Sunday 16th August 2009
Using Servants Of The Light Tarot, and the recognisable image to the right of Madeleine McCann ... to discern the current state of mind of Maddy ...

Insight #1 - Is Maddy still alive?
First impression of Maddy's eyes provides the sense that she still very much lives and breathes on the earth plane. There is still life in her eyes. I remain adamant she is alive. There is a sense of a 'inner plane' look of puzzlement and impatience. It was flash of an insight but she provided the sense of almost being 'elder' or 'older' to someone she is around. A younger child who she associates with who she feels is not very bright. A boy! There is a younger boy around her who she is very impatient with! That is the impression here. Children running around a shiny corridor. There is clutter in the corridor. Plus older people? Maddy seems to watch only. She has a room with a desk and computer? Things to read and do ... it was a fleeting image of her watching for a moment then turning her attention back to the desk. 'Not long now?' Were the words I heard at this point. But where in time is this image from? Present or future? It is not easy to tell.
Maker Of Crescents
Maker Of Weapons
Five Of Weapons
The three images appear not to relate to Maddy's well being, but more to the state of affairs which are around Maddy and those who still hold her. The Maker of Weapons depicts the smith hammering away on his forge amid a masonic temple. This relates to the forging of the flaming sword prior to events unfolding. The preparations. The Maker Of Crescents indicates that an organisation/the organisation involved are portrayed as some kind of 'seabound' vessel relying on the distraction of 'a segment of the moon' to provide a distraction for them to make passage through a section of angry seas (all symbolic) ... they still have the need of the confusion around Maddy's disappearance. There passage is still not completed. The Five Of Weapons indicates the necessity for the flaming sword to remain unscathed. It (she) is of great value and importance, which has been described in previous insights.
Insight #2 - What is Maddy's Current State Of Mind?
The Lovers
High Priestess (reversed)
Four Of Spheres
The Four Of Spheres is my 'pandora's box' card ... and implies Maddy is mischievious and quite a handful even now. Not a personality easy to contain. The Lovers image relates to a sense of harmony at this moment in time? The High Priestess represents the authorative figure in her life; her mentor and ultimate guardian. The image reversed suggests this fearsome (to Maddy) figure is not around her at this time. Studies or instruction is not foremost in Maddy's life at the moment ... but Maddy is obviously moody and impatient. Her temper short? Irritable. Not someone to cross when she doesn't want to do something. No sense of cruelty or punishment here ... she has to do what she is expected to do, but someone appears to have tremendous patience with her? The sense of Maddy being given preferential treatment ... there are others where she is who do not get the same sort of treatment?
Insight #3 - An impression of where Maddy currently resides?
I need to relate here what I just 'saw' ... The flag of Eire! Quite clearly ... she's been in Eire recently. The name Patrick which is so common in that part of the world. Is there a St Patrick's Well anywhere? And how does this relate to the locality ... if it is indeed her locality. It was given. I heard it clearly. But it seems more a name that Maddy herself has heard or seen. She is so much more aware (obviously) of her surroundings so those in charge are wary when they take her anywhere ... somehow there is a a link between Maddy and the outside world? But how? Who communicates with her?
Copyright Matthew James 16th August 2009