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Sunday 10 May 2009

Niburu (Planet X) - Explained

A 10th Planet was discovered that crosses into our solar system approximately every 3,600 years, and it passes between the earth and the sun as it makes its elliptical orbit around our sun and then heads out for another 3,600 years. NASA discovered and excitedly disclosed having found this tenth planet, which is called Planet X, the X standing for the Roman Numeral 10.
It was December 30th, 1983 that announcement was made by the chief scientist of the Infra-Red Astronomical Satellite telescope (IRAS) to 6 daily newspapers.

Immediately after that, the huge curtain of silence and coverup came down on this subject. This FACT that this planet exists and that passes by earth every 3,600 years is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to everyone, but there is a huge curtain of silence. Thebiggest and most play-acted curtain of all modern history is being performed right now as you get this information!!!

This tenth planet is 4 to 5 times the size of earth, and 100 times as dense, meaning that it has a large gravitational pull. Each 3,600 years as it comes by the earth, it does not collide with earth as it passes by, but the intense gravitational pull DOES AFFECT the earth tremendously. It has done so in the past, the last time approximately 1600BC.The gravitational pull of this tenth planet, on its way toward us right now, is already beginning to show its effects on our entire solar system. When Planet X crosses between the earth and the sun, the earth’s surface plates (the land masses) will be shifted; the earth may actually stop its rotation for 3 days while it is in the grip of this massive planet as it speeds past the earth; there will be mega-huge earthquakes; therewill be massive tidal waves; there will be extremely high winds and hurricane force torrential rains; there will also be meteor showers from the debris dragged along in space in the tail of this planet due to its tremendous gravitational pull. There is nothing scientists can do about it. (Read More ...) (Original Planet X/Nibiru photograph by Matthew James)