Search A Light In The Darkness

Wednesday 3 October 2018

Byte After Byte Is Being Corrupted ...

The Earth Plane is a truly beautiful realm; whether it is flat with a dome, or it the traditional sphere, it really matters not. It is a world filled with wonder and magical places. 

But sadly, the world we live in, and observe on a daily basis, is falling apart at the seams. It's command language being scrambled by the effects of a mindless virus. Byte after byte is becoming corrupted ... and the command programs running amok.

Everything we see around us from pollution in the seas; to horrific floods; to horrendous storms; to earthquakes; are the physical manifestation of this infection. The world is sadly being 'un-created' before our eyes. According to the Gnostic Texts, it is the evil Demiurge, who was created by the being Sophia, who cannot create, only destroy that which it copied. This version of the earth is said to be a pirate copy of the real thing. The Gnosis identifies The Archons as the denizens of destruction; the Arabic Djinn ... dreadful and fearsome beings who's total hatred for creation, has set their intention on the ultimate destruction of this realm.

And like patient spinsters, they have taken to the task of unpicking the computer codes of this virtual world, tampering with the C.P.U and its command system. Rewriting the algorithms behind that which transmits and instructs the appearance and behaviour of this virtual world. Changing it all to their own agenda; under the careful instruction of the master, the dread Demiurge. 

And we are powerless to prevent this destructive path, because The Archons control the 3% -the dreadful ones who think they own this world - and the 3% have been programmed to hate the remaining 97% and are intent on our reduction and our limited electronic existence. An existence they will have full control of; they will upload the remaining, after the reaping, into a dimension where they tell us what to think; what to feel and how we will exist. There is apparently no escaping that inevitable ending.