Search A Light In The Darkness

Thursday 4 October 2018

Believing Is Everything

Personal belief systems are without doubt an integral part of observing an existence on planet earth. They are what keep human beings going; we have to believe in something - 'we're gonna become rich on the lotto'; 'we're gonna buy that big house'; 'the bad man ain't coming knocking at my door'; whatever we believe in; it is important.

Because what we believe in shapes the life we lead, it creates a future which becomes our now, then quick as a flash it is our past ... but is does our now live up to the billing we planned in our past? This really depends on whether it is your own belief system; whether it is an adopted belief system from someone else; and how much you believe.

In this virtual electronic realm, believing is everything; beliefs shape the perceptions which create the thoughts that write the life around us. Having beliefs based on fear and oppression, generally create a life of struggle, shame and negative emotions. Whereas, a belief that is based on self awareness, P.M.A, and understanding of the true nature of self; is likely to create the future we can depend on for good health and good well being. This future does not have to be based around the biggest car, the biggest pay cheque and the biggest house. It should be based on a healthy mind, body and spirit.

Beliefs are a powerful thing; I will share a recent experience, or experiences with you, that are a perfect example of the effect of a positive belief and a negative belief. Recently I started playing 9 Ball Pool on my Iphone. Around a week ago I started, and because I had no expectations I had a win rate of 70%+ ... I was winning 10 or more games on the trot, and I thought I was invincible. I went into each game with a positive belief. Then, I began losing a few games here and there, and my win rate began to fall. It went down to about 67% at the beginning of this week; and for some reason I adopted a negative belief - I was convinced I couldn't win games anymore, and I began potting the black too early and losing the game. I began losing to lousy players, though I was so much more skillful than them. The negative belief has persisted and here I am a week on with a win rate of 60.3%. I've only won about 10 games out of the last 30 and its because of the negative belief I can't win games. Tonight, I changed my tune and adapted a more positive way of thinking, and currently have a winning streak of 4 games. Hopefully this illustrates how belief systems can influence the outcome in our lives.

Of course, we can have belief systems that are not our own, and have our thought processes controlled by others; in these cases (And it is true for the vast majority on this planet) the life being led it not the one that are inner core beliefs set out for us ... the million dollar question is how to break this control and gain the upper hand in our lives. Until this happens, we all lead lives which is effectively slavery.