Search A Light In The Darkness

Friday 8 May 2009

The Meeting Of The Past With The Future

They had begun their journey back through the Inter Zone and left behind the underground chamber, treading onto the timeless & formless roadway that which was the Inter Zone. Around them, the boundless wastes of space hung in all directions … ahead of them was a blank and unchanging landscape which they had grown accustomed to in recent weeks.

They had said their farewells to Wayne, barely noticing his departure. It had been Conrad who suggested they backtrack to where they had come from. At first, he had been met with resistance by Stephanie, who was suddenly unsure, as she could sense what his intentions were. With considerable resistance she’d agreed, and had followed him back along the passageways, passing her white chalk mark which indicated a previous wayfinder mark to aid them in their navigation of the linkways.

It wasn’t long after that spot when they made the mistake. Somehow, Stephanie had misread the passageways, either by her mind being pre-occupied conflicting emotions, or by genuine error; she’d led Conrad along a passageway too far to the right for the time zone they had previously visited.

Emergence through the portal onto Sarcyius 4 had not revealed to them the error. It appeared the same. The City Of Eternal Light deserted as had been in the time zone they had ventured into earlier. They had found an idyllic and romantic spot on the banks of The Tiares Marge; the canal system that fed water supply to the city. It was after spending time taking in magnificence of the city on a world many light years from Earth, that they planned a return back through the passageways to The Inter Zone. They were concerned the others would be worried about their absence from the group.

“Steph, did you hear that?” Conrad asked suddenly, hearing a noise in the distance.
A nod from confirmed that she had indeed heard the sounds. Conrad watched the colour suddenly drain from her face.
”I thought the city was unoccupied?’ Conrad whispered with apprehension building in his mind. He was scared. A million miles from home with an alien, the thought flashed momentarily in his mind and then was gone. The alien was his woman.
”It is!” Stephanie answered.

Silently, they moved into the safety of the undergrowth close by to the artificial stone structure that formed the canal system. Once hidden, they listened intently, attempting to detect any more sounds. They did not have to wait long; as soon the sound of laughter was almost upon them, Stephanie daring then to peak out of the undergrowth.

Close by to her was a group of four hooded humanoid figures. She could not make out any clear details for a clump of bracken like grass was between her and the figures. She heard movement close by to her, and recoiled when a hand gently brushed her shoulder. It was only Conrad, who had moved silently forward to her, his army training making him adept at passage without any sound.

”Steph...soz,who or what are they? Can you see?” He whispered in her ear.
“I know what they are not.....they are the wrong build to be Chaldeans. Your guess is as good as mine as to who they are.”
”Wait here, I'm gonna take a closer look.”
Before she could protest, Conrad had passed her and was crawling noiselessly along the artificial stone floor, toward the group that were standing where moments before he’d been standing with Stephanie. From that direction came the repeated sound of laughter, Conrad making out at least one, if not two female sounding voices. They seem human, he thought, and then continued moving towards the sound, aware Stephanie was close behind him. She obviously decided, that, if he were to be discovered, so would she.

By now Conrad was within feet of the group, his presence hidden by undergrowth. He was close enough to reach out and touch the back of one of the humanoid shapes. He was about to turn, toward Stephanie, when one of the figures decided to drop down its hood. Transfixed, Conrad could only watch as Stephanie Diaz gazed dreamily in his direction!
He was momentarily stunned, but the sound of rustling in the undergrowth brought him to his senses. The close by sound of laughter had died, leaving silence. The group had heard the sound as well!

”Who is there? Come out, we mean no harm!” A familiar voice sounded from in the direction of where the group stood.
Conrad Jackson could not take in the revelation. The voice was clearly that of Wayne Gillan, but they had left him in The Inter Zone! What was Stephanie doing with Wayne, when he had just left her hidden...wait? How come? Conrad was confused. Confused still further when he detected the noise again and turned round in surprise to find Stephanie beside him; a look of pure fear draining the colour completely from his face.
”Conrad....What the hell is going on?” She whispered in horror.
“Who's there?” The voice of Wayne Gillan sounded again.

Stephanie Diaz sprung into action, before Conrad could stop her she was out and standing before the group. One by one the hoods were brought down onto familiar faces. She saw the ashen visage of Wayne Gillan first, and then Twilight River. The next two caused her to shake with fear, the third hood had revealed Conrad Jackson and the fourth herself!
”Www...What? Who? How …?” Was all she could say, her voice a whisper.
Conrad Jackson, who was equally shocked at the discovery, was standing beside her, watching their counterparts and their comrades also visibly shaken and shocked.

”What are you? How come you appear like us?” Conrad Jackson's double asked.
”I could ask the same about you!” He replied.
”Wait a minute ain't there a logical explanation for this or somethin'?” Wayne Gillan spoke slowly barely able to control the urge to panic.
”Wayne, they are identical…both of them. What if we've stumbled onto another time zone?” Suggested Twilight River at that moment.
”If that were the case then either Stephanie or Conrad would have warned us, they woulda remembered.” Wayne Gillan replied acidily .
”I don't remember” Answered the Conrad Jackson who stood directly behind him.
”Neither do I.” Retorted the Stephanie Diaz who stood to the right of him.

Just then a little girl of barely five years old came running towards her, quickly followed by a boy of ten years of age, both had the same complexion as the Stephanie Diaz of the group, “Mummy, mummy Robin splashed some water on to me.....Mummy?” The little girl had seen the other woman that resembled her mom, “Mummy, who's that lady who looks like you...and who is that man who looks like daddy?” The little girl and the boy Robin had stopped dead in their tracks and were staring at Conrad and Stephanie who could only stare back in disbelief.

“What year is this?” Asked Conrad quickly, the question directed at Wayne Gillan; a hunch forming in his mind.
”Two thousand and six, why do ya ask? And anyway, why should I answer you, goddamn it, when you ain't answered me. You’re an imposter ain't ya?”
Wait a minute....I got it now, when we left behind earth, it was nineteen ninety five. When we came back here we must have taken the wrong link-lane and come onto the planet eleven years from now.”

Proof read extract taken from 'The Host' written by Matthew James