The people heard the words of Many Coloured Crow and began to care for the Dead. But so many ghosts walked the land that Many Coloured Crow had to do something more. He had been passing through the forest when he found a high hill. Around the base of the hill he gathered piles of dried brush. Then he climbed the base of the hill and built a fire in a clay pot. He prayed for four days. Singing to the four sacred directions and the ghosts heard. They came from all over the world to see what Many Coloured Crow was doing. On the day of the Winter Solstice, all the ghosts had finally arrived.
At last~ one of the ghosts~ a warrior who had died in battle and whose body had been cut up~ asked Many Coloured Crow "What are you doing up here on top of this mountain, Singing and Dancing? We have all come to see you!"
Many Coloured Crow raised his hands to the Morning Sun, saying "I have brought you here to Sing you to the land of the Dead. But you cannot go as you are now. You are full of anger and evil. You must be cleansed of this before I Sing you to the Land of The Dead."
And saying that, Many Coloured Crow picked up the pot with the fire burning inside it and whirled it around his head, scattering the burning embers into the dry brush. The brush instantly caught fire and the whole mountain was engulfed in flames. The ghosts cried out and tried to escape but the fire completely surrounded them. In the end, all that remained were ashes. These Many Coloured Crow collected and carried with him to the Land of the Dead, where the souls were finally freed. All the wickedness had been burned away.
In the process however, Many Coloured Crow's brilliant feather colours had vanished, all of them burned a deep black which is why, to this day, Crow has Black feathers.