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Monday 4 May 2009

Swine flu: Mexico City lies abandoned as President orders lockdown

Times On Line Headline, Says: 'Eyes dart from behind surgical masks as the few pedestrians still on the streets walk briskly through a city in lockdown. A cough or a sneeze from a passer-by only quickens the pace. Mexico City, usually a megalopolis of 20 million inhabitants, lies all but abandoned. All government offices and businesses deemed non-essential have been ordered to close. All schools, restaurants and nightclubs have pulled down the shutters. All public events cancelled. A few cars glide freely along empty freeways, which on any other day would be choked with beeping, fuming traffic. The few shops and takeaways that remain open offer a limited service, ordered to avoid creating potential gathering places that might spread further contagion. At the handful of supermarkets that have been told to stay open, staff are shrouded in protective clothing and wash their hands repeatedly during their shifts. The food processing factories have been shut down, and in some areas emergency teams are preparing to deliver food to the hungry.'