of different wavelengths) are converted by a transducer (the eye) into signals (impulses) that can be received and processed by neurons in the brain of as colours.
Love signal is a healing audio and visual meditation with music, sacred geometry and Solfeggio frequency 528 Hz, the miraculous frequency for transformation and DNA repair. There is a special sound and colour of love according to Dr. Horowitz, a Harvard-trained award-winning investigator.
Broadcasting the right frequency can help open your heart, prompt peace, and hasten healing. "We now know the love signal, 528 Hertz, is among the six core creative frequencies of the universe because math doesn't lie, the geometry of physical reality universally reflects this music; these findings have been independently derived, peer reviewed, and empirically validated," Dr. Horowitz says.
Music & video by Jandy the Decibel Jezebel Poem by Katie Pye The Solfeggio Scale and note names; 1. UT...396 Hz (Center Pillar of the Tree) The third note, frequency 528, relates to the note MI on the scale and derives from the phrase "MI-ra gestorum" in Latin meaning "miracle." Stunningly, this is the exact frequency used by genetic biochemists to repair broken DNA - the genetic blueprint upon which life is based! MI - 528 Hz - relates to crown chakra. Dr Mirahorian suggests an association with DNA integrity,transformation and Miracles . MI - 528 Hz - relates to crown chakra; The regular "C" that we all know of in this culture (which is from the diatonic scale of do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do) is not the 528 Hz frequency "C. A regular "C" vibrates at a frequency of 512 Hz. The "C" of 528 Hz used for DNA repair is part of an ancient scale called the Solfeggio Scale ...