Search A Light In The Darkness

Saturday 9 May 2009

More Aerial Mysteries ...

... 'reversed image' original artwork contrived from Google Mars images. Remember these 'images' appeared rather 'coincidentally' after reversing the rather lifeless images gained from Google Mars. Slight tampering of contrast and colour functions ... and voila, these wonderful arty images appear ... strange? I don't believe in coincidences, but I do believe in major cover ups to hide the truth ....

If I'm not mistaken this looks like a river with a rock strewn shoreline?

'Interesting' rock structures that close up look like some kind of humanoid life forms?
(Double click to see ... look close for ape like creatures! It might take a while to spot them)

Hints of foliage and vegetation.
Plus some rather 'un-natural' looking shapes and structures