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Friday 29 May 2009

A Misty Hollow?

Being one who is a purveyor of the 'cryptic and symbolic' ... it will be no surprise for something of that familiar nature to appear here, at this time ... after feathers being ruffled once more and fingers being pointed apparently at someone to blame ...

There is mist forming in the hollow again ... more billowing clouds being manufactured by the Pied Piper's cloud making machine. More distractions to deflect attention away from a waiting time. A lull then perhaps another round of feather ruffling ... as the wheel continues to turn round and round.

It dumbfounds the rational part of the psyche that the saga still continues ... because clearly within the eye of the storm there is healthy calm. But between the public's watching eyes and that location there is the ruffled, muffled and confused vision created by the still spiralling maelstrom created by the machinery of the Pied Piper and his chums ... !!!