Search A Light In The Darkness

Sunday 10 May 2009

In Memorandum ...

Canberra Kangeroos ... poor, defenceless and family orientated creatures which are currently being slaughtered in their thousands not many miles away from where I sit at this moment. There must be absolute terror and turmoil being generated amongst the Kangaroo community at this time as nearly two thirds of their numbers are to be assassinated. Imagine for a moment it is 9000 human beings living on 'Defence Land' who are to be systematically shot ... seperating fathers from sons and daughters and mates; mothers from mates, sons and daughters ... it is heartbreaking! Kangaroos are living creatures too ... what must it be like for those left behind who'll have lost loved ones? ... All the Kangaroos want to do is, live ... and survive. Their executions have been declared due to their food source being rare plants and trees.

Why can't these Kangaroos be rounded up and moved elsewhere, to somewhere else in the vastness of Australia ... that would be more humane and kindly? They would still be alive AND the habitat would be still there too. Or is there more too it? Is there some other reason why all those Kangaroos are to be shot on Defence Land?

Mark my words ... when the last Kangaroo leaves the hills and lands around Canberra through fear ... there will be the cry of 'something must be done' ... as there will be no Kangaroos where once thousands could be seen roaming freely.