Search A Light In The Darkness
Fox Magic
The fox is a totem that has touched almost every society on the planet. It is a totem that speaks of the need to develop or awaken camouflage, invisibility and shapeshifting. It is one of the most uniquely skilled and ingenious animals of nature. It can teach these skills to those whose life it enters.
For those with fox totems, it will be important to learn the art of camouflage and its related art of invisibility and shapeshifting. The fox uses its ability at quiet camouflage to its benefit. With practice, you can learn this same sort of ability and apply it so that you may see and hear things that otherwise you could not. The senses of the fox reveal much about the potential within those who have it as a totum. Its hearing, vision and sense of smell are acute.The sense of smell is also associated with higher forms of discrimination and discernment. One working with fox medicine should sniff out each situation. This will let them know who to avoid and who to connect with.
Fox are seen as totems throughout the world: the Chinese believed they could take human form, in Egypt the fox brought favour from the gods, there was a fox god in Peru, foxes help the dead get to the next life in Persia, Cherokees, Hopi other American Indian tribes believed in its healing power; the Apache credited the fox with giving man fire.
Since the fox lives "between times" -- on the edge of land, visible as dusk and dawn, and can guide the way to the Faerie Realm. A fox can teach you to control your aura so that you can be more in harmony with others and the world. If you have a fox totem, learning to be invisible is very important in your life. Imagine yourself blending in with your surroundings, becoming part of the background. Be very still and quiet. Through practice you can be unnoticed even at a party or in a crowd.